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Forums - Movies & TV - The Fans Have Spoken, Last Jedi Drops A Massive 68%

JakDaSnack said:
Azuren said:

You're one to talk. Did you ever get around to defending Mary Rey?

Lol are you kidding me?  You didn’t counter several of my points, you misquoted (for a second time) my initial post, and then you started using strawman arguments.  I was done with you, lol.  Not to mention I never even claimed that Luke was a Mary Sue, I was just playing devils advocate cus you started the comparison.  Despite me doing that, you’re best arguments were to use the EU which is no longer cannon, and the whole trilogy when the argument was about a character in one movie vs a character in another.  You lost bud lol.  If you want to continue this, let’s actually talk about the topic at hand “TLJ”. None of this comparison crap.  

Rey’s force powers were explained by snoke and Luke.

she wasn’t liked by any of the new characters she met.

She failed all of her tasks.

She was man handled by Snoke and was unable to beat Kylo Ren.

so tell me, how was she a Mary Sue in TLJ?

He would be kidding if he believed any of your arguments to defend Mary Rey.

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Pavolink said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Yeah because the script is the only thing important in cinema, a thousand people working in a movie to make it look and sound incredible and at the end we only valorate the work of one of them, the one that wrote the script, because that's all what cinema is about, a story written on a piece of paper... oh wait...

Good effects are not going to save a movie. The  effects of sacrifice of tha captain are not going to save Luke's scene drinking disgusting green milk. The great effects in the set where Kylo wants to convince Rey after defeating Snoke and his guards are not going to chance the boring beggining.


It is worse than I expected. Not only you don't care for good writing. You are satisfied with great effects only. It seems that disney movies are for you.

You're talking about a franchise that literally had a character step in shit as a joke and quoted from a kids sitcom ("How Wude!"). 

Star Wars is just another movie franchise these days. Better than a lot, but just another franchise. It's not some mythic, unassailable work of perfection or anything ... sorry but the prequels shattered that myth pretty clearly ages ago. When Vader has his big "reveal" they ruin it with that laughably hilarious "Nooooooo". Might as well have had him rip a loud fart there too. You can't take it so seriously any more. 

It is also interesting to note that people are now not bragging about rotten tomatoes after the recepcion of the general public. Which, btw, it's disastrous.

PS: Sorry for being late to the party. I was looking at the movie for the second time. I was ready to do a turn around in case I was wrong. But considering I'm not easily impressed by only great effects, the results are the same.

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thismeintiel said:
Soundwave said:

It doesn't need any excuses, it's making Disney a shit-ton of money and is more of less on par for any middle Star Wars movie. 

People just don't go the middle installment as much, even for Empire which is probably the best Star Wars movie.

Just because it doesn't do everything the hardcore fanboys wanted doesn't make it a poorly made movie either, it's clearly better than any of the prequels which just had laughably poor acting, writing, cinematography, etc. To be honest too, sure they could've done the standard thing with Luke Skywalker and make him a wise old Jedi master that quickly relents and trains Rey, and the fanboys would've gotten their little lightsaber boners ... but we've seen that movie already with Alec Guiness. 

Two things. It's funny how anyone who tries to defend this movie really can't. Someone brings up a good point and they just deflect it with strawman arguments, with a dash of hyperbole. Go on. Try to address the point I made about ANH and ESB.

And 2nd, you guys really don't know the meaning of the word fanboy, do you? The fact that we are criticizing this movie dismisses us as fanboys. If anyone could be called a fanboy, it's the people who like this film. Not that they all are, but I'm sure there are many there that would fall under that umbrella.

"An extreme fan or follower of a particular medium or concept, whether it be sports, television, film directors, video games (the most common usage), etc. 

Known for a complete lack of objectivity in relation to their preferred focus. Usually argue with circular logic that they refuse to acknowledge. Arguments or debates with such are usually futile. Every flaw is spun into semi-virtues and everything else, blown to comedic, complimentary proportions. "

Lol what arguments are you referring to?  Most of the attacks I see are hyperbole.  Sure, the Leia scene is silly, I’ll give you that. Humor is subjective, so I can get not everyone enjoying the humor.  And Finns storyline isn’t the best.  Apart from those I have yet to see a decent argument.  And that still makes it far from a bad movie.  Even YOU gave it a C (average).


Soundwave said:
Pavolink said:

Good effects are not going to save a movie. The  effects of sacrifice of tha captain are not going to save Luke's scene drinking disgusting green milk. The great effects in the set where Kylo wants to convince Rey after defeating Snoke and his guards are not going to chance the boring beggining.


It is worse than I expected. Not only you don't care for good writing. You are satisfied with great effects only. It seems that disney movies are for you.

You're talking about a franchise that literally had a character step in shit as a joke and quoted from a kids sitcom ("How Wude!"). 

Star Wars is just another movie franchise these days. Better than a lot, but just another franchise. It's not some mythic, unassailable work of perfection or anything ... sorry but the prequels shattered that myth pretty clearly ages ago. When Vader has his big "reveal" they ruin it with that laughably hilarious "Nooooooo". Might as well have had him rip a loud fart there too. You can't take it so seriously any more. 

Prequels are not the saving grace for these movies. Those already happened, whether those were good or bad it does not matter because these new movies are judged by their own.


I now what you are trying to say. But you are not going to convince anyone by mentioning the prequels. In fact, if you bring those to the discussion, disney movies are going to get a lot more hate.

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thismeintiel said:
Soundwave said:

It doesn't need any excuses, it's making Disney a shit-ton of money and is more of less on par for any middle Star Wars movie. 

People just don't go the middle installment as much, even for Empire which is probably the best Star Wars movie.

Just because it doesn't do everything the hardcore fanboys wanted doesn't make it a poorly made movie either, it's clearly better than any of the prequels which just had laughably poor acting, writing, cinematography, etc. To be honest too, sure they could've done the standard thing with Luke Skywalker and make him a wise old Jedi master that quickly relents and trains Rey, and the fanboys would've gotten their little lightsaber boners ... but we've seen that movie already with Alec Guiness. 

Two things. It's funny how anyone who tries to defend this movie really can't. Someone brings up a good point and they just deflect it with strawman arguments, with a dash of hyperbole. Go on. Try to address the point I made about ANH and ESB.

And 2nd, you guys really don't know the meaning of the word fanboy, do you? The fact that we are criticizing this movie dismisses us as fanboys. If anyone could be called a fanboy, it's the people who like this film. Not that they all are, but I'm sure there are many there that would fall under that umbrella.

"An extreme fan or follower of a particular medium or concept, whether it be sports, television, film directors, video games (the most common usage), etc. 

Known for a complete lack of objectivity in relation to their preferred focus. Usually argue with circular logic that they refuse to acknowledge. Arguments or debates with such are usually futile. Every flaw is spun into semi-virtues and everything else, blown to comedic, complimentary proportions. "

There is no counter argument to make. The movie isn't meeting your sky-high financial expectations. Of course it isn't. The Force Awakens was the first Star Wars movie in 10 years. The Last Jedi is the first Star Wars movie in 12 months. The Force Awakens was the first Star Wars movie after the generally looked down upon prequel trilogy, The Last Jedi is the first Star Wars movie after the critically acclaimed (and praised by audiences) Rogue One.

How you were expecting TLJ to match TFA to begin with is the real question here. Surely you see why it is unreasonable to expect that? Don't you?

Pavolink said:
JakDaSnack said:

Lol are you kidding me?  You didn’t counter several of my points, you misquoted (for a second time) my initial post, and then you started using strawman arguments.  I was done with you, lol.  Not to mention I never even claimed that Luke was a Mary Sue, I was just playing devils advocate cus you started the comparison.  Despite me doing that, you’re best arguments were to use the EU which is no longer cannon, and the whole trilogy when the argument was about a character in one movie vs a character in another.  You lost bud lol.  If you want to continue this, let’s actually talk about the topic at hand “TLJ”. None of this comparison crap.  

Rey’s force powers were explained by snoke and Luke.

she wasn’t liked by any of the new characters she met.

She failed all of her tasks.

She was man handled by Snoke and was unable to beat Kylo Ren.

so tell me, how was she a Mary Sue in TLJ?

He would be kidding if he believed any of your arguments to defend Mary Rey.

That was bad, and you should feel bad lol. 


Pavolink said:
Soundwave said:

You're talking about a franchise that literally had a character step in shit as a joke and quoted from a kids sitcom ("How Wude!"). 

Star Wars is just another movie franchise these days. Better than a lot, but just another franchise. It's not some mythic, unassailable work of perfection or anything ... sorry but the prequels shattered that myth pretty clearly ages ago. When Vader has his big "reveal" they ruin it with that laughably hilarious "Nooooooo". Might as well have had him rip a loud fart there too. You can't take it so seriously any more. 

Precuels are not the saving grace for these movies. Those already happened, whether those were good or bad it does not matter because these new movies are judged by their own.


I now what you are trying to say. But you are not going to convince anyone by mentioning the precuels. In fact, if you bring those to the discussion, disney movies are going to get a lot more hate.

They're just popcorn movies at this point nothing more, nothing less. TFA/TLJ are better than Harry Potter, or most Marvel movies definitely better than the Hobbit films and the DC "Universe". Better than Jurassic World and Fast & Furious Part 28 too. 

That's good enough. The only Star Wars movies that needed to be made were IV, V, and VI, they told the whole damn story. 

Making a VII, VIII, IX was always going to be a stretch and was always going to be basically a cash grab. I don't give a fuck what Lucas says either, he had no idea what he was doing with this trilogy either. It was always going to be the same "yeah but Luke or Leia's son/daughter turns to the Dark Side, even though really this would never fucking happen because they would be 10x more careful after knowing damn well they have a very shady family history". 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 30 December 2017

Soundwave said:
Pavolink said:

Precuels are not the saving grace for these movies. Those already happened, whether those were good or bad it does not matter because these new movies are judged by their own.


I now what you are trying to say. But you are not going to convince anyone by mentioning the precuels. In fact, if you bring those to the discussion, disney movies are going to get a lot more hate.

They're just popcorn movies at this point nothing more, nothing less. TFA/TLJ are better than Harry Potter or most Marvel movies definitely better than the Hobbit films and the DC "Universe". 

That's good enough. The only Star Wars movies that needed to be made were IV, V, and VI, they told the whole damn story. 

Making a VII, VIII, IX was always going to be a stretch and was always going to be basically a cash grab. I don't give a fuck what Lucas says either, he had no idea what he was doing with this trilogy either. It was always going to be the same "yeah but Luke or Leia's son/daughter turns to the Dark Side, even though really this would never fucking happen because they would be 10x more careful after knowing damn well they have a shady family history". 

Lucas did a great job with the clone wars tv show.  


JakDaSnack said:
Soundwave said:

They're just popcorn movies at this point nothing more, nothing less. TFA/TLJ are better than Harry Potter or most Marvel movies definitely better than the Hobbit films and the DC "Universe". 

That's good enough. The only Star Wars movies that needed to be made were IV, V, and VI, they told the whole damn story. 

Making a VII, VIII, IX was always going to be a stretch and was always going to be basically a cash grab. I don't give a fuck what Lucas says either, he had no idea what he was doing with this trilogy either. It was always going to be the same "yeah but Luke or Leia's son/daughter turns to the Dark Side, even though really this would never fucking happen because they would be 10x more careful after knowing damn well they have a shady family history". 

Lucas did a great job with the clone wars tv show.  

Lucas only oversees that as a producer, he doesn't write/direct the Clone Wars himself. Even those ... meh. It's fun for hardcore fans, but it's never really been some huge thing with regular TV viewers. There's something kinda dull about it, I'm a Star Wars fan and I'd watch it if forced to, but I've never made it through more than 2-3 episodes even though promising myself I'd get to it on Netflix.