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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is the 360 in trouble?

So wait, Fable (a known and successful franchise) is not a system seller but Killzone 2 and WKC are?

I smell trolling... shoo! Back to your swamp!


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@ boycop

PS3 IS in trouble:
- it's also proving unreliable


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and those will also be needing a replacement soon

- it's already dead in Japan - so is the PS3

- it's already dead in mainland Europe - LOL if the 360 is dead in Europe so is the PS3 the sales are very close together barring 2 weeks because a major release Grand Tourismo on the PS3..
- it's loosing significant market share in the UK - No its not especially in software.
- it has lost its lead in the US against PS3 - it has shortages in the USA we all know that and MS is proberly planning its next move around GT5.

Only a miracle can save it from doom! Only a miricle can save either from doom the Wii has seen to that

Meh, why would anyone try to argue with Rock_on is beyond me. He is the definition of a fanboy, for God's sake he expects White Knight Chronicles, Little Big Planet, Killzone 2 and Socom to hit 5 million.



360 is doing fine. It is easily outselling the previous XBox and has gotten complete 3rd party support. There are very few third party games that don't ship on 360. To date, it is less then 10.

As for HD content, I don't know if many people associate a gaming console with movies as much as people that visit these sites do. And the success of the Wii shows that as it can't play movies at all yet. What will happen to PS3 when blu-ray players are readily available and significantly cheaper then a PS3? Most people don't play games on their TV. Out of the 7 Billion people on the planet only a few hundred million own a console of any sort (never mind play it).

Gaming consoles come down to games, and 360 has the games and continues to have support from its user base buying those games. In the end, if I am a publisher that's really all I care about to make a game for the platform. Will it sell well? The answer is "Yes" on 360 so publishers will continue to support it.

Please people... The 360 isn't failing sales wise. Its selling better then it did last year.

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i find it funny that a dead machine still is more alive then the ps3

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EaglesEye379 said:
Before we go woo hoo over all this, what is your definition of a system seller.

Everyone says GT5P is a system seller, PS3 sales worldwide is around 180k with a spike to 210-230k over Easter. This means that since GT5P has been released in Europe its main market, the most that this affected HW is around 50k = 0.05m in the week. Its back to 180k this week, which is the same levels before GT5P.

So can someone tell me what does a system seller mean anyway because based on the above, its just a blip in HW.

Look at 360 sales in the weeks after Halo 3 was released.  That is the definition of a system seller.  360 increased drastically after and carried that right through to the busy season.

I think some people here are over reacting. Yes.. the 360 is in 3rd place YTD but that has more to do with the PS3s turn-around than it does with anything the 360 lacks. Imo the 360 is doing just fine and there's a good lineup to look forward to this year.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

First of all I really don't get why Resistance would be a system seller, since the series started on PS3. Same goes for Gears 2. Both games will see very good sales, but I doubt their system seller abilities.

It will take the PS3 at least a year, but probably 1.5 before it is even with 360. The fact that at the end of this gen PS3 won't have a lot more sales than 360 is already a win for Microsoft. Remember thair core business has nothing to do with gaming, they stepped into this to prevent Sony from having a monopoly in the living room. Nintendo is not really competition to them, because they aren't focussed on all the extra's in game consoles (though of course everyone would love to win the console war).

360 is on track to sell more than Xbox, software sales are higher, the division makes profit, 3rd parties have great business on 360. I would say 360 is not in trouble at all.

Sure, PS3 seems to have captured momentum and imo PS3 will beat 360 in the end, but for Microsoft 30 million consoles sold is a success, for Sony it is not.

Well said.

 EDIT: But still generous on PS3 prospects IMO. But I dont want to argue because that post was a good read.