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Forums - Politics Discussion - Donald Trump: How Do You Feel about Him Now? (Poll)


Last November,

I supported him and I still do - Americas 91 15.77%
I supported him and I now don't - Americas 16 2.77%
I supported him and I still do - Europe 37 6.41%
I supported him and I now don't - Europe 7 1.21%
I supported him and I still do - Asia 6 1.04%
I supported him and I now don't - Asia 1 0.17%
I supported him and I still do - RoW 15 2.60%
I supported him and I now don't - RoW 2 0.35%
I didn't support him and still don't. 373 64.64%
I didn't support him and now do. 29 5.03%
SpokenTruth said:
massimus said:


Should I tell them I think Donald Trump supporters are filth and see if they change their vote?

No, the point is they didn’t say that. They don’t sound retarded, probably because you’re not on a college campus or twitter. Where are you going with this lol? You are combing two different points I made and you’re not effectively refuting either of them. You are just saying random shit.

Around the Network
massimus said:
Machiavellian said:

The thing with your wish is that even if Waters was the face of the Dems party, she would just get compared to Trump and since there is a huge body of work on Trump stupidity on hand, I doubt he will come out on Top.  Maybe they can share hats with each other.

Just as you love Trump taking shit, so do his opponents.  They love when he opens his mouth and says something stupid because as long as he continues to increase the body of dumb comments he alienate one more person.  Case in point would be his tweet towards Lebron James.  Classic example where his thin skin gets him into a battle where no matter how you look at it, looks petty and sad.  The special elections in Ohio is really tight so it would be very interesting if at a time when it would have been good to keep his mouth shut, he add a little more steam to get those Dems out to vote.  I guess we will see today if his affect was positive or negative.  With a bunch of primaries going down today, it shall be interesting if the candidates Trump supported loses.  Let see how things shape up as this will be a barometer of things to come.  If the Republicans lose Ohio, that would be huge.  No matter how you slice it, losing Ohio is definitely not a good sign for Trump or the Republican party.

I’m willing to bet on it, I would bet on Trumps trolling over Waters stupidity any day. Just the platforms themselves are enough to tip it in Trumps favor. Trumps has a policy agenda, Waters has an impeachment agenda. They stand for nothing, her as the face of the party is a blessing. 


See that’s not what people are saying. I would have expected people to see Trump the same way I see waters. People are outraged at Trump, they aren’t glad that he keeps trolling twitter, they are mad that his approval numbers keep going up despite his trolling. They are losing that battle. His tweet was more of a diss on lemon and cnn, but Lebron fired first so fair game. Ohio is hit or miss but Ohio has a lot of the democrat support that spoken and the other guy deny exist. I think Ohio is safe, in a Trump vs Waters shitshow, Trump def comes out in top. 

I would more than happy to take that bet.  Waters mean nothing to the average person because she isn't on the national stage.  Its like a NBA team using a bench player to foul and make the star player on another team get mad and get tossed from the game.  The other team doesn't care if their bench player gets tossed along with the star player.  The worst thing Trump can do is get in some stupid twitter feud with someone who means nothing  where both come out looking like idiots.  It would be more hurtful for Trump then someone insignificant and its a easy ploy anyone can use because he is so thin skin. 

Trump Approval goes up and down depending on who numbers you look at.  Yes, his approval goes up every now and then but when you are scraping the bottom, rising up a few points mean nothing if his numbers drop back again with another dumb moment.  Popularity Numbers mean nothing and it's the reason I never use them because they can be screwed depending on who you poll.  Instead, I look at results.  Primaries, midterms and elections are what count.  You can keep your numbers because as soon as they turn another way you will say they mean nothing or ignore them, I will look at results and shift in voting which is what counts.  We will see if the Republicans hold Ohio.  This should have been an easy win as it has always been an easy win before.  The fact that its a tight race in the single digit means its up in the air and things have change climate wise for Republicans.

As to Trump tweet, he called Lebron an idiot.  Even people who have been strong Trump supporters came out and basically said, shut up.  But as with everything, it's just another pile on a large pile and as he continue to pile on more stupidity he will find out, Social Media is not his friend.  People's opinion change quickly with one wrong stance or one wrong comment.  Once you put it out there, you cannot take it back and you can believe with as thin skinned as he is, it's only a matter of time before someone gets him triggered.

SpokenTruth said:
massimus said:

Yes I know many democrats, New and old school. Do you think Trump won with no democrat support? 

I just asked 3 people near me if they were democrats.  They said yes.  I asked if they support Trump.  2 of them looked at me real funny like I must have been joking.  The 3rd one said something along the lines of, "How could I possibly support someone so antithetical to my own political ideologies?"

I'm not on a college campus and I asked in person, not Twitter.

Curious where you live. And also you learned absolutely nothing in the last election.

1. You will find that many like minded people live by each other. The reason that the media was so insanely surprised by the election and why poll numbers didn't match was because they mainly talked to just people around where they live. All of say New York and LA are heavily Anti-Trump. So to them, they thought that is how everyone thought. They were living in a political bubble.

2. Social media and media is so hateful towards Trump supporters that many are still afraid to publicly state they are as such.

massimus said:
Alara317 said:

Yes, of course the response is to dismiss me instead of rebutting my points. What did I say that was wrong or detached from reality? 

Last I checked, it's republicans who hate universal healthcare while most democrats support it. 

I don't recall any time it was democrats who were trying to push to have the bible reinstated in schools. 

Every news story I hear about democrats and their involvement in the school systems is urging it to change by putting more money into them, where republicans are often found limiting funds or trying to push bibles in school (such as in texas). 

Almost every ongoing republican value that I see touted by the media, by the people I know, by its detractors, and by its supporters boils down to "less in taxes, more personal freedom, fuck poor people/people who need help, and stop trying to change the world by removing religion/limiting gun ownership/being all PC and easily offended."

Are ALL Republicans this way? Of course not. Are all Democrats that way, either? Also, no. However, that seems to be the core values of republicans: maintain the status quo, change - even good change - is bad change because it requires us to reevaluate ourselves and FUCK THAT THIS IS AMERICA WE ARE PERFECT AND FUCK ALL OTHERS! 

History will look back at the modern right wing with disdain, much like they did with confederates.  

If I thought it would make a difference I would have responded to your last post. You’re not American and have no idea what you are talking about. You can have your views, I don’t care.

So that's how you show pride in your values, by hiding behind a generic 'You're not American, you wouldn't understand' rhetoric? 

How decidedly "American patriot" of you. 

Instead, how about you ACTUALLY put some effort in to show why your values are positive and not negative. How about actually try to at the very least explain why republican values are positive for the greater good and not just for selfish corporations or unchecked capitalism. How about at least put forth a single argument that counters my points, show examples where I'm wrong, or hell, even just try some anecdotal evidence to tell me why I'm wrong. There are plenty of ways to counter my points with varying degrees of effectiveness, at least try one. 

Or don't, and accept that my accusations ring true. Either I'm right and Republicans are inherently terrible (Modern ones, anyway; there's nothing intrisically flawed about what right wing politics/republicans stand for at their core but modern politics have twisted it so that the American Right is just wrong on so many levels), or I'm right and you are proud to be supporting a bigoted political party that doesn't give a shit about you. But hey, at least they're getting rid of the brown people, right? That's more important than the environment or schools or international relations or healthy living conditions or wealth equality or healthcare or any of the other very important staples of any decent nation that calls themselves 'first world'. Who cares about any of that, we have brown people to bomb, mexicans to put in cages, and an entire religion to suppress. 

If I'm wrong, I'd love to hear your counter points. REAL Counter points, not made-up bullshit stats about how 'too many muslims are terrorists so we should deport them all', or how 'all illegal mexican immigrants are stealing our jobs and taking up welfare dollars, which is why illegal immigration is hurting us so much.' USe real facts, not made up facts championed by fox news despite being provably wrong. 

irstupid said:

2. Social media and media is so hateful towards Trump supporters that many are still afraid to publicly state they are as such.

Good. They should be ashamed to support such a terrible person. And since REAL censorship and 'restriction of free speech' don't actually exist in the US (The government is not passing laws that makes it a crime to speak out aginst the president, though I'm sure Trump would do that if he could since he has such a frail ego), the best way to silence Trump supporters and radical right wing supporters is to publically and aggressively say "WE don't want you here. Your values have no place in the world." 

That's why alex Jones was banned from so many social media platforms. As he should be. That man is dangerously touting lies and hateful rhetoric under the guise of 'just asking questions' or stating that he's not making claims to avoid Libel or Slander charges. 

Around the Network
Alara317 said:
massimus said:

If I thought it would make a difference I would have responded to your last post. You’re not American and have no idea what you are talking about. You can have your views, I don’t care.

So that's how you show pride in your values, by hiding behind a generic 'You're not American, you wouldn't understand' rhetoric? 

How decidedly "American patriot" of you. 

Instead, how about you ACTUALLY put some effort in to show why your values are positive and not negative. How about actually try to at the very least explain why republican values are positive for the greater good and not just for selfish corporations or unchecked capitalism. How about at least put forth a single argument that counters my points, show examples where I'm wrong, or hell, even just try some anecdotal evidence to tell me why I'm wrong. There are plenty of ways to counter my points with varying degrees of effectiveness, at least try one. 

Or don't, and accept that my accusations ring true. Either I'm right and Republicans are inherently terrible (Modern ones, anyway; there's nothing intrisically flawed about what right wing politics/republicans stand for at their core but modern politics have twisted it so that the American Right is just wrong on so many levels), or I'm right and you are proud to be supporting a bigoted political party that doesn't give a shit about you. But hey, at least they're getting rid of the brown people, right? That's more important than the environment or schools or international relations or healthy living conditions or wealth equality or healthcare or any of the other very important staples of any decent nation that calls themselves 'first world'. Who cares about any of that, we have brown people to bomb, mexicans to put in cages, and an entire religion to suppress. 

If I'm wrong, I'd love to hear your counter points. REAL Counter points, not made-up bullshit stats about how 'too many muslims are terrorists so we should deport them all', or how 'all illegal mexican immigrants are stealing our jobs and taking up welfare dollars, which is why illegal immigration is hurting us so much.' USe real facts, not made up facts championed by fox news despite being provably wrong. 

I’m not interested in that conversation. You can look through this thread if you want to see my views. I have no urge to rehash them with someone that doesn’t know what they are talking about. Someone that says shit like “racist by association” -  “the modern right will be compared to the confederacy because texas wants bible study!” or “hilariously inept electoral college” isn’t a rabbit hole I want to go down. Where do you even begin with such ignorant garbage? That wouldn’t be fun to me, it’s too simple. In the end you would just ignore me shitting on your points and call me a racist so it’s useless.I read what you said and had a good laugh, there is nothing left to say. I don’t care how you do things where you live, I don’t even care where you are. That’s not here and we are not trying to be you. Let’s just leave it at that. 

massimus said:
Alara317 said:

So that's how you show pride in your values, by hiding behind a generic 'You're not American, you wouldn't understand' rhetoric? 

How decidedly "American patriot" of you. 

Instead, how about you ACTUALLY put some effort in to show why your values are positive and not negative. How about actually try to at the very least explain why republican values are positive for the greater good and not just for selfish corporations or unchecked capitalism. How about at least put forth a single argument that counters my points, show examples where I'm wrong, or hell, even just try some anecdotal evidence to tell me why I'm wrong. There are plenty of ways to counter my points with varying degrees of effectiveness, at least try one. 

Or don't, and accept that my accusations ring true. Either I'm right and Republicans are inherently terrible (Modern ones, anyway; there's nothing intrisically flawed about what right wing politics/republicans stand for at their core but modern politics have twisted it so that the American Right is just wrong on so many levels), or I'm right and you are proud to be supporting a bigoted political party that doesn't give a shit about you. But hey, at least they're getting rid of the brown people, right? That's more important than the environment or schools or international relations or healthy living conditions or wealth equality or healthcare or any of the other very important staples of any decent nation that calls themselves 'first world'. Who cares about any of that, we have brown people to bomb, mexicans to put in cages, and an entire religion to suppress. 

If I'm wrong, I'd love to hear your counter points. REAL Counter points, not made-up bullshit stats about how 'too many muslims are terrorists so we should deport them all', or how 'all illegal mexican immigrants are stealing our jobs and taking up welfare dollars, which is why illegal immigration is hurting us so much.' USe real facts, not made up facts championed by fox news despite being provably wrong. 

I’m not interested in that conversation. You can look through this thread if you want to see my views. I have no urge to rehash them with someone that doesn’t know what they are talking about. Someone that says shit like “racist by association” -  “the modern right will be compared to the confederacy because texas wants bible study!” or “hilariously inept electoral college” isn’t a rabbit hole I want to go down. Where do you even begin with such ignorant garbage? That wouldn’t be fun to me, it’s too simple. In the end you would just ignore me shitting on your points and call me a racist so it’s useless.I read what you said and had a good laugh, there is nothing left to say. I don’t care how you do things where you live, I don’t even care where you are. That’s not here and we are not trying to be you. Let’s just leave it at that. 

Just so you know, I'm from Canada! Yes, objectively our nation is doing better than yours, you just have a larger population. We are consistently ranked higher on the UN's standard of living rankings and I don't think we've ever been out of the top ten, whereas the US is...well, it's not there. So yes, I'm arrogant because I come from a nation that, while not perfect, is definitely better than yours. (Seriously, we canadians have got to work on our inexplicable hatred for the french and our terrible treatment of natives...but hey, at least we're not putting kids in cages for the crime of being born outside of canada!)

Machiavellian said:
massimus said:

I’m willing to bet on it, I would bet on Trumps trolling over Waters stupidity any day. Just the platforms themselves are enough to tip it in Trumps favor. Trumps has a policy agenda, Waters has an impeachment agenda. They stand for nothing, her as the face of the party is a blessing. 


See that’s not what people are saying. I would have expected people to see Trump the same way I see waters. People are outraged at Trump, they aren’t glad that he keeps trolling twitter, they are mad that his approval numbers keep going up despite his trolling. They are losing that battle. His tweet was more of a diss on lemon and cnn, but Lebron fired first so fair game. Ohio is hit or miss but Ohio has a lot of the democrat support that spoken and the other guy deny exist. I think Ohio is safe, in a Trump vs Waters shitshow, Trump def comes out in top. 

I would more than happy to take that bet.  Waters mean nothing to the average person because she isn't on the national stage.  Its like a NBA team using a bench player to foul and make the star player on another team get mad and get tossed from the game.  The other team doesn't care if their bench player gets tossed along with the star player.  The worst thing Trump can do is get in some stupid twitter feud with someone who means nothing  where both come out looking like idiots.  It would be more hurtful for Trump then someone insignificant and its a easy ploy anyone can use because he is so thin skin. 

Trump Approval goes up and down depending on who numbers you look at.  Yes, his approval goes up every now and then but when you are scraping the bottom, rising up a few points mean nothing if his numbers drop back again with another dumb moment.  Popularity Numbers mean nothing and it's the reason I never use them because they can be screwed depending on who you poll.  Instead, I look at results.  Primaries, midterms and elections are what count.  You can keep your numbers because as soon as they turn another way you will say they mean nothing or ignore them, I will look at results and shift in voting which is what counts.  We will see if the Republicans hold Ohio.  This should have been an easy win as it has always been an easy win before.  The fact that its a tight race in the single digit means its up in the air and things have change climate wise for Republicans.

As to Trump tweet, he called Lebron an idiot.  Even people who have been strong Trump supporters came out and basically said, shut up.  But as with everything, it's just another pile on a large pile and as he continue to pile on more stupidity he will find out, Social Media is not his friend.  People's opinion change quickly with one wrong stance or one wrong comment.  Once you put it out there, you cannot take it back and you can believe with as thin skinned as he is, it's only a matter of time before someone gets him triggered.

LOL hypothetical bet is on then. That's the entire point though, Waters would get smoked on the national stage. Please make her the national face of your party, right? Everyone who pays attention to american politics knows Waters. That's my mindset, that's a great thing. Put these California goofballs front and center. These radical left hacks like that chick ortez or whatever in NY. Be honest, do you think the democrats in Ohio that voted for Trump the first time would vote for A) the current result of Trump policy or  B) "Impeach 45, No Profits, No Borders, No Police, No Prisons" lecture from know nothings? People aren't stupid, i genuinely hope that and I have faith in the vast majority. Please show this nonsense to sensible democrats and make them the face of your party on a national stage. 

The twitter feuds have worked for Trump, that's the weird part. People have been hung by their nuts in the street for half of the crap he has done. He takes a steaming dump on political correctness and it's hilarious. Waters is different, there is no rhyme or reason, she's just nuts. And she should be mad, he has called her stupid on twitter many times. You could say that he hasn't gained or lost from those tactics in a constant stalemate. Why did those democrats vote for him the first time though? He was the same asshole in the primary. Maybe they are just democrats, not democratic socialists. Maybe the economy and the constitution are more important than their identity politics and culture correctness. They are out there, it has been proven. Please adopt the democratic socialist platform. Let's get fucking radical, it's time to be honest about our intentions and progress. Guarantee him 4 more years. I don't trust the polls at all, look at the 2016 elections, i'm with you on results. There is a temp thing today right? Did you vote for the D?

He said he made Lemon look smart but that's not hard to do. Lebron said he was using sports to divide the nation so Trump threw a jab back. It's over lol. Do you really think people will dwell on that? The shit piles up yet the opinions stay steady, it's different this time. That's why I'm sure of my view. We will see in Nov, right?

Alara317 said:
massimus said:

I’m not interested in that conversation. You can look through this thread if you want to see my views. I have no urge to rehash them with someone that doesn’t know what they are talking about. Someone that says shit like “racist by association” -  “the modern right will be compared to the confederacy because texas wants bible study!” or “hilariously inept electoral college” isn’t a rabbit hole I want to go down. Where do you even begin with such ignorant garbage? That wouldn’t be fun to me, it’s too simple. In the end you would just ignore me shitting on your points and call me a racist so it’s useless.I read what you said and had a good laugh, there is nothing left to say. I don’t care how you do things where you live, I don’t even care where you are. That’s not here and we are not trying to be you. Let’s just leave it at that. 

Just so you know, I'm from Canada! Yes, objectively our nation is doing better than yours, you just have a larger population. We are consistently ranked higher on the UN's standard of living rankings and I don't think we've ever been out of the top ten, whereas the US is...well, it's not there. So yes, I'm arrogant because I come from a nation that, while not perfect, is definitely better than yours. (Seriously, we canadians have got to work on our inexplicable hatred for the french and our terrible treatment of natives...but hey, at least we're not putting kids in cages for the crime of being born outside of canada!)

LMAO! Impressive! Your unabashed patriotism, how right wing of you. The UN wow, the list grows. Please take our leftist refugees to your utopia, save them from the modern confederacy. You kind noble soul. Seriously though, what do you know?

massimus said:
Alara317 said:

Just so you know, I'm from Canada! Yes, objectively our nation is doing better than yours, you just have a larger population. We are consistently ranked higher on the UN's standard of living rankings and I don't think we've ever been out of the top ten, whereas the US is...well, it's not there. So yes, I'm arrogant because I come from a nation that, while not perfect, is definitely better than yours. (Seriously, we canadians have got to work on our inexplicable hatred for the french and our terrible treatment of natives...but hey, at least we're not putting kids in cages for the crime of being born outside of canada!)

LMAO! Impressive! Your unabashed patriotism, how right wing of you. The UN wow, the list grows. Please take our leftist refugees to your utopia, save them from the modern confederacy. You kind noble soul. Seriously though, what do you know?

The hilarious thing is that I'm honestly not patriotic. I am happy living in Canada, but I'm also quite critical of us and think we could be doing better (We did, after all, just elect Doug Ford). You are mixing up national pride with cold, hard facts. On an objective scale, Canada is outperforming the US in nearly every measure when it comes to quality of life. Those are just the numbers. If you're gonna turn that around and use it against me, then you are beyond discussion.