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habam said:
Ka-pi96 said:

I feel sorry for those that don't realise their opinion isn't a fact...

Well most people think so. Sure its still an opinion in the end but everything is a opinion. "Witcher 3 looks better then Morrowind" => thats just your opinion.


Most people are blewn away from vr and playing a game like skyrim VR is just unbelievable.


Just do your own research. Look for any random video, nothing staged by me:

Not everything is opinion. If you change your statement to X game sold more than Y game then it is a fact not an opinion.  See the difference ?

habam said:
Chazore said: 

I find AR to be more interesting than VR, especially considering the price and what that tech can do.


That's a whole new level of AR for me and it blew my mind seeing it happen. All in real time and during daylight.


Well AR definitly has some potenial for production and stuff (so workers see their instruductions all the time and that stuff) but its hard to implement in gaming. Pokemon GO was a cool idea but thats basically already where the technology ends (though doing it with glasses instead if phones would be better).


I also dont think that most gamers wont enjoy VR or wont think its the best way to play games. Its more a fact that (with current low sales) many people just havnt tried it yet. There may be 30, 40 mio people that actually got the chance to try it so far. Thats basically it.

If you see people reacting to VR, in most cases they are blown away and find it far more enjoyable then watching stuff just on a tv.

Here are 2 example:


And Mobile VR (far inferior to psvr and co)


Or just do research for yourself:

Cherry picked reaction videos is not proof ...

habam said:
konnichiwa said:

Let me use an other example, almost everybody I know agree that playing racing games with a wheel is way better than just a controller. They don't have to be that expensive for probably 50-75 you can find one that does the job but I not have met anyone of my racing fans friends who has one now.  Many on this forum probably bought one of those in the past but don't use it/hardly use it anymore.

I think the outlooks for VR are better but I would not be surprised that some users in the future will be like 'VR is great but I don't really need it'

Yeah thats basically similar to what I said. Selling VR just as a accesory like a wheel is a hard sell, it need (and most likely will be) a standaloen device with superb quality. 


Though: I think the gains in terms of quality you get with VR are ALOT more then you get with a wheel. A wheel makes your controls better (kind of similar to a xbox elite controller also). VR is a complete new way to expierence and see stuff and has so much potential.

Cool thing with VR is: Everything you can imagine is possible in VR. All the crazy stuff you would like to be able to do in real life is actually possible in VR. So the potential is basically infinite.

If anything is possible then can VR allow me to experience what something tastes like? What it smells like? how it feels?  VR appeals to just two of the 5 senses so your repeated claim of anything is possible is hogwash as the technology currently stands.  Sorry but this is the type of statement that comes off as fanatical.  As I've stated before I am a person that is interested in VR for some games.

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The_Yoda said:


Or just do research for yourself:

Cherry picked reaction videos is not proof ...

Its just what instantly comes when you search youtube for "first vr expierence". Thats the reasons i gave you the link to search for yourself. How should those video be cherry picked? All Videos are so, no need to pick any specific. Just look it up for yourself.


The_Yoda said: 

If anything is possible then can VR allow me to experience what something tastes like? What it smells like? how it feels?  VR appeals to just two of the 5 senses so your repeated claim of anything is possible is hogwash as the technology currently stands.  Sorry but this is the type of statement that comes off as fanatical.  As I've stated before I am a person that is interested in VR for some games.

Already possible in VR:



Sure it may take few more years till this stuff work in our living rooms, but it will definitly be possible in the future.

habam said:
Nogamez said:

Until Dawn rush of blood (loved it) some horror ganme with a chick in a yellow dress. Some shitty shooting game where you couldnt move only point the gun. Some playstation VR thing with diving and a shooting game and RE7.

And you thought playing re7 just on the tv was a better expierence? Did you get motion sick?

Erm well i found RE7 on VR to be so Immersive that i actually struggled to play it due to shitting myself too much when the guy was chasing me around the house. But yeah motion sickness was a problem for me on games which controlled like a normal game ie with dualshock

Nogamez said:

Erm well i found RE7 on VR to be so Immersive that i actually struggled to play it due to shitting myself too much when the guy was chasing me around the house. But yeah motion sickness was a problem for me on games which controlled like a normal game ie with dualshock

Well that actually doesnt sound like a "gimmick" anymore but like something that takes games to a level impossible on a screen.

Sure it can be to hard on horror games for some people, but in enhances similar genres as much (games like Skyrim, Farpoint, Star Wars Xwing VR Mission (have you played that? I loved it), Dirt Rally with a wheel,...).


I had motion sickness in the first VR sessions as well unfortunaly. So I do undertsand people getting turned off from VR because of that. In my expierence, you can get used to VR and motion sickness wont effect you anymore. Just need to use it frequently and start with more stationary games, then slowly increase the intensity. Now a days I can play Re7, Skyrim, Farpoint, whatever for 3+ hours straight without any motion sickness  but yeah, it effected me as well in the first few weeks.

VR is not a gimmick; anyone who says so should immediately cease their self-colonoscopy.

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Nvidia Drive AR

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Last edited by Vasto - on 22 January 2018

AlfredoTurkey said:
John2290 said:
Also, the aattch rate for VR software is insane atm and this is pushing a nice boom in development along with start ups for peripherals and the like. Besides the tens of billions, big companies are pumping into VR a the top of the pyramid, consumers are pumping money into the market at mass.

The attach rate for PS VR is under 3% and less than that for PC. 

Oh I see, now you’re trying to make the sales look bad just because every base PS4 (which is probably slower than 90% of gaming PCs out there) are VR ready.

There’s a market. Sony dominates the market. No spin needed.

The_Yoda said:




habam said:

Yeah thats basically similar to what I said. Selling VR just as a accesory like a wheel is a hard sell, it need (and most likely will be) a standaloen device with superb quality. 


Though: I think the gains in terms of quality you get with VR are ALOT more then you get with a wheel. A wheel makes your controls better (kind of similar to a xbox elite controller also). VR is a complete new way to expierence and see stuff and has so much potential.

Cool thing with VR is: Everything you can imagine is possible in VR. All the crazy stuff you would like to be able to do in real life is actually possible in VR. So the potential is basically infinite.

If anything is possible then can VR allow me to experience what something tastes like? What it smells like? how it feels?  VR appeals to just two of the 5 senses so your repeated claim of anything is possible is hogwash as the technology currently stands.  Sorry but this is the type of statement that comes off as fanatical.  As I've stated before I am a person that is interested in VR for some games.


God what a drivel. So whatever tech will be ready, it still won’t be good enough for you. Got it. So you’re criticising people who love VR because they are fans?! Seriously?!

feels like anything than a regular joystick or keyboard + mouse is = gimmick....


aikohualda said:
feels like anything than a regular joystick or keyboard + mouse is = gimmick....

sad handhelds :(