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Forums - Politics Discussion - Donald Trump: How Do You Feel about Him Now? (Poll)


Last November,

I supported him and I still do - Americas 91 15.77%
I supported him and I now don't - Americas 16 2.77%
I supported him and I still do - Europe 37 6.41%
I supported him and I now don't - Europe 7 1.21%
I supported him and I still do - Asia 6 1.04%
I supported him and I now don't - Asia 1 0.17%
I supported him and I still do - RoW 15 2.60%
I supported him and I now don't - RoW 2 0.35%
I didn't support him and still don't. 373 64.64%
I didn't support him and now do. 29 5.03%
Alara317 said:
massimus said:

LMAO! Impressive! Your unabashed patriotism, how right wing of you. The UN wow, the list grows. Please take our leftist refugees to your utopia, save them from the modern confederacy. You kind noble soul. Seriously though, what do you know?

The hilarious thing is that I'm honestly not patriotic. I am happy living in Canada, but I'm also quite critical of us and think we could be doing better (We did, after all, just elect Doug Ford). You are mixing up national pride with cold, hard facts. On an objective scale, Canada is outperforming the US in nearly every measure when it comes to quality of life. Those are just the numbers. If you're gonna turn that around and use it against me, then you are beyond discussion. 

It was a joke dude. You know whats even funnier? I probably hate the Republican Party more than you do. Only for real reasons. I don't want to defend a party I dont like because you decided to throw out ridiculous bullshit. You don't even know the basics of the American system and trash it because it's not like Canada. Cold hard facts by the UN standard. Canada is a monster, what do you want me to say? We still don't want to be like Canada lol.. Well some might but not enough. We were beyond discussion from the start, my dude.

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massimus said:
Machiavellian said:

I would more than happy to take that bet.  Waters mean nothing to the average person because she isn't on the national stage.  Its like a NBA team using a bench player to foul and make the star player on another team get mad and get tossed from the game.  The other team doesn't care if their bench player gets tossed along with the star player.  The worst thing Trump can do is get in some stupid twitter feud with someone who means nothing  where both come out looking like idiots.  It would be more hurtful for Trump then someone insignificant and its a easy ploy anyone can use because he is so thin skin. 

Trump Approval goes up and down depending on who numbers you look at.  Yes, his approval goes up every now and then but when you are scraping the bottom, rising up a few points mean nothing if his numbers drop back again with another dumb moment.  Popularity Numbers mean nothing and it's the reason I never use them because they can be screwed depending on who you poll.  Instead, I look at results.  Primaries, midterms and elections are what count.  You can keep your numbers because as soon as they turn another way you will say they mean nothing or ignore them, I will look at results and shift in voting which is what counts.  We will see if the Republicans hold Ohio.  This should have been an easy win as it has always been an easy win before.  The fact that its a tight race in the single digit means its up in the air and things have change climate wise for Republicans.

As to Trump tweet, he called Lebron an idiot.  Even people who have been strong Trump supporters came out and basically said, shut up.  But as with everything, it's just another pile on a large pile and as he continue to pile on more stupidity he will find out, Social Media is not his friend.  People's opinion change quickly with one wrong stance or one wrong comment.  Once you put it out there, you cannot take it back and you can believe with as thin skinned as he is, it's only a matter of time before someone gets him triggered.

LOL hypothetical bet is on then. That's the entire point though, Waters would get smoked on the national stage. Please make her the national face of your party, right? Everyone who pays attention to american politics knows Waters. That's my mindset, that's a great thing. Put these California goofballs front and center. These radical left hacks like that chick ortez or whatever in NY. Be honest, do you think the democrats in Ohio that voted for Trump the first time would vote for A) the current result of Trump policy or  B) "Impeach 45, No Profits, No Borders, No Police, No Prisons" lecture from know nothings? People aren't stupid, i genuinely hope that and I have faith in the vast majority. Please show this nonsense to sensible democrats and make them the face of your party on a national stage. 

The twitter feuds have worked for Trump, that's the weird part. People have been hung by their nuts in the street for half of the crap he has done. He takes a steaming dump on political correctness and it's hilarious. Waters is different, there is no rhyme or reason, she's just nuts. And she should be mad, he has called her stupid on twitter many times. You could say that he hasn't gained or lost from those tactics in a constant stalemate. Why did those democrats vote for him the first time though? He was the same asshole in the primary. Maybe they are just democrats, not democratic socialists. Maybe the economy and the constitution are more important than their identity politics and culture correctness. They are out there, it has been proven. Please adopt the democratic socialist platform. Let's get fucking radical, it's time to be honest about our intentions and progress. Guarantee him 4 more years. I don't trust the polls at all, look at the 2016 elections, i'm with you on results. There is a temp thing today right? Did you vote for the D?

He said he made Lemon look smart but that's not hard to do. Lebron said he was using sports to divide the nation so Trump threw a jab back. It's over lol. Do you really think people will dwell on that? The shit piles up yet the opinions stay steady, it's different this time. That's why I'm sure of my view. We will see in Nov, right?

Waters would not get smoked on the national stage, instead both Waters and Trump will look like complete idiots sparring against each other.  They would make each other look so bad that no one would want to vote for either.  That's the beauty of sending the bench player in.  The bench player would get the star to retaliate and both get taken out.

Actually twitter feuds have only worked for his base.  Those people do not care about such things and auto believe and sign on to anything he supports.  What you are forgetting is that their is a huge population of independants, the group that swings elections and those people are the ones taking stock.  Those are not the people who vote in the primaries.  They are the ones that decided when comparing an idiot and a supposed corrupt politician, they would vote for the idiot.  Now that Trump is in office, those same people have a totally different view of him.  Now they see him as not only an idiot but also another corrupt politician.  Social media is a trap, as I stated its like Trump claiming the rise in the Stock market as something he was instrumental in doing until it crashed and then he learned his lesson.  Social media is the same way.  He will ride it until he says something where he lose significant support.  Since he never filters anything it's only a time bomb waiting to happen.

As for Lebron, No, I do not believe anyone will dwell over it, I just believe its one more pile of crap on an ever increasing pile.  Sooner or later the stench becomes so much it becomes the identity of the person where no one can even remember one incident but instead associate the smell instead.

Machiavellian said:
massimus said:

LOL hypothetical bet is on then. That's the entire point though, Waters would get smoked on the national stage. Please make her the national face of your party, right? Everyone who pays attention to american politics knows Waters. That's my mindset, that's a great thing. Put these California goofballs front and center. These radical left hacks like that chick ortez or whatever in NY. Be honest, do you think the democrats in Ohio that voted for Trump the first time would vote for A) the current result of Trump policy or  B) "Impeach 45, No Profits, No Borders, No Police, No Prisons" lecture from know nothings? People aren't stupid, i genuinely hope that and I have faith in the vast majority. Please show this nonsense to sensible democrats and make them the face of your party on a national stage. 

The twitter feuds have worked for Trump, that's the weird part. People have been hung by their nuts in the street for half of the crap he has done. He takes a steaming dump on political correctness and it's hilarious. Waters is different, there is no rhyme or reason, she's just nuts. And she should be mad, he has called her stupid on twitter many times. You could say that he hasn't gained or lost from those tactics in a constant stalemate. Why did those democrats vote for him the first time though? He was the same asshole in the primary. Maybe they are just democrats, not democratic socialists. Maybe the economy and the constitution are more important than their identity politics and culture correctness. They are out there, it has been proven. Please adopt the democratic socialist platform. Let's get fucking radical, it's time to be honest about our intentions and progress. Guarantee him 4 more years. I don't trust the polls at all, look at the 2016 elections, i'm with you on results. There is a temp thing today right? Did you vote for the D?

He said he made Lemon look smart but that's not hard to do. Lebron said he was using sports to divide the nation so Trump threw a jab back. It's over lol. Do you really think people will dwell on that? The shit piles up yet the opinions stay steady, it's different this time. That's why I'm sure of my view. We will see in Nov, right?

Waters would not get smoked on the national stage, instead both Waters and Trump will look like complete idiots sparring against each other.  They would make each other look so bad that no one would want to vote for either.  That's the beauty of sending the bench player in.  The bench player would get the star to retaliate and both get taken out.

Actually twitter feuds have only worked for his base.  Those people do not care about such things and auto believe and sign on to anything he supports.  What you are forgetting is that their is a huge population of independants, the group that swings elections and those people are the ones taking stock.  Those are not the people who vote in the primaries.  They are the ones that decided when comparing an idiot and a supposed corrupt politician, they would vote for the idiot.  Now that Trump is in office, those same people have a totally different view of him.  Now they see him as not only an idiot but also another corrupt politician.  Social media is a trap, as I stated its like Trump claiming the rise in the Stock market as something he was instrumental in doing until it crashed and then he learned his lesson.  Social media is the same way.  He will ride it until he says something where he lose significant support.  Since he never filters anything it's only a time bomb waiting to happen.

As for Lebron, No, I do not believe anyone will dwell over it, I just believe its one more pile of crap on an ever increasing pile.  Sooner or later the stench becomes so much it becomes the identity of the person where no one can even remember one incident but instead associate the smell instead.

Lol she would get destroyed on a national stage. No chance. Cali is the only place where she could hold the seat like she does.


How so? My point is that he was talking shit in the primaries, he is no different now than he was then. The indies and dems that voted for him in the first time in the general knew what he was. There is no reason to think their opinion has changed, especially with the results he’s getting. Like you say, twitter isn’t an issue to most. They don’t care. I see Reps won that Ohio temp seat. 

eh I disagree. Something that is forgotten in a day or 2 doesn’t fester.

Last edited by massimus - on 08 August 2018

SpokenTruth said:
It's 8/8/2018....still don't like him.

Yo i want credit for that quote. I’m not “trump supporters”

SpokenTruth said:
massimus said:

Yo i want credit for that quote. I’m not “trump supporters”

I'll give it to you but you're the second person on here to claim it.  


That said, do you have any evidence to support it?

Trump won 2016. He converted blue states, the old blue dogs. By the way, I met 2 Russian girls last night. I asked them if they were here for the elections and they laughed in my face. “Crazy American! Let’s take picture!”

Last edited by massimus - on 08 August 2018

Around the Network
Machiavellian said:
If anything he will continue to say stupid stuff until he cannot pull something back and just like a lot of people who put permanent thoughts for the public to see without a filter, its only a matter of time before it become a real problem.  Social media is not his friend.

Social media may not be his "friend" but it has absolutely been a weapon he has wielded to great effect.  Live by the tweet, die by the tweet. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Final-Fan said:
Machiavellian said:
If anything he will continue to say stupid stuff until he cannot pull something back and just like a lot of people who put permanent thoughts for the public to see without a filter, its only a matter of time before it become a real problem.  Social media is not his friend.

Social media may not be his "friend" but it has absolutely been a weapon he has wielded to great effect.  Live by the tweet, die by the tweet. 

You could literally fill an entire subreddit with all the things he's said and eventually contradicted.

Which they did!

KManX89 said:
Final-Fan said:

Social media may not be his "friend" but it has absolutely been a weapon he has wielded to great effect.  Live by the tweet, die by the tweet. 

You could literally fill an entire subreddit with all the things he's said and eventually contradicted.

Which they did!

shocking that people have ever trusted him, let alone still do. 

SpokenTruth said:
Rudy Giuliani just said, "Facts are not facts."

It's here, folks. 1984 in 2018.

You know someone will be a stickler so I will be that one person.  Rudy said Truth isn't Truth.  Now I do understand what Rudy is trying to say but man did he botched it as if Trump wrote that line for him.  Even still, what Rudy is trying to do is throw out a lot of BS so when all this crap comes out, he and the president can play the bias card.

SpokenTruth said:

Kellyanne Conway:
"And they're giving -- Sean Spicer, our press secretary -- gave alternative facts."

"What you are seeing and hearing is not what's happening."

"Truth is not truth."

"Ignorance is Strength." (just reading between the lines)