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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you ever wish the console wars were closer?


Do you wish the sales were closer?

Yes. Those were great times! 87 39.55%
No. Microsoft and Nintend... 66 30.00%
Sony doesn't need compet... 39 17.73%
I like that we all own th... 16 7.27%
I'm a PC gamer. Pay attention to me! 12 5.45%

If you think the console warz are stagnant, then you should visit the Mediacreate threads. Those always end up becoming a big mess.

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Yeah kinda.

Lets be honest since Sony entered the home console business 23 years ago, they've won 3/4 generations in total blow out fashion.

If anything last gen was the outlier with Sony making several uncharacteristic mistakes, namely the $600 pricing of the PS3.

This gen it seems like it's just back to business as usual. MS looked good last gen, but they made too many stupid mistakes against Sony and you can't do that, especially when they aren't making many themselves. They are very good at sitting back and waiting for their opposition to do stupid things and then pouncing on those mistakes.

Nintendo basically has been kinda driven out of the dedicated home console market to their comfort zone which is the portable centric game machines (Switch), MS made too many dumb mistakes early on with the XBox One and that's all Sony needs in order to go for the kill.

Not really I don't care about sales, though competitiveness is important.


Yes and no.

I think the current market reflects the efforts made by the 3 main companies. I think Sony's lead is deserved as they have done the most to deserve it. So, in that regard, no. I think it's fair.

On the other hand, yes, because that would mean all companies would be making considerable efforts that would enrich the market with more titles.

So... yeah, i think it depends more on companies making more atractive products, and i think that hasn't been happening and thus the present situation.

Nah. I usually find console wars annoying and unproductive sometimes. However I do like watching console wars that do not involve my platform of choice

Sometimes I just like eating popcorn and watch two fanbases go at each other. So entertaining! That's why 7th generation was so fun to watch. All the entertainment and none of it affected me

Well expect that one time Sega fans kept telling me that Sega had the best 1st party games. Which was blatantly false.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

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I mean, we could still argue and stuff, it's just difficult for sony fans to find any argument because xfans for the most part agree on anything the sony fan is gunna bash ms about.

Although I do miss the pages and pages of arguments and trying to convince xbox fans how badly ms is taking them for a ride. :P

RolStoppable said:
Sounds a lot like you are disappointed in the state of Xbox and its future, rather than a wish for balance.

As for me personally, no, I don't wish that. There's no reason to.

Nah. Just a throwback to more innocent times.

Every brand is successful this gen so thats all that matters. Little sale figures dont make my games better. So this gen i am happy.

Rol brought up a great point though, while competition was good for offerings, it was really bad for the financials.
Had it continued this gen, we wouldve lost the innovation anyway, when one of them would have consequently had to bow out.

As long as any console doesn't sell so poorly that it gets Dreamcast'd, then I don't care. I think the NES and PSone were the only two consoles I used as my main ones for their respective gens that sold more than the competition.

Plus sometimes a company getting its ass kicked can result in good things. Would we be seeing backwards compatibility or Game Pass or their other fan services and moves if MS wasn't getting their asses handed to them?