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I liked it, for the most part. Mostly because I don't believe things that the movie is trying to tell me are true.

Snoke isn't dead. He was just projecting himself through the force. Now, I know what you're going to say. How did the lighsaber cut through him? The same way Luke touched Leia. The same way Kylo picked up his father's dice. He also looked considerably younger and healthier in TLJ than his he looked in TFA. Why? I just can't see a major character being killed off with no explanation.

Rey's parentage I also don't believe. I think it was a tactic by Kylo Ren to push her towards the dark side while watching her friends and allies dying. Not too different to the emperors tactics that almost worked against Luke in ROTJ.

That half hour casino bullshit can fuck right off though. CGI animal cruelty? Fuck off.

It's also the second movie in a trilogy. I don't get why people are looking for answers to everything or a resolution.... There was definitely a lack of explanation for some things though.