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Forums - Movies & TV - The Fans Have Spoken, Last Jedi Drops A Massive 68%

SuaveSocialist said:
thismeintiel said:

Lol, keep on reaching. 


At 1.3 Billion, one no longer has to reach.  You can comfortably look down on the entirety of DC films from that height.  It's now up to other movies to reach for The Top Ten, while TLJ smiles happily down upon them.


You can ignore facts, but they continue to exist.  Disney looks at this film as a disappointment.  Sure, it made them money.  But, NOWHERE NEAR as much as they thought it would.  It should have easily pulled off $750M+ in the US, guaranteeing it a Top 3 spot.  Now, it looks like it won't even make Top 5, and will most likely start to slide down as more films are released.  It should have easily made $1.7-$1.8B WW, putting it at #4.  Even after the drop, they expected $1.6B, which would have put them in the Top 5.  Couldn't do that, since the initial drop had little to do with the holidays.  Now, they are barely on that Top 10 and will most likely be kicked out by a couple of Avenger/JW/Furious films, or possibly Avatar 2, if they are good. 

More importantly, it is going to have lasting affects on the franchise to come.  They are already looking at decreased merch sales and China, the 2nd largest movie going region, has seemingly given up on the franchise.  They also now expect the Han Solo film to perform poorly.  My guess is they are going to be looking to do some retconning in Ep 9.  Though, it will most likely be too little, too late. 

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VGPolyglot said:
This thread is still going on?

The thread must go on!

thismeintiel said:
SuaveSocialist said:

At 1.3 Billion, one no longer has to reach.  You can comfortably look down on the entirety of DC films from that height.  It's now up to other movies to reach for The Top Ten, while TLJ smiles happily down upon them.


You can ignore facts

I leave that to people who think that any of The Top Ten were box office disappointments. 


Simpleton said:
VGPolyglot said:
This thread is still going on?

The thread must go on!

Oh, it can and it will.  (At least for a few more weeks while it is still in theatres.)

SuaveSocialist said:
thismeintiel said:

You can ignore facts

I leave that to people who think that any of The Top Ten were box office disappointments. 


Lol, I see there is no point in continuing this debate, as you can not, nor try to, refute my arguments.  You may also want to look up the difference between a flop and a disappointment.  Good day.

/No one's interested in Star Wars.

/117 page thread follows.

It's certainly the most discussed movie in the history of this board. 

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Soundwave said:

/No one's interested in Star Wars.

/117 page thread follows.

It's certainly the most discussed movie in the history of this board. 

That speaks more about how big the franchise is, not this film.  When half, maybe more, are devoted to talking about how bad, or just disappointing the film is, while also not going out to watch it more than once, that's not the kind of attention you want.  It would be one thing if the film had still performed as expected after the initial drop ($1.6B), and merch sales were still about the same when compared to TFA, or even just above RO, then you could just ignore it as just a fringe part of the fanbase.  But, when you see this continued disappointing performance in the BO (the spinoff RO has now started outperforming it on a normal basis), plus a drop in merch sales from even RO, it isn't just a small fringe group hating on the film.

thismeintiel said:
Soundwave said:

/No one's interested in Star Wars.

/117 page thread follows.

It's certainly the most discussed movie in the history of this board. 

That speaks more about how big the franchise is, not this film.  When half, maybe more, are devoted to talking about how bad, or just disappointing the film is, while also not going out to watch it more than once, that's not the kind of attention you want.  It would be one thing if the film had still performed as expected after the initial drop ($1.6B), and merch sales were still about the same when compared to TFA, or even just above RO, then you could just ignore it as just a fringe part of the fanbase.  But, when you see this continued disappointing performance in the BO (the spinoff RO has now started outperforming it on a normal basis), plus a drop in merch sales from even RO, it isn't just a small fringe group hating on the film.

In fairness, say what you want about the film but it has generated more discussion about Star Wars than anything in ages. Part of me can respect them for having the balls to try that instead of making a safe paint-by-the-numbers film. 

Soundwave said:
thismeintiel said:

That speaks more about how big the franchise is, not this film.  When half, maybe more, are devoted to talking about how bad, or just disappointing the film is, while also not going out to watch it more than once, that's not the kind of attention you want.  It would be one thing if the film had still performed as expected after the initial drop ($1.6B), and merch sales were still about the same when compared to TFA, or even just above RO, then you could just ignore it as just a fringe part of the fanbase.  But, when you see this continued disappointing performance in the BO (the spinoff RO has now started outperforming it on a normal basis), plus a drop in merch sales from even RO, it isn't just a small fringe group hating on the film.

In fairness, say what you want about the film but it has generated more discussion about Star Wars than anything in ages. Part of me can respect them for having the balls to try that instead of making a safe paint-by-the-numbers film. 

I don't know. I'd say it's a toss up between this film and the prequels. Though, I guess you may count those as ages ago. Still, discussion for the sake of discussion isn't always good. Especially when it's harming the sales/opinion of the thing you're trying to sell. 

thismeintiel said:

Lol, keep on reaching.  Especially with that weak S.E. comparison.  Oh boy.

Here's the numbers that (1)Disney, and investors, care about.  ~36% down.  ~$740M down.  And it has had worse legs than RO, being outperformed by it for the past 17 days. (2) Meaning that without that hyped up weekend, it would have barely outperformed RO.  Currently, outside of opening weekend it is a mere 7% above it, and it will continue to fall.  A freaking spinoff vs a main installment.  And given that it has already lost ~60% of its screenings, it is looking unlikely it will stay in theaters as long as TFA and RO did.  Finally, and probably more importantly, merchandise sales are down when compared to TFA and RO, as well.  (3)Yea, I'm sure they are ecstatic with these results. 

1. You tell us what Disney cares about while leaving out the biggest thing that they care about, the ROI, which, all things considered is huge. This is Sophism, a fallacious way to deceit people. Your ONLY point you can make is it is down from TFA which all of us already agree on, obviously. You think Disney cares more about the 36% drop than the ROI? No I don't think you do and with this information we can safely say that Disney will continue to pull LARGE numbers with each SW movie still while being down over 30% from TFA.

2. Cool story. You just committed the Appeal to Probability fallacy, good job. Back to reality, that huge weekend exists, none of your "stories" are going to change that.

3. (Another fallacy? This is three already.) What a strawman, lol. No one is saying they are ecstatic about being down, but they aren't unhappy about making the amount of money they just made, that would be stupid to think.

Your argument is flawed, fallacious and pessimistic, try to be realistic.

thismeintiel said:
Soundwave said:

In fairness, say what you want about the film but it has generated more discussion about Star Wars than anything in ages. Part of me can respect them for having the balls to try that instead of making a safe paint-by-the-numbers film. 

I don't know. I'd say it's a toss up between this film and the prequels. Though, I guess you may count those as ages ago. Still, discussion for the sake of discussion isn't always good. Especially when it's harming the sales/opinion of the thing you're trying to sell. 

I guess why do even care so much about the box office? 

It's not like Disney is sharing any of that money with you. 

And it's not like Star Wars movies are ever going to stop being made ... Star Trek is only a fraction as successful as Star Wars box office wise and there's another Star Trek in development by Quentin Tarantino no less (which makes it the 14th Star Trek movie, lol). So really there's no danger of that. 

Maybe it underperformed a tad, but it's still the no.1 movie domestically and internationally for 2017. It's not even a low point for Star Wars either, since AOTC and Revenge of the Sith and Rogue One all grossed less to boot inflation adjusted.