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Forums - Politics Discussion - Donald Trump: How Do You Feel about Him Now? (Poll)


Last November,

I supported him and I still do - Americas 91 15.77%
I supported him and I now don't - Americas 16 2.77%
I supported him and I still do - Europe 37 6.41%
I supported him and I now don't - Europe 7 1.21%
I supported him and I still do - Asia 6 1.04%
I supported him and I now don't - Asia 1 0.17%
I supported him and I still do - RoW 15 2.60%
I supported him and I now don't - RoW 2 0.35%
I didn't support him and still don't. 373 64.64%
I didn't support him and now do. 29 5.03%
SpokenTruth said:
Machiavellian said:

I just saw this article about Trump looking to add another pay increase for the rich by adding another 100 billion in tax cuts.  So Trump wants to use his office to index capital gains to inflation without congress approval. I know how much people who hated Obama loved his executive orders so I wonder if their opinion will change since they support Trump.

Actually this interview has a lot of meat in it as he states, Jeff Session will not leave his job until after the Midterms (meaning he is looking to fire Sessions).  He talks about leaving the WTO.

Hmmm not long now before Trump put us into Watergate terrority.  Now that McCabe gone who probably been telling Trump to not fire Session, with a few Republicans out there in support, the time is now for Trump to pull the trigger.  This plot is starting to get real good as we get to the closing act.  Lets see if Trump pulls the trigger if the Dems gain seats in the House and Senate.

I was going to talk about that new $100 billion capital gains tax cut soon too.  That's his wall twice over and he wants it cut....all for the ultra wealthy.


I admit that I am surprised Sessions is still there.  I figured Trump was going to fire him not long after Comey and for largely the same reason (Russia investigation). But I do see it now happening after the mid-terms once McCabe leaves.

You can believe that Session was only left in his job because McCabe probably told Trump it would be political suicide if he tried to get rid of him so he could stop the investigation.  I believe everyone that actually advised Trump to treat president office with respect are all gone now so we should be seeing the unfettered Trump his supporters have always wanted.

On the 2.1 percent pay raise, this is what happens when you put a Billionaire in office who only concern is really about other people like him.  2.1 percent is barely a standard of living pay increase in any other corporation especially since the economy is booming.  To cut this increase for federal employees and talk about being a champion for the little guy is a big slap in the face.  It would be hard to justify to these employees a basic standard of living pay increase like this when you are also looking to drop another 100 billion to the rich while increasing the Federal Deficit over 1 trillion.  Well hopefully Trump is correct and the economy will stay booming because if it does not, lord have mercy on America.  

Last edited by Machiavellian - on 02 September 2018

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I thought this was also interesting in the news.

So Trump showed up for his photoshoot with NK, had them sign basically a nothing agreement which everyone noticed besides the Trump supporters and now when real talks begin NK is basically saying Hell NO as they have said many times before. This is another one of those examples where people within Trump administration always want to portray everything is going great, while the other side always sees something totally different. It's this careless position on reality to applease Trump which always gives me concern. It's like the people in Trump administration believe the other side will just follow along with the lie and not present their side of the issue.

The same situation with Trump economic adviser Larry Kudlow talking about the deficit.

One of the big issues with Trump understanding of the Trade deficit and why the US is in a trade war with everyone should be a concern. I thought this video from john Oliver was spot on because when we go from 18 tariffs on US goods to 10K now, you have to ask yourself what is the gain and the end game from Trump and his administration. As I have mentioned many times, Trump complete ignorance in a lot of things he involves himself with is the real concern. The part in this video where Merkel had to tell Trump 11 times he cannot setup a unilateral trade with Germany just shows how unprepared he is when dealing with subjects beyond his education level.

I thought this was very interesting and the picture it present for Trump. One of the key things I took away from this article is the same one I see everyday with the President. Him being prepared when he touches on a subject.

I know that the outside impression of people who support Trump is different but it does make you wonder if so many people working for Trump believe he is a complete liar, cheat idiot and incompetent person, why would anyone have a different opinion. We have quotes after quotes of Trump's ignorance but that isn't the biggest issue. The biggest issue is that he believes he isn't ignorant and thus has no desire to change his way of thinking or inform himself. I still wonder how Trump convinces people he is a genius and people put their trust in him when it really seems obvious that he is the total opposite.

Here is a quote from the book I thought was very interesting.

Woodward also quotes an unnamed White House official who gave an even more dire assessment of the meeting: “It seems clear that many of the president’s senior advisers, especially those in the national security realm, are extremely concerned with his erratic nature, his relative ignorance, his inability to learn, as well as what they consider his dangerous views.”

Last edited by Machiavellian - on 04 September 2018

I wouldn't say I support him now but I'm not really bothered by him anymore. He's still a joke, but I think he's... meh to okay.

SpokenTruth said:
Trump cancels federal pay increases for all employees citing....wait for it....budget constraints.

Well their is good news corporate taxes are down the big companies love it!

But somehow the debt is rising, the next step should be to point to the debt and blame programs like Medicare/Social security they simply cost to much.

The U.S. budget deficit in August was $211 billion, nearly double the gap during the year-ago month, the Congressional Budget Office estimated late Monday.

In the first 11 months of the fiscal year, the deficit was $895 billion, which is $222 billion more than the previous year.

Corporate taxes have plummeted by 30% this fiscal year, both because of the lower rate as well as the expanded ability to immediately deduct the full value of equipment purchases.

The CBO now says the deficit will approach $1 trillion by the end of this fiscal year, but in April the agency didn’t expect the deficit to reach $1 trillion until 2020.

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As a resident of the US virgin islands. to hear him say Puerto Rico was an unsung success story is infuriating. WTF does this idiot live under a rock soo many of us are still struggling due to the hurricane.

RolStoppable said:
Baddman said:
As a resident of the US virgin islands. to hear him say Puerto Rico was an unsung success story is infuriating. WTF does this idiot live under a rock soo many of us are still struggling due to the hurricane.

This post makes me feel so Trump. You say Virgin Islands, then Puerto Rico, then conclude by implying they are one and the same which suggests that Puerto Rico belongs to the Virgin Islands?

I suppose I can take solace in the fact that one day I could become president of the United States or at least governor of a state like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I seem to be more than qualified.

 I say this because we are neighboring islands. we both share the same resources aided provided by the US government in hazardous times. So him saying Puerto Rico is an unsung success even tho many are still suffering offends me as if Puerto Rico is still suffering us in the USVI are also due to inadequate resources. There are many houses in both Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands with blue roofs. Seeing this kind of delusion in regards to Puerto Rico makes me even more sad at the realization we will probably never get the proper aid we need as once again Resources sent to Puerto Rico are shared between USVI and Puerto Rico

I see Paul Manafort decided to take the blue pill. I guess it was only a matter of time before he figured out that his savor was not coming. I wonder if Trump will have a different tweet now that Manafort has made a deal. When both Manafort and Cohen was in the news, Trump panned Cohen while he praised Manafort but that could all change very soon once we get some ideal of the deal he cut with Mueller. I love this tweet by the President

I feel very badly for Paul Manafort and his wonderful family. “Justice” took a 12 year old tax case, among other things, applied tremendous pressure on him and, unlike Michael Cohen, he refused to “break” - make up stories in order to get a “deal.” Such respect for a brave man!

The question you would ask yourself is "Break". What does he mean by that. Well, I am sure if Trump is true to form, his next tweet concerning Manafort will not be so soothing.

SpokenTruth said:
I've been watching the Manafort plea deal all morning. It's just been glorious. Especially after Trump saying flipping should be illegal.

What really makes this interesting is that the deal covers all future indictments. Meaning that if Mueller has a criminal case for Russia collusion, Manafort is safe and won't be charged. The only reason a prosecutor would accept that level of immunity is if they plead guilty to everything and snitched on everyone and could prove it.

I was wondering the same thing.  Usually a prosecutor will not accept such a deal unless there is some decent juice that Manafort and his lawyers could produce.  I wonder if we are going to finally get some real info on that Trump Tower meeting.  You pretty much have all the players that were there or knew about it.  What really would be interesting if the next target would be Kushner.  Trump would definitely have a baby if Mueller gets that close to him.  I also would believe it would push Trump over the edge and we would see a tragic meltdown.

We need to have a money poll, I say that Kushner is now in play and it's only a matter of time before the anvil hits.  Yes, Trump Jr would be a great target but I believe Mueller would go after the son in law first.

I must said the most wonderful thing about his Presidency has been witnessing the frustrations and delusions of marxists and their useful idiots, their raging impotence at their usual tactics not working against Trump it's just deliciously funny to watch.