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Ka-pi96 said:
SpokenTruth said:

So you skimmed one article.  Gotcha.  You're the one asking for statistics and I provide you with research on it and you're still denying it.  And it's not just limited to hiring practices.  Mortgages, the justice system, education, financial mobility, politics, health care, the environment, etc.....  It goes on and on if you just research it...or check the links a little more.

Let me ask it this way.  What seems more likely to you?  A system that once enslaved blacks for 400 years, had blatant laws against them up until just 50 years go, only gave women the right to vote 100 years ago, put Asians in internment camps 70 years ago is now perfectly balanced or an entire minority is making up perceived slights against them?  You have to remember, there are a lot of people still in power that had power before the Civil Rights era. 

Another question.  Do you even know any black people in America?

I read the articles you linked that are from sources I know to be legitimate. As for the rest... I don't read fake news.

If the system isn't fair then name specific laws that discriminate based on race. As for people making up perceived slights against them, yes that definitely happens. Does an entire minority do that? No, maybe a vocal minority within a minority group though.

I don't know any black Americans, no. But I'm not the one that refuses to acknowledge peoples opinions on things based solely on their skin colour, so...

It's not the law that really matters when we're talking about discrimination, it's what actually happens that is important. If you look at North Korea's laws you'd think it was a paradise, but obviously in practice it isn't that way.