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Flilix said:
Aeolus451 said:


"White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners"




Feminist Frequency is definitely one of the most sexist people on Twitter, but I wouldn't call her 'media'. She's simply an annoying person who likes attention.

I agree that Buzzfeed is one of the worst and most biased news outlets out there. I've read some Buzzfeed articles, a lot of them made me wonder if they're just trolling or actually being serious.

CNN - While I don't agree with everything in the article and they seem to exaggerate a lot of things, they do bring up a good point. Women and people with different skin colours are still underrepresented in the American government & congress.

Vox - I don't get what's wrong with this article. The article is completely factual. They're merely pointing out that the US doesn't need to panic about Muslim terrorism, because there are bigger problems - like racist attacks. Nowhere in the article did they say that white men are (on average) more dangerous than others. (Although the 'white' in the title is maybe a bit unnecessary.)

There's a lot more vox articles that are worse than that. Perhaps I should have just took a screen shot of the head lines they have regarding white men. It's the same with cnn. They have a lot of pieces on white men or white people in general. I think cnn is looking at diversity from a racist perspective rather than looking at if there's anyone barring minorities from getting into government. 

I sourced anita because she's often applaunded by femnists around the world for her crazy quotes/positions on things and she's often asked about her opinions from companies on things. She's very dangerous to gaming or entertainment in general.

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Aeolus451 said:
Flilix said:


There's a lot more vox articles that are worse than that. Perhaps I should have just took a screen shot of the head lines they have regarding white men. It's the same with cnn. They have a lot of pieces on white men or white people in general. I think cnn is looking at diversity from a racist perspective rather than looking at if there's anyone barring minorities from getting into government. 

I sourced anita because she's often applaunded by femnists around the world for her crazy quotes/positions on things and she's often asked about her opinions from companies on things. She's very dangerous to gaming or entertainment in general.

I'm not familar with Vox, but I just looked at their front page and it does indeed look like a left news outlet.

CNN on the other hand, looks like a normal news site. Maybe they have some left articles, but the big articles on their front page look quite alright.

SpokenTruth said:
Flilix said:

I'm not familar with Vox, but I just looked at their front page and it does indeed look like a left news outlet.

CNN on the other hand, looks like a normal news site. Maybe they have some left articles, but the big articles on their front page look quite alright.

Use this.  It's a pretty well put together continuum of the politcal leaning of major media outlets.

Intersting to see how many media outlets are strongly politically biased, on both sides. The only one I'm really familiar with is BBC News, which seems to be pretty good.

Hiku said:
Qwark said:

I know that as a white person, you don’t think you’re racist. You don’t shout things in the street, you don’t think people of colour deserve to be paid less. You might even have some black friends.

That doesn’t mean that you’re not racist.


The conclusion of everything mostly comes down t othat white people are the most evil and racist people on the planet. Yet for some reason the only people capable to build wealthy nations (by plundering and stealing recourses of course) and people of colour are forced to live in these racist nations. Also that white people are socialised to be racist and every white country is ruled from and by white supremacy

OP said that he is refering to stories that came after the Las Vegas shooting.
And regarding the first link, the author questions what it means to be racist. It's not demonizing white people, but posing a question to them.

Though I don't think anyone denies that white people have commited the most horrible attrocities to mankind in our history. That doesn't mean that we should all be held accountable for those actions, or that it's a common opinion among news outlets that we should.

Anyway, I'm curious exactly what news outlets OP is refering to. If it's one obscure underground news outlet that has 78 readers, and not CNN, MSNBC, etc , then don't just say "liberal media" because leaving it at that that is ambigous at best, and misleading. Say exactly which publication is saying this.

You know how it works for those people. Everything not Breitbart is considered ‘liberal’ media. 

aikohualda said:
white men are hurt by this? we've been telling you guys it does hurt..... but you guys keep explaining.. but it is true... "he is black.. or he is muslim.... he is chinese... indian... yada yada" now that they used it like this... on your same "group", you guys are hurt.


Pretty much this, yeah. I’m a white male btw.

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RolStoppable said:
SpokenTruth said:
Let's see how many people this pisses off.

If every black person and Muslim bought a gun tomorrow, we'd have a Congressional gun law reform bill by Friday.

Don't all black people already own guns?

The last thing I need is owning a gun in a college dorm room.

As a brown man. I find the hate white men get to be as repugnant as any other hate for any other group which focuses on skin color. The fact people actually believe it's not racist being racist to white people in general is insane to me.

Flilix said:
SpokenTruth said:

Use this.  It's a pretty well put together continuum of the politcal leaning of major media outlets.

Intersting to see how many media outlets are strongly politically biased, on both sides. The only one I'm really familiar with is BBC News, which seems to be pretty good.

Vox's non-political stuff on youtube is pretty good, actually. 

Bet with PeH: 

I win if Arms sells over 700 000 units worldwide by the end of 2017.

Bet with WagnerPaiva:


I win if Emmanuel Macron wins the french presidential election May 7th 2017.

Is this a prevalent thought or is it just a headline to generate clicks?

Locknuts said:

Since the Las Vegas shooting I am noticing a disturbing trend where people in the liberal media and elsewhere are collectively demonising a group of people based on the colour of their skin. This group is 'white men'.

I'm not sure what the whiteness of a persons' skin has to do with their character. Dr Martin Luther King would be appalled.  If anyone referred to any other group in a negative light i.e 'black women', or 'brown people' they would probably end up being fired (or worse).

I see these groups saying that if this was an Islamic terror attack, all Muslims would be demonised. This is a false equivalence. Islam is not a race, it's a set of (really bad) ideas. ISIS read and refer to the same texts as moderate muslims. Bad ideas can be criticised. Most importantly though, Muslims can be any colour. Just as communists, Christians and fascists can be.

I can't believe the liberal media don't see the double standard, and dangerous people like Jared Taylor are just waiting for enough people to fall for the identity politics to build a political platform based on 'race realism'. He claims he is not a white supremacist. But read his work, he considers black people akin to a different species.

We can't let this happen. We saw the results of this over 70 years ago. Wake up.

White people tell me that this kind of racism and discriminaton is not real and that when people of other races just exaggerate experiences to gain public sympathy...

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