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Pavolink said:
Soundwave said:

Why not just have realistic expectations? The next movie is going to be better than the standard Hollywood summer movie fare ... it'll be better than Jurassic World and Avengers and the prequels certainly. 

That should be good enough. 

The next movie is also the TENTH fucking one, lol, I mean at some point the writers are probably tired of writing this shit over and over again. 

The next movie is not going to be some reaffirming, holy experience in the theater. It's not happening. Let it go, and just enjoy it for what it is or stay home. 

I actually decided to stay at home. And see it in my house.


For some, unknown reason, this does not count. But whatever.


I still believe prequels are better at the central plot, so it is a lot easier to pass the overuse of cgi and fakey scenary.

The prequels have a better plot because the OT gift wraps it an interesting premise .... which it then proceeds to fuck up ... over, and over, and over again. 

Prequels were an easy lay up, the story is already in place, and they totally some how managed to not only miss an open lay up, but shit their pants in the process. In that way the prequels are a bigger tragedy. They were the chosen one and they screwed it up, just like doofus Anakin. 

The sequel trilogy which Lucas sometimes said existed and other times said "no the story ends 100% with Return of the Jedi" was always going to have story plausibility issues, because it doesn't make sense to begin with that Luke and Leia who kept HIDDEN FOR FUCKING 20 YEARS OF THEIR LIFE precisely because they were so valuable as Skywalker off-spring would then just stick their thumb up their ass and let the very next generation turn to the Dark Side. 

But that has to happen otherwise you have basically no movie. There has to be another Empire too even though it makes no sense for that to happen because with Vader and Palpatine dead and Luke the only major Jedi around, there's no way there would be another Empire type thing. There didn't need to be a sequel trilogy period, Star Wars ends when Darth Vader throws the Emperor down that shaft, the rest of it is Luke and Leia and Han had some babies and retired. Chewie fucks an Ewok. The. End. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 30 December 2017