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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS4 Sells 5.9 Million Units Worldwide During 2017 Holiday Season, >73.6 Million Sold Through

VideoGameAccountant said:
CGI-Quality said:
20.2m for 2017, then. Can't say what year will be the peak, but I can see them selling more than 20 million units this year.

I think the PS4 definitely benefited from the improvements in the economy. If 2017's economy was like 2016's, I'd expect it would have peaked in the 3rd year. I should note this has definitely helped the Switch and the XBox One X as well. There is also the fact that some of these sales are PS4 Pro sales, which means you have Sony selling to customers who already own a PS4 (i.e. More PS4s in the wild but fewer owners). I see it declining in 2018 as it reaches the end of its lifecycle. 

Did you have anymore money in your pockets?! I figured.

More games and much lower prices with great sales were the reasons for higher sales last year and will, most likely, be the reasons for even higher sales this year.

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CalmFire said:
Gonna be close to 100M by the end of next year.

Easily spring, more likely. Or did you mean THIS year?! That’s definitely still possible..Spider-Man alone could make that happen.

Incredible number... and with the amount of big things yet to be released it wouldn't be weird if 2017 wasn't the peak year.

PAOerfulone said:

If it's at 73.6 million as of December 31st, and VGC has it at 71.8 million as of Dec. 9th, then either sales should drop like a rock for the last 3 weeks of 2017 (very unlikely), or the PS4 is overtracked.

 Likely overtracked. 

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

Didn’t have as strong of a holiday, but still a stronger year overall. Congrats Sony.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

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Weak december sales for them... they wherent aggressive enough with prices to do 21m.

Hiku said:

So roughly 38% of total software sales for PS4 occurred in 2017.
Makes sense, just making a note.

"A total of 243.9 million units of software were sold in 2017."

^ that is f***ing crazy, ton of game sales.

So the console is overtracked on VGchartz then

CalmFire said:
Gonna be close to 100M by the end *early of next year.

if it does another 20m in 2018, its gonna hit 100m+ early in 2019... like around March or so.

If they had just kept it at $199, or just had better bundles, they could have beat last year's holiday season. Oh well, they'll have more ammo to try to make this year their peak year. Maybe 21M-22M.