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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Switch has sold-in (shipped) 14.86 million, 3DS 72 million, Nintendo's FY 2017 Nine Months Earnings

The Switch is killing it! ABsilutly incredible Mario numbers, and well deserved. Easily one of my GOTY's and the best 3D Mario I have played since Galaxy.

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Nintendo themselves. Not sure what the issue is here.

Pinkie_pie said:
i think its shipped too. nintendo announced 10m sold as of december 10th. its highly unlikely they sold over 4m within 3 weeks

It really isn't that unlikely. They sold 1.5 million in America alone for December.

acdcste said:

Being reported as sold

Sold is used to refer to both shipped and sold to consumers, but more commonly it refers to shipped in business.

Shipped is sold to retailer. It cannot be assumed that it is sold through unless explicitly stated

 The numbers in Nintendo's site have always been shipped for hardware and shipped+digital for software.

The 14.86m figure is consolidated sales, meaning sales for all regions, and I see no evidence that it is "sold through"

Barkley said:
acdcste said:

Being reported as sold

Sold is used to refer to both shipped and sold to consumers, but more commonly it refers to shipped in business.

Shipped is sold to retailer. It cannot be assumed that it is sold through unless explicitly stated

 The numbers in Nintendo's site have always been shipped for hardware and shipped+digital for software.

The 14.86m figure is consolidated sales, meaning sales for all regions, and I see no evidence that it is "sold through"

I see no evidence to prove it is shipped either.

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apart from ninendo’s own statement saying sold? You can argue all you want but this site adjusted the figures three months ago to match the quarterly report so obviously it’s correct. It’s undertracked. Simple as that.

Definitely reads like shipped to me but if Nintendo really has analysed all retail sales from around the world to give a sold through number what is the actual number shipped, even higher?

Fantastic news whatever it means the greatest game developer continues with rude health and has the money to plough into future gaming hardware and software.

Sadly at this rate my hope for a cheaper Switch at retail is less likely, they really don't need to reduce the price for commercial reasons although I'm sure there will be a hardware revision this year but it seems less likely they will have to lower the price of it. Probably just update it to use a better fabrication process and an actual custom Tegra chipset rather than the off the shelf chip of the current model.

newwil7l said:
Barkley said:

Sold is used to refer to both shipped and sold to consumers, but more commonly it refers to shipped in business.

Shipped is sold to retailer. It cannot be assumed that it is sold through unless explicitly stated

 The numbers in Nintendo's site have always been shipped for hardware and shipped+digital for software.

The 14.86m figure is consolidated sales, meaning sales for all regions, and I see no evidence that it is "sold through"

I see no evidence to prove it is shipped either.

The evidence is that Nintendo almost always report shipped, and when they don't such as the 10m figure they explicitly state sold through to consumers. The "sales" in their financial reports are shipped figuree, as they always have been. They're not suddenly going to change their financial reports to sold-through after decades with no indication that is what they're talking about.

This is from ninendo. Says sales at the top so looks sold to me.