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Funny that the OP would assume "most" Americans are racist. I don't know that America is actually any MORE racist than most other nations in the world. You really have to keep in mind that for one thing, The US has a larger history with the Slave Trade than almost any other nation, which is also why out of all predominantly "white" countries, the US also has the largest black population (even if it's only about 13%). While the US is 70+% "white", it also still has one of the most diverse and "mixed" racial/ethnic populations in the entire world. No single other predominantly "white" nation, including Canada, has AS mixed a population.

It's also worth keeping in mind, that racism is probably talked about publicly MORE in the US than almost any other nation in the world, in part BECAUSE of its mixed population. I am willing to bet, that the vast majority of non-white nations on Earth, the general population's attitude towards outsiders is probably more racist or less tolerant than America. It just isn't as predominant or talked about an issue in those countries, because it is often just considered and accepted (and acceptable) norm to be openly (or passively) prejudiced towards outsiders, especially of different races.

So no. The perception that the US is "so racist", or "more racist than anyone else", is most likely incredibly false.

Please do research, and do not merely post your own personal views as facts.