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Soundwave said:
thismeintiel said:

Two things. It's funny how anyone who tries to defend this movie really can't. Someone brings up a good point and they just deflect it with strawman arguments, with a dash of hyperbole. Go on. Try to address the point I made about ANH and ESB.

And 2nd, you guys really don't know the meaning of the word fanboy, do you? The fact that we are criticizing this movie dismisses us as fanboys. If anyone could be called a fanboy, it's the people who like this film. Not that they all are, but I'm sure there are many there that would fall under that umbrella.

"An extreme fan or follower of a particular medium or concept, whether it be sports, television, film directors, video games (the most common usage), etc. 

Known for a complete lack of objectivity in relation to their preferred focus. Usually argue with circular logic that they refuse to acknowledge. Arguments or debates with such are usually futile. Every flaw is spun into semi-virtues and everything else, blown to comedic, complimentary proportions. "

Bottom line is for the previous two second entries in both trilogies, a drop of 30%+ is standard. 

Fact is by Saturday this will be the 4th fastest film in box office history to a billion dollars, besting any Marvel film or any other non-Star Wars film from Disney. 

If this is a failure, then wouldn't every Marvel film be as well? 

Bottom line is Disney made out like bandits getting Star Wars for a bargain really. They are going to make back the money they paid Lucas for this by several tens of billions once they've made 10 more of these. 

Star Wars is still the biggest movie franchise in the business. 

I like how the largest movie franchise in history, that has posted some of the largest numbers in history, now has to be compared to non-Star Wars movies.  This should have been the 2nd fastest to get to $1B.  It was the 2nd largest opening after all.  And you do realize that even though it has gotten to $1B the 4th fastest, if it keeps on the trajectory it is on now, it won't even pass the Avenger films (maybe finishing somewhere around the 2nd one), which means it dropped faster than those films?  And that Avengers 3, if it is good, could end up wiping the floor with this film?  And I'm glad you're happy Disney is making money by hyping people up for a large opening weekend.  Do you invest in them?  Me, personally, I like to still get quality from my films.

As for ANH and ESB...instead of looking as to why that happened in the OG trilogy, you put your blinders on?  I guess you didn't really have a defense.  I see there is no point in continuing this then.