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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. March bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

quickrick said:
Ryng_Tolu said:

Is it hard to understand he has PART of the numbers, not all the picture? That's what he always said... Even Danielino from ERA, who banned a lot of fake said he is legit.


Anyway, i got those numbers:

NSW ~ 280K

XB1 ~ 311K

PS4 ~ 364K

so you lost the bet lol, can i take over your avatar?

not until March results aren't out. :P

350K in march, let's go, there is still a chance lol

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Ryng_Tolu said:
quickrick said:

so you lost the bet lol, can i take over your avatar?

not until March results aren't out. :P

350K in march, let's go, there is still a chance lol

What’s the bet?

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

Ryng_Tolu said:
quickrick said:

so you lost the bet lol, can i take over your avatar?

not until March results aren't out. :P

350K in march, let's go, there is still a chance lol

I think you are forgetting the fact that you have to deduct  a extra week of sales for January like you agreed to, so you really have no chance to win. 

I really don't want to rub this in but I was shot down numerous times for suggesting Switch hardware buyers tend to buy on Amazon more than PS4 and Xbox buyers. I supplied evidence for signs but it was ignored.
I bought this theory up with no intention to downplay Switch sales but to understand and use the data better for predicting NPD.
Going forward, we just need to keep this in mind that Switch buyers could prefer to buy on Amazon and causes an offset in data compared to NPD.
This goes for both Switch hardware and software.

I'm still not 100% sure but today's NPD results, if true, fortifies the theory.

I also don't want us to dwell on this likes it's a negative thing against Switch, it's not. Let's move on and consider the theory when using Amazon data.

Last edited by SWORDF1SH - on 19 March 2018

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Sea of Thieves is on sale today.

Carl2291 said:

As a reminder -

CGI-Quality said:
Just giving some back up to the idea that if Amazon threads are unreliable - stay away. It is now a Thread Warning. Any post that heads back in that direction will be dealt with by a Moderator. The spirit of these threads is lessening and that is unfortunate. Equally, things like berating and gloating will also need to stop!

Let's keep it interesting for those that enjoy these topics. This will apply in all Amazon Threads from here on out.

As a reminder, the recent NPD numbers do not change this warning.


quickrick said:
Ryng_Tolu said:

not until March results aren't out. :P

350K in march, let's go, there is still a chance lol

I think you are forgetting the fact that you have to deduct  a extra week of sales for January like you agreed to, so you really have no chance to win. 

What? No that's not how this work and we never agreed on that lol. If you didn't knew January was 5 weeks, that's doesn't matter.

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
Sea of Thieves is on sale today.

How many hours before release (its release date is 20th right)? that seems odd.
Also it still shows up as 59$ for me on Amazon (#16).

This is the highest its been right? #16 in the hourlies? and its launching lateron today.
Doesnt appear like the game sold alot on amazon.

What’s up with Mario and Zelda still being out of stock?

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won