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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Super Mario Odyssey will help Nintendo take November from Microsoft. Sony wont slouch either.


Who do you think will sell more units this holiday?

Nintendo 363 68.11%
Microsoft 26 4.88%
Sony 144 27.02%
vivster said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Whats ELEX?

That's a good one.

My work scheudle has made it tough. Seriously, though... what is it? LOL

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
vivster said:

That's a good one.

My work scheudle has made it tough. Seriously, though... what is it? LOL

Not falling for that one. As if anyone doesn't know what ELEX is. Next thing you're telling me that you didn't take a vacation for the next 2 weeks to play it.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

My work scheudle has made it tough. Seriously, though... what is it? LOL

Not falling for that one. As if anyone doesn't know what ELEX is. Next thing you're telling me that you didn't take a vacation for the next 2 weeks to play it.

Im looking it up now before I crash. The suspense is too much! 

Switch would outsold Xbox this Holiday Season even whitout Super Mario Odyssey, real battle will be PS4 vs Switch (if Switch offocurse has enuf stocks for Super Mario Odyssey launch and Holiday Season).

X1X has tiny allocations anyway, was never going to help.

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I think PS4 will be third regardless of whether slim and/or Pro gets a price cut, but will still sell well, it is the PS4 after all

would be rather embarrassing for MS not to win November given how backed up their sales should be. If the leaked NPD numbers from a few months back were legit, it's sales have been really poor all year

maybe microsoft could stand a chance if it wasn t for that mario switch bundle.Theres no way nintendo could lose november IMO.

celador said:
I think PS4 will be third regardless of whether slim and/or Pro gets a price cut, but will still sell well, it is the PS4 after all

would be rather embarrassing for MS not to win November given how backed up their sales should be. If the leaked NPD numbers from a few months back were legit, it's sales have been really poor all year

If Sonys delivers on the big announcements they are planning to make at Paris Games week...Microsoft will have to hope whatever that is doesnt knock them into expectation of a third place for the month, which means this is the start of something bad for them. Sony and Nintendo will clobber them year round and they will struggle just to make it to fifty million before the gen is done.

Finale said:
maybe microsoft could stand a chance if it wasn t for that mario switch bundle.Theres no way nintendo could lose november IMO.

What you said, including the fact that Nintendo inreased their shipments and their expecting their hybrid to sell like a handheld. This is not going to go well for Microsoft. They could suprass them by mid 2019 Nintendo keeps this up.

Random_Matt said:
X1X has tiny allocations anyway, was never going to help.

I least the NPD was looking good until Nintendo announced they were upping shpments. Its almost a certainty now that Microsoft cant do much. Sony is also revealing more stuff at paris games week. Microsoft better hope its not a price cut and more games. Nintendo and Sony just love shoveling dirty ontop of Microsoft because they cant follow them with software development.