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Forums - Politics Discussion - Why is the United States so segregated?

VAMatt said:
PSintend0 said:

The spiral of poverty/lack of education doesn´t have to be that strong. Education can be made free for people and be payd from taxes so it helps to even things out and create more equal opportunities (same thing for healthcare).

Unfortunately, it is not possible for healthcare or education to be "made free".  They come at a cost.  The only thing that government (or any other entity) can do is make other people pay for my healthcare or education.  They can't make it free.  

It should also be noted that public education is already 100% taxpayer funded up through the 12th grade.  It comes at zero out-of-pocket cost to the recipient.  Beyond that, for the very poor, higher education is also available at or near zero out of pocket cost.  The same is true of healthcare for the very poor.  

Of course it costs, but as I said it could be payid through taxes and education could be free all way through (even university) as so could heathcare. The cost can be distributed among all, so that those who do better are more responsible for paying those and everyone has a safe net to fall on if they lose their job or get really sick etc. It can work and (almost) that kind of systems can already be found, nordic countries etc.

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SpokenTruth said:
DonFerrari said:

Gotcha, A black or a woman is more socially positive... white man are very negative.

But we aren't racist over here.

Socially positive, yes.  Not positive or negative in general.  You do recognize the difference?

Yes I do recognize that you talk a lot from a position of considering yourself superior.

the-pi-guy said:
DonFerrari said:

IS there any law, regulation or policy discriminating against minorities? No. Are there some that discriminate in favor of them? There is.

And sorry that you believe people don't monetize and have a well life based on saying minorities are discriminated instead of finding a job and producing something.

Literally nothing you've said is correct.  Most people who don't have jobs are white.  Most people on welfare are white, they aren't minorities.  No one, NO ONE is trying to get super welfare for minorities. Everyone, EVERYONE wants decent jobs for minorities.  

There are scientific studies documenting things like how it's harder to get a job just by being black.  

Yes there are some policies that benefit minorities. But there are also policies that hurt minorities.  

There are also policies that benefit rich people and hurt poor people.  Just because they don't literally say ''this bill hurts the poor" doesn't mean it doesn't.  

So nothing I said is correct? Ok live in whatever you think is right.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

I have lived in 3 Scandinavian countries now and 2 years in the US.
Its infuriating watching American TV now because a mention of race needs to be in everything.
People here don't talk about race and yes these countries are multi cultural and I have friends from all kinds of backgrounds and who cares.

Please America, we like your TV but please stop telling us we are different.

Ka-pi96 said:
SpokenTruth said:

So you skimmed one article.  Gotcha.  You're the one asking for statistics and I provide you with research on it and you're still denying it.  And it's not just limited to hiring practices.  Mortgages, the justice system, education, financial mobility, politics, health care, the environment, etc.....  It goes on and on if you just research it...or check the links a little more.

Let me ask it this way.  What seems more likely to you?  A system that once enslaved blacks for 400 years, had blatant laws against them up until just 50 years go, only gave women the right to vote 100 years ago, put Asians in internment camps 70 years ago is now perfectly balanced or an entire minority is making up perceived slights against them?  You have to remember, there are a lot of people still in power that had power before the Civil Rights era. 

Another question.  Do you even know any black people in America?

I read the articles you linked that are from sources I know to be legitimate. As for the rest... I don't read fake news.

If the system isn't fair then name specific laws that discriminate based on race. As for people making up perceived slights against them, yes that definitely happens. Does an entire minority do that? No, maybe a vocal minority within a minority group though.

I don't know any black Americans, no. But I'm not the one that refuses to acknowledge peoples opinions on things based solely on their skin colour, so...

It's not the law that really matters when we're talking about discrimination, it's what actually happens that is important. If you look at North Korea's laws you'd think it was a paradise, but obviously in practice it isn't that way.

SpokenTruth said:
VAMatt said:

Unfortunately, it is not possible for healthcare or education to be "made free".  They come at a cost.  The only thing that government (or any other entity) can do is make other people pay for my healthcare or education.  They can't make it free.  

It should also be noted that public education is already 100% taxpayer funded up through the 12th grade.  It comes at zero out-of-pocket cost to the recipient.  Beyond that, for the very poor, higher education is also available at or near zero out of pocket cost.  The same is true of healthcare for the very poor.  

Have you seen the difference in the quality of education in a poor neighborhood school versus a rich neighborhood school?  Schools are paid for largely by local property taxes.

Take a look at the disparity this creates.

Yes.  I am very well aware of the terrible schools that poor people are forced to endure.  That's why we need to get government out of the education business.  They're robbing the poor on both ends by taking their meager funds by force and using it to pay for nearly worthless schools that they are  forced to attend.

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VAMatt said:
SpokenTruth said:

Have you seen the difference in the quality of education in a poor neighborhood school versus a rich neighborhood school?  Schools are paid for largely by local property taxes.

Take a look at the disparity this creates.

Yes.  I am very well aware of the terrible schools that poor people are forced to endure.  That's why we need to get government out of the education business.  They're robbing the poor on both ends by taking their meager funds by force and using it to pay for nearly worthless schools that they are  forced to attend.

Government lovers will never see this, you won't ever convince them that the government won't look at their best interest and that some way they can make the government work better than individuals and companies that need to improve to profit instead of force collecting with taxes and prisons.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Funny that the OP would assume "most" Americans are racist. I don't know that America is actually any MORE racist than most other nations in the world. You really have to keep in mind that for one thing, The US has a larger history with the Slave Trade than almost any other nation, which is also why out of all predominantly "white" countries, the US also has the largest black population (even if it's only about 13%). While the US is 70+% "white", it also still has one of the most diverse and "mixed" racial/ethnic populations in the entire world. No single other predominantly "white" nation, including Canada, has AS mixed a population.

It's also worth keeping in mind, that racism is probably talked about publicly MORE in the US than almost any other nation in the world, in part BECAUSE of its mixed population. I am willing to bet, that the vast majority of non-white nations on Earth, the general population's attitude towards outsiders is probably more racist or less tolerant than America. It just isn't as predominant or talked about an issue in those countries, because it is often just considered and accepted (and acceptable) norm to be openly (or passively) prejudiced towards outsiders, especially of different races.

So no. The perception that the US is "so racist", or "more racist than anyone else", is most likely incredibly false.

Please do research, and do not merely post your own personal views as facts.

SpokenTruth said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Him not having done research on the matter is purely an assumption on your part, not as if he should really need to though, the burden of proof should lie on the one claiming something exists. I just can't get over how ridiculous it is to dismiss somebody's opinion on something just because they haven't "experienced it". Do you also think only those that claim to have seen ghosts are worth listening to when discussing the existence of ghosts?

And I proved it exists already.  As for the ghost example, only if the experience of ghosts are a condition of something (race, age, gender, etc...) and that those outside that condition are incapable of seeing them.  Consider this, if only green people see ghosts and a purple person says ghosts don't exist, how likely are you to consider the experience of purple people for the existence of ghosts?  Not their research of ghosts but their experience with them as grounds for their dismissal of their existence.

Pyro as Bill said:

"Hopefully ... an African-American becomes President in 2020"

Either he thinks African-Americans inherently make better Presidents than white/asian/hispanic people or he's playing the averages with a sample size of 1. Both are pretty racist.

Or he's hoping for someone very opposite of Trump.  If I said I'd like to see a female president in I being sexist?  Or am I, like he, simply looking for something more progressive?  Something not the status quo?  Something socially positive? 

So if Ben Carson becomes president, its all good?

Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!!

The title changed?

the-pi-guy said:
VAMatt said:

Yes.  I am very well aware of the terrible schools that poor people are forced to endure.  That's why we need to get government out of the education business.  They're robbing the poor on both ends by taking their meager funds by force and using it to pay for nearly worthless schools that they are  forced to attend.

The alternative is finding a way to go to another school.  This isn't always manageable. One thing that school choice leads to is poor schools getting even less funding. 

DonFerrari said:

Government lovers will never see this, you won't ever convince them that the government won't look at their best interest and that some way they can make the government work better than individuals and companies that need to improve to profit instead of force collecting with taxes and prisons.

The thing is not government lovers vs government haters.  


The facts are that some things scale well by government and some things don't.  School is something that scales pretty well by government.  

Yes the government manage education so well... that must be the reason why every single politician promises to correct education.

Don't remember a single time I saw any private school having to promise yearly that they would improve their standard.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."