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Forums - Movies & TV - The Fans Have Spoken, Last Jedi Drops A Massive 68%

Soundwave said:
Pavolink said:

Precuels are not the saving grace for these movies. Those already happened, whether those were good or bad it does not matter because these new movies are judged by their own.


I now what you are trying to say. But you are not going to convince anyone by mentioning the precuels. In fact, if you bring those to the discussion, disney movies are going to get a lot more hate.

They're just popcorn movies at this point nothing more, nothing less. TFA/TLJ are better than Harry Potter or most Marvel movies definitely better than the Hobbit films and the DC "Universe". 

That's good enough. The only Star Wars movies that needed to be made were IV, V, and VI, they told the whole damn story. 

Making a VII, VIII, IX was always going to be a stretch and was always going to be basically a cash grab. I don't give a fuck what Lucas says either, he had no idea what he was doing with this trilogy either. It was always going to be the same "yeah but Luke or Leia's son/daughter turns to the Dark Side, even though really this would never fucking happen because they would be 10x more careful after knowing damn well they have a shady family history". 

I actually agree with that. Tlj and Tfa were entire galaxies better than the horrible marvel movies. And even the humor. God, thank god I had popcorns and nachos the day I went to see thor ragnarok...


And I agree with the expanded universe central plot. Leia was a bad politician. Luke turns to the darkside. Emperor's clone...Ugh.


For ones, I have to say that in the deep, disney had a great idea: use the original characters to then past the torch to the new ones. And then continue with the new characters.


The problem is basically execution. Characters on paper sounds awesome. But the execution is bad because the script is bad. No new music. Not even logic.


I still believe in miracles. And even if some don't want to believe, I still think that the entire trilogy can be saved if the pull the right triggers for ep ix.

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Soundwave said:
JakDaSnack said:

Lucas did a great job with the clone wars tv show.  

Lucas only oversees that as a producer, he doesn't write/direct the Clone Wars himself. Even those ... meh. It's fun for hardcore fans, but it's never really been some huge thing with regular TV viewers. There's something kinda dull about it, I'm a Star Wars fan and I'd watch it if forced to, but I've never made it through more than 2-3 episodes even though promising myself I'd get to it on Netflix. 

It’s one of those shows that got better each season.  I’d honestly skip the first season all together.  The show gets much darker and more mature in later seasons.


Pavolink said:
Soundwave said:

They're just popcorn movies at this point nothing more, nothing less. TFA/TLJ are better than Harry Potter or most Marvel movies definitely better than the Hobbit films and the DC "Universe". 

That's good enough. The only Star Wars movies that needed to be made were IV, V, and VI, they told the whole damn story. 

Making a VII, VIII, IX was always going to be a stretch and was always going to be basically a cash grab. I don't give a fuck what Lucas says either, he had no idea what he was doing with this trilogy either. It was always going to be the same "yeah but Luke or Leia's son/daughter turns to the Dark Side, even though really this would never fucking happen because they would be 10x more careful after knowing damn well they have a shady family history". 

I actually agree with that. Tlj and Tfa were entire galaxies better than the horrible marvel movies. And even the humor. God, thank god I had popcorns and nachos the day I went to see thor ragnarok...


And I agree with the expanded universe central plot. Leia was a bad politician. Luke turns to the darkside. Emperor's clone...


For ones, I have to say that in the deep, disney had a great idea: use the original characters to then past the torch to the new ones. And then continue with the new characters.


The problem is basically execution. Characters on paper sounds awesome. But the execution is bad because the script is bad. No new music. Not even logic.


I still believe in miracles. And even if some don't want to believe, I still think that the entire trilogy can be saved if the pull the right triggers for ep ix.

Why not just have realistic expectations? The next movie is going to be better than the standard Hollywood summer movie fare ... it'll be better than Jurassic World and Avengers and the prequels certainly. 

That should be good enough. 

The next movie is also the TENTH fucking one, lol, I mean at some point the writers are probably tired of writing this shit over and over again. 

The next movie is not going to be some reaffirming, holy experience in the theater. It's not happening. Let it go, and just enjoy it for what it is or stay home. 

Soundwave said:
Pavolink said:

I actually agree with that. Tlj and Tfa were entire galaxies better than the horrible marvel movies. And even the humor. God, thank god I had popcorns and nachos the day I went to see thor ragnarok...


And I agree with the expanded universe central plot. Leia was a bad politician. Luke turns to the darkside. Emperor's clone...


For ones, I have to say that in the deep, disney had a great idea: use the original characters to then past the torch to the new ones. And then continue with the new characters.


The problem is basically execution. Characters on paper sounds awesome. But the execution is bad because the script is bad. No new music. Not even logic.


I still believe in miracles. And even if some don't want to believe, I still think that the entire trilogy can be saved if the pull the right triggers for ep ix.

Why not just have realistic expectations? The next movie is going to be better than the standard Hollywood summer movie fare ... it'll be better than Jurassic World and Avengers and the prequels certainly. 

That should be good enough. 

The next movie is also the TENTH fucking one, lol, I mean at some point the writers are probably tired of writing this shit over and over again. 

The next movie is not going to be some reaffirming, holy experience in the theater. It's not happening. Let it go, and just enjoy it for what it is or stay home. 

I actually decided to stay at home. And see it in my house.


For some, unknown reason, this does not count. But whatever.


I still believe prequels are better at the central plot, so it is a lot easier to pass the overuse of cgi and fakey scenary.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Pavolink said:
Soundwave said:

Why not just have realistic expectations? The next movie is going to be better than the standard Hollywood summer movie fare ... it'll be better than Jurassic World and Avengers and the prequels certainly. 

That should be good enough. 

The next movie is also the TENTH fucking one, lol, I mean at some point the writers are probably tired of writing this shit over and over again. 

The next movie is not going to be some reaffirming, holy experience in the theater. It's not happening. Let it go, and just enjoy it for what it is or stay home. 

I actually decided to stay at home. And see it in my house.


For some, unknown reason, this does not count. But whatever.


I still believe prequels are better at the central plot, so it is a lot easier to pass the overuse of cgi and fakey scenary.

The prequels have a better plot because the OT gift wraps it an interesting premise .... which it then proceeds to fuck up ... over, and over, and over again. 

Prequels were an easy lay up, the story is already in place, and they totally some how managed to not only miss an open lay up, but shit their pants in the process. In that way the prequels are a bigger tragedy. They were the chosen one and they screwed it up, just like doofus Anakin. 

The sequel trilogy which Lucas sometimes said existed and other times said "no the story ends 100% with Return of the Jedi" was always going to have story plausibility issues, because it doesn't make sense to begin with that Luke and Leia who kept HIDDEN FOR FUCKING 20 YEARS OF THEIR LIFE precisely because they were so valuable as Skywalker off-spring would then just stick their thumb up their ass and let the very next generation turn to the Dark Side. 

But that has to happen otherwise you have basically no movie. There has to be another Empire too even though it makes no sense for that to happen because with Vader and Palpatine dead and Luke the only major Jedi around, there's no way there would be another Empire type thing. There didn't need to be a sequel trilogy period, Star Wars ends when Darth Vader throws the Emperor down that shaft, the rest of it is Luke and Leia and Han had some babies and retired. Chewie fucks an Ewok. The. End. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 30 December 2017

Around the Network
JakDaSnack said:
Mr.GameCrazy said:

So far, I've seen that fans are divided over The Last Jedi.

It’s a vocal minority that don’t like TLJ.  

I hope so.

Soundwave said:
thismeintiel said:

Two things. It's funny how anyone who tries to defend this movie really can't. Someone brings up a good point and they just deflect it with strawman arguments, with a dash of hyperbole. Go on. Try to address the point I made about ANH and ESB.

And 2nd, you guys really don't know the meaning of the word fanboy, do you? The fact that we are criticizing this movie dismisses us as fanboys. If anyone could be called a fanboy, it's the people who like this film. Not that they all are, but I'm sure there are many there that would fall under that umbrella.

"An extreme fan or follower of a particular medium or concept, whether it be sports, television, film directors, video games (the most common usage), etc. 

Known for a complete lack of objectivity in relation to their preferred focus. Usually argue with circular logic that they refuse to acknowledge. Arguments or debates with such are usually futile. Every flaw is spun into semi-virtues and everything else, blown to comedic, complimentary proportions. "

Bottom line is for the previous two second entries in both trilogies, a drop of 30%+ is standard. 

Fact is by Saturday this will be the 4th fastest film in box office history to a billion dollars, besting any Marvel film or any other non-Star Wars film from Disney. 

If this is a failure, then wouldn't every Marvel film be as well? 

Bottom line is Disney made out like bandits getting Star Wars for a bargain really. They are going to make back the money they paid Lucas for this by several tens of billions once they've made 10 more of these. 

Star Wars is still the biggest movie franchise in the business. 

I like how the largest movie franchise in history, that has posted some of the largest numbers in history, now has to be compared to non-Star Wars movies.  This should have been the 2nd fastest to get to $1B.  It was the 2nd largest opening after all.  And you do realize that even though it has gotten to $1B the 4th fastest, if it keeps on the trajectory it is on now, it won't even pass the Avenger films (maybe finishing somewhere around the 2nd one), which means it dropped faster than those films?  And that Avengers 3, if it is good, could end up wiping the floor with this film?  And I'm glad you're happy Disney is making money by hyping people up for a large opening weekend.  Do you invest in them?  Me, personally, I like to still get quality from my films.

As for ANH and ESB...instead of looking as to why that happened in the OG trilogy, you put your blinders on?  I guess you didn't really have a defense.  I see there is no point in continuing this then.

I liked it, for the most part. Mostly because I don't believe things that the movie is trying to tell me are true.

Snoke isn't dead. He was just projecting himself through the force. Now, I know what you're going to say. How did the lighsaber cut through him? The same way Luke touched Leia. The same way Kylo picked up his father's dice. He also looked considerably younger and healthier in TLJ than his he looked in TFA. Why? I just can't see a major character being killed off with no explanation.

Rey's parentage I also don't believe. I think it was a tactic by Kylo Ren to push her towards the dark side while watching her friends and allies dying. Not too different to the emperors tactics that almost worked against Luke in ROTJ.

That half hour casino bullshit can fuck right off though. CGI animal cruelty? Fuck off.

It's also the second movie in a trilogy. I don't get why people are looking for answers to everything or a resolution.... There was definitely a lack of explanation for some things though.

Teeqoz said:
thismeintiel said:

Two things. It's funny how anyone who tries to defend this movie really can't. Someone brings up a good point and they just deflect it with strawman arguments, with a dash of hyperbole. Go on. Try to address the point I made about ANH and ESB.

And 2nd, you guys really don't know the meaning of the word fanboy, do you? The fact that we are criticizing this movie dismisses us as fanboys. If anyone could be called a fanboy, it's the people who like this film. Not that they all are, but I'm sure there are many there that would fall under that umbrella.

"An extreme fan or follower of a particular medium or concept, whether it be sports, television, film directors, video games (the most common usage), etc. 

Known for a complete lack of objectivity in relation to their preferred focus. Usually argue with circular logic that they refuse to acknowledge. Arguments or debates with such are usually futile. Every flaw is spun into semi-virtues and everything else, blown to comedic, complimentary proportions. "

There is no counter argument to make. The movie isn't meeting your sky-high financial expectations. Of course it isn't. The Force Awakens was the first Star Wars movie in 10 years. The Last Jedi is the first Star Wars movie in 12 months. The Force Awakens was the first Star Wars movie after the generally looked down upon prequel trilogy, The Last Jedi is the first Star Wars movie after the critically acclaimed (and praised by audiences) Rogue One.

How you were expecting TLJ to match TFA to begin with is the real question here. Surely you see why it is unreasonable to expect that? Don't you?

Sky high?  LOL.  You're not serious, are you?  To expect a sequel to do at least 85%-88% of the first one is not sky high.  The Avengers:AOU actually did 92% of The Avengers BO.  Trust me, Disney was not planning on this being down so low.  And had it been a great film, I bet it could have at least done 90%, maybe even 95%, of TFA's total.  Hell, if it had only been a good film it would have fallen into that 85%-88% range.  Sadly, most of this film was filler and quite a few of the fans rejected it, refusing the same repeat viewings they gave TFA.

thismeintiel said:
Soundwave said:

Bottom line is for the previous two second entries in both trilogies, a drop of 30%+ is standard. 

Fact is by Saturday this will be the 4th fastest film in box office history to a billion dollars, besting any Marvel film or any other non-Star Wars film from Disney. 

If this is a failure, then wouldn't every Marvel film be as well? 

Bottom line is Disney made out like bandits getting Star Wars for a bargain really. They are going to make back the money they paid Lucas for this by several tens of billions once they've made 10 more of these. 

Star Wars is still the biggest movie franchise in the business. 

I like how the largest movie franchise in history, that has posted some of the largest numbers in history, now has to be compared to non-Star Wars movies.  This should have been the 2nd fastest to get to $1B.  It was the 2nd largest opening after all.  And you do realize that even though it has gotten to $1B the 4th fastest, if it keeps on the trajectory it is on now, it won't even pass the Avenger films (maybe finishing somewhere around the 2nd one), which means it dropped faster than those films?  And that Avengers 3, if it is good, could end up wiping the floor with this film?  And I'm glad you're happy Disney is making money by hyping people up for a large opening weekend.  Do you invest in them?  Me, personally, I like to still get quality from my films.

As for ANH and ESB...instead of looking as to why that happened in the OG trilogy, you put your blinders on?  I guess you didn't really have a defense.  I see there is no point in continuing this then.

The Force Awakens had 10 years of build up ... The Last Jedi is coming 12 months after the last Star Wars movie that a lot of people saw. 

If Rockstar started making new Grand Theft Auto games every year, obviously it's not going to become as big of an event when a new one comes out. 

What big blockbuster franchises are of such "great quality" 

Marvel films?

DC films?

Harry Potter? 

The Hobbit Yawn-trilogy? 

Fast & Furious? 

Jurassic World? 


Where are all these wonderful "blockbuster films" that TFA/TLJ need to live up to some sky high expectations? The prequels were shit too, The Matrix and even middling stuff like The Mummy was honestly more enjoyable. 

If you want a "good movie" try watching "grown up" films, as in stuff that doesn't have toys as characters. The original Star Wars is never happening again, get over it. 

I can at least understand the angst over the prequels because people wanted something on par with the blockbusters of the day like Spider-Man, The Matrix, and even The Mummy ... and Lucas couldn't even manage that. But TFA/TLJ are competent films on par with any of the blockbusters of their time.

Last edited by Soundwave - on 30 December 2017