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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. October bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

KLAMarine said:
hudsoniscool said:
No problem gribble. All my enthusiasm for the slim is burnt up and now all a man has left to hold onto is the X.


I just mean from a sales perspective. There isn't anything Microsoft can do with the s to even match Xbox 360 sales anymore. I do love the machine though.

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

Around the Network

5 hours since last update.

#5 NS Grey (same)
#12 SNES Classic (up 2)
#17 NS Mario (up 3)
#37 PS4 Pro Destiny (up 5)
#40 NS Neon (up 4)
#43 PS4 Slim (up 9)
#80 XBO S (up 9)
#97 PS4 Pro (re-entry)

#1 NS Super Mario Odyssey (same)
#11 PS4 Gran Turismo Sport (up 1)
#14 PS4 South Park: The Fractured but Whole (up 2)
#16 PS4 The Evil Within 2 (up 2)
#23 NS Fire Emblem Warriors (up 6)
#24 PS4 Call of Duty: WWII (up 10)*
#25 3DS Pokemon Ultra Sun (up 1)*
#32 3DS Pokemon Ultra Moon (down 2)*
#33 XBO Call of Duty: WWII (up 4)*
#34 PS4 Assassin's Creed Origins (up 5)

Does not affect this month: *

GT Sport up to #11, people must be enjoying the demo

Mario is holding firm still, good to see. Last few 3D titles haven't sold as much as they have deserved

hudsoniscool said:
KLAMarine said:


I just mean from a sales perspective. There isn't anything Microsoft can do with the s to even match Xbox 360 sales anymore. I do love the machine though.

Microsoft is striking me as a company that isn't trying though. Their advertising was the lowest among the big three in August last I checked. Nintendo's was the highest. Come holiday, I suspect they'll be pushing the X1X firmly. We'll see...

GribbleGrunger said:
hudsoniscool said:

Who is doing that? Not me. It's obvious to anyone that Xbox vs PlayStation is s + x vs s + pro. But to gauge the success of the x(2nd midgen console ever) it absolutely makes sense to compare it to the pro(first mid gen console). 

 I only brought this up because is see multiple people say that if Xbox doesn't take November npd it is a disaster. I'm thinking wait a minute how is it a disaster when the damn thing is sold out and the pro only did 250k. I know for certainty that if Xbox does 1.2 million in November with 300k being the x there will be a lot of talk about Xbox being dead and the x being a DUD.

It doesn't compare though, does it. The Pro had a low profile launch because Sony just wanted to offer an upgrade to those in the know (the enthusiasts) while keeping momentum for the PS4. MS are lauching the X1X as if it's a new generation, with all the flare and flash one would associate with that. You're comparing a low key launch to a high profile launch. Comparing 'launch' numbers of the Pro is simply ignoring the continued success of the PS4. Without the Pro, the average sales of the PS4 would have declined slightly, so the Pro merely kept the momentum on track to hit Sony's targets. People are expecting the X1X to reinvigorate the XB1 market and keep the brand selling better than the PS4/PS4Pro from that point on. It's not going to happen. 

Announce at E3 and low profile launch? Decent amount of ads leading up to the release and beyond? Come on now. It's a fair comparison. No one is saying that the X is going to push the xbox one sales past the ps4.

Around the Network

4 hours since last update.

#5 NS Grey (same)
#12 SNES Classic (same)
#17 NS Mario (same)
#28 NS Neon (up 12)
#40 PS4 Pro Destiny (down 3)
#44 PS4 Slim (down 1)
#77 XBO S (up 3)

#1 NS Super Mario Odyssey (same)
#11 PS4 Gran Turismo Sport (same)
#13 PS4 The Evil Within 2 (up 3)
#15 PS4 South Park: The Fractured but Whole (down 1)
#21 NS Fire Emblem Warriors (up 2)
#25 3DS Pokemon Ultra Sun (same)*
#27 PS4 Call of Duty: WWII (down 3)*
#30 3DS Pokemon Ultra Moon (up 2)*
#34 PS4 Assassin's Creed Origins (same)
#35 XBO Call of Duty: WWII (down 2)*

Does not affect this month: *

The Destiny Pro bundle is doing decently at last

Think it's obvious that neither a basic Pro at $399 or a Pro SE with a game at $450 are particularly appealing at this stage. Basic Pro should drop at least $50 and special bundles should be $399 at launch. And $350 Pro with a Star Wars or CoD on Black Friday

14 hours since last update.

#6 NS Grey (down 1)
#14 SNES Classic (down 2)
#17 NS Mario (same)
#36 NS Neon (down 8)
#38 PS4 Pro Destiny (up 2)
#49 PS4 Slim (down 5)
#82 XBO S (down 5)

#1 NS Super Mario Odyssey (same)
#10 PS4 South Park: The Fractured but Whole (up 5)
#11 PS4 Gran Turismo Sport (same)
#13 PS4 The Evil Within 2 (same)
#23 NS Fire Emblem Warriors (down 2)
#27 PS4 Call of Duty: WWII (same)*
#30 3DS Pokemon Ultra Sun (down 5)*
#32 3DS Pokemon Ultra Moon (down 2)*
#35 PS4 Assassin's Creed Origins (down 1)
#37 XBO Call of Duty: WWII (down 2)*

Does not affect this month: *

Assassin's Creed is looking like it will be another Destiny 2 and pull lackluster numbers.

newwil7l said:
Assassin's Creed is looking like it will be another Destiny 2 and pull lackluster numbers.

Destiny 2 didn't have lackluster numbers.