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First of all I really don't get why Resistance would be a system seller, since the series started on PS3. Same goes for Gears 2. Both games will see very good sales, but I doubt their system seller abilities.

It will take the PS3 at least a year, but probably 1.5 before it is even with 360. The fact that at the end of this gen PS3 won't have a lot more sales than 360 is already a win for Microsoft. Remember thair core business has nothing to do with gaming, they stepped into this to prevent Sony from having a monopoly in the living room. Nintendo is not really competition to them, because they aren't focussed on all the extra's in game consoles (though of course everyone would love to win the console war).

360 is on track to sell more than Xbox, software sales are higher, the division makes profit, 3rd parties have great business on 360. I would say 360 is not in trouble at all.

Sure, PS3 seems to have captured momentum and imo PS3 will beat 360 in the end, but for Microsoft 30 million consoles sold is a success, for Sony it is not.