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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Reviews - (83) Metacritic (83) Opencritic

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Cerebralbore101 said:
Okay I can't defend that last picture.

Her tits are so heavy that they broke the spine of this poor girl. 

This is why you don't let teenage boys take Driver tests. 

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Aren't most Rare blades designed by a guest artist, thus why they all look so different and some out of place. You know like when a mangas series has a ton of other artist draw his characters in some anniverery.


Edit. So who is that designs artist?

Last edited by irstupid - on 03 December 2017

ClassicGamingWizzz said:


This series needs character designers that are not stupid, after the last game i was thinking it would be impossible for them to make worse characters. We can talk about them being super sexualized all day because they are, but the main problem is that they look fucking stupid. Its like a parody of the worst things japanese designers do in games or anime art.

That's not even attractive, wtf

Unfortunately, except for characters designed by Tetsuya Nomura, character design in this game is just terrible.

ARamdomGamer said:
OTBWY said:

I 100% disagree and I think it's crap like that that causes Nintendo to panic and censor all their games. It's fake outrage and IMO racist ass hell the way they are talking about Japanese artists and some having had a background in Hentai.

I don't have an issue with "sexualized" characters, heck I play games like Senran Kagura, but can you really defend the design of the pic that Wizz posted above for example?

If you are gonna make sexualized characters, at least make them good and have some interesting design elements to them.

Yes I can defend that. It's called artistic freedom. It doesn't bother me one bit because I respect the effort.

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OTBWY said:
ARamdomGamer said:

I don't have an issue with "sexualized" characters, heck I play games like Senran Kagura, but can you really defend the design of the pic that Wizz posted above for example?

If you are gonna make sexualized characters, at least make them good and have some interesting design elements to them.

Yes I can defend that. It's called artistic freedom. It doesn't bother me one bit because I respect the effort.

It doesn't bother me on a moral level. It's just bad character design. If her chest were two sizes smaller it wouldn't look so ridiculous, and would be a decent character design IMO. 

Cerebralbore101 said:
OTBWY said:

Yes I can defend that. It's called artistic freedom. It doesn't bother me one bit because I respect the effort.

It doesn't bother me on a moral level. It's just bad character design. If her chest were two sizes smaller it wouldn't look so ridiculous, and would be a decent character design IMO. 

All I see is a character that looks a bit Felicia-ish. I don't see the big woop.

OTBWY said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

It doesn't bother me on a moral level. It's just bad character design. If her chest were two sizes smaller it wouldn't look so ridiculous, and would be a decent character design IMO. 

All I see is a character that looks a bit Felicia-ish. I don't see the big woop.

You mean the Darkstalkers character? She doesn't have a FF bra size though. 

If you don't like a blade, just don't use them... Theres plenty of highly varied designs so I find it hard to take the criticism that some of the blades aren't appealing to some people as anything more than a minor nitpick.

Cerebralbore101 said:
OTBWY said:

All I see is a character that looks a bit Felicia-ish. I don't see the big woop.

You mean the Darkstalkers character? She doesn't have a FF bra size though. 

Depends on which game.