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Pavolink said:
Soundwave said:

You're talking about a franchise that literally had a character step in shit as a joke and quoted from a kids sitcom ("How Wude!"). 

Star Wars is just another movie franchise these days. Better than a lot, but just another franchise. It's not some mythic, unassailable work of perfection or anything ... sorry but the prequels shattered that myth pretty clearly ages ago. When Vader has his big "reveal" they ruin it with that laughably hilarious "Nooooooo". Might as well have had him rip a loud fart there too. You can't take it so seriously any more. 

Precuels are not the saving grace for these movies. Those already happened, whether those were good or bad it does not matter because these new movies are judged by their own.


I now what you are trying to say. But you are not going to convince anyone by mentioning the precuels. In fact, if you bring those to the discussion, disney movies are going to get a lot more hate.

They're just popcorn movies at this point nothing more, nothing less. TFA/TLJ are better than Harry Potter, or most Marvel movies definitely better than the Hobbit films and the DC "Universe". Better than Jurassic World and Fast & Furious Part 28 too. 

That's good enough. The only Star Wars movies that needed to be made were IV, V, and VI, they told the whole damn story. 

Making a VII, VIII, IX was always going to be a stretch and was always going to be basically a cash grab. I don't give a fuck what Lucas says either, he had no idea what he was doing with this trilogy either. It was always going to be the same "yeah but Luke or Leia's son/daughter turns to the Dark Side, even though really this would never fucking happen because they would be 10x more careful after knowing damn well they have a very shady family history". 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 30 December 2017