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JakDaSnack said:
Azuren said:

You're one to talk. Did you ever get around to defending Mary Rey?

Lol are you kidding me?  You didn’t counter several of my points, you misquoted (for a second time) my initial post, and then you started using strawman arguments.  I was done with you, lol.  Not to mention I never even claimed that Luke was a Mary Sue, I was just playing devils advocate cus you started the comparison.  Despite me doing that, you’re best arguments were to use the EU which is no longer cannon, and the whole trilogy when the argument was about a character in one movie vs a character in another.  You lost bud lol.  If you want to continue this, let’s actually talk about the topic at hand “TLJ”. None of this comparison crap.  

Rey’s force powers were explained by snoke and Luke.

she wasn’t liked by any of the new characters she met.

She failed all of her tasks.

She was man handled by Snoke and was unable to beat Kylo Ren.

so tell me, how was she a Mary Sue in TLJ?

He would be kidding if he believed any of your arguments to defend Mary Rey.

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