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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. January bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

SotC at #1 and #2 on UK and US Amazon respectively.

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Odyssey climbing one spot now at 8.

Switch Grey making it to the top 15

MHW beated now by MK8D

Neon 2 more spots to enter the top 20


Seems we'll have the "normal" top in a few weeks

Here we go man, both Switch SKUs back in TOP 20.

Kerotan said:

Horizon zero dawn would be perfect 

$249 GoW 500GB bundle would be my guess 

Nah, Sony probably wants that sell on its own for a few months at least. Horizon Zero Dawn, maybe even the Complete Edition, would be a perfect candidate.

Judging from Amazon, Switch should be able to likely take the first NPD of 2018. Bodes well considering it's also been the first month in a while it didn't have a big release.

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Holy Moly, The switch is beasting!!!!

Odyssey up one spot at #7
Grey #15
Neon #19

That was fast

poklane said:

$249 GoW 500GB bundle would be my guess 

Nah, Sony probably wants that sell on its own for a few months at least. Horizon Zero Dawn, maybe even the Complete Edition, would be a perfect candidate.

This. Sony has won the war. Now they make massive profits. Smart move. Invest more into next gen instead of now. 

poklane said:

$249 GoW 500GB bundle would be my guess 

Nah, Sony probably wants that sell on its own for a few months at least. Horizon Zero Dawn, maybe even the Complete Edition, would be a perfect candidate.

Yeah I think this is more likely but still 250 and 500gb. 

Mar1217 said:
Well, it looks like the domination will continue onward during February too.

PSN cards are unstoppable 

Nozz-A-La said:
Mar1217 said:
Well, it looks like the domination will continue onward during February too.

PSN cards are unstoppable 

Can't wait to see psn earnings in Sonys next report.