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Forums - Politics Discussion - White Supremacist Drives Car into Counter-Protesters (20 Injured, One Dead)

Superman4 said:
monocle_layton said:

it's acceptable for these racist pieces of shit to kill others because they realize they're nothing more than retarded pussies. They don't have facts to support themselves, so they just go ahead and hurt others.

Seeing this happen in America is sickening. I hope the dude gets a life sentence for this. He could've killed many more people - thank god it wasn't more than one person. 


They talk about free speech, but at the end of the day at least the "super evil" SJW's won't kill you if you disagree with them : 

The Peaceful liberals were actually the ones that started throwing objects and attacking the alt right protesters. What that dude did was wrong and shouldt have happened, what the left wing protesters also did was wrong and shouldnt have happened. Like it or not, the alt right does have a right to protest what they dont believe in just like the left. Let them protest in peace and its a non issue, provoke them and you will end up with violence. And yes, it goes both ways.

Never justifies ramming a car into a herd of people.


For fuck's sake, no violence will somehow take this issue off the demon who drove the car

RJ_Sizzle said:
Superman4 said:

Trump doesnt need to address every tragedy that happens. Wrong was done on both sides, not just the alt right side.

What wrong did the counter-protesters do where they needed to be hit with a car and killed? For standing up to people that defend slavery and genocide. the very people that claimed that they voted for this president because they claim he represents their ideals? It's funny how other republicans immediately condemned the actions, but you say it's okay for Trump not to address it. Something tells me you're a sympathizer.

These idiots saying 'but the left!' or are mentioning individual antifa/black/muslim attacks are hypocritical shits. Do the same thing in a terrorist thread by showing something a conservative did and you'll be criticized to death. 


This attack was pure violence. People need to stop forcing in 'da liberuls' to try to look reasonable. Not everything needs to be a neutral opinion

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Ronster316 said:
There's a shit load of articles I could put on here that show Muslim & black supremacists either torturing white men in the black supremacists case, or underage white girls getting raped by Muslim men (I even have an article where the Muslims chopped up the white girl and put her in kebab meat for consumption)... so pardon me if I continue so say this...... GO TO HELL ANTIFA , BLM AND ISIS.

So instead of discussing the actual issue, you mention liberals and da evul muzlems and how they rape people...


Do you understand how moronic this argument looks? Literally do the opposite (post about conservatives in a thread about terrorism) and everyone will call you out, but for some reason it's okay in this thread.


It's not like a car fucking attacked a group of people or anything....but let's just keep mentioning random (and questionable) stories of Muslims. Totally not insensitive or ignorant.

monocle_layton said:
Ronster316 said:
There's a shit load of articles I could put on here that show Muslim & black supremacists either torturing white men in the black supremacists case, or underage white girls getting raped by Muslim men (I even have an article where the Muslims chopped up the white girl and put her in kebab meat for consumption)... so pardon me if I continue so say this...... GO TO HELL ANTIFA , BLM AND ISIS.

So instead of discussing the actual issue, you mention liberals and da evul muzlems and how they rape people...


Do you understand how moronic this argument looks? Literally do the opposite (post about conservatives in a thread about terrorism) and everyone will call you out, but for some reason it's okay in this thread.


It's not like a car fucking attacked a group of people or anything....but let's just keep mentioning random (and questionable) stories of Muslims. Totally not insensitive or ignorant.

This site has literally had two years worth of "rapefugees" in Germany with questionable proof littering up the politics threads, along with every fringe right-wing topic imaginable. But as soon as you hear about alt-righters crashing their cars into counter-protesters, then they want the politics off the front page. We know what this is. This has always been about the hate groups trying to go unopposed with their views in all circles of the internet. And this weekend, we got a deadly reminder why.

Instead of saying, "this is bad... this rally wasn't supposed to serve this purpose", they immediately go into defense mode and post links about shit that has zero to do with the situation to deflect. If they choose to defend or deflect, then we can conclude they think it's justified. Then go about labeling everything with a false equivalence. Not everyone that is against what these people do are Antifa, BLM is not a hate group, or even any kind of group. People are standing up against people wanting to encroach on their civil rights for not looking the same as they do. They seem to be genuinely shocked that not everyone will bend the knee at racial intolerance. Tuff titty to them.

ratuscafoarterea said:
CGI-Quality said:

What fact have you presented?

A fact that happened, not a study and biased huffingtonpost lies

Specific events don't give a good global view of the situation. Statistics are more interesting.

RJ_Sizzle said:
Superman4 said:

Trump doesnt need to address every tragedy that happens. Wrong was done on both sides, not just the alt right side.

What wrong did the counter-protesters do where they needed to be hit with a car and killed? For standing up to people that defend slavery and genocide. the very people that claimed that they voted for this president because they claim he represents their ideals? It's funny how other republicans immediately condemned the actions, but you say it's okay for Trump not to address it. Something tells me you're a sympathizer.

Sheep follow other sheep. I never said that I agree with what the alt rights agenda is or their beliefs. I did in fact state that what they did was wrong as is what the left did. If you want to go out and counter protest then do so, if you want to go out and start a fight than be prepared for people to fight back. Hitting that woman with a car is wrong, driving through the crowd is wrong unless they were impeding his vehicle and banging on it like I have seen in the past. I dont know if that was the case and Im not saying it was, just giving a scenario in which I would run people over. 


Its not Trumps job to denounce organizations or endorse them, what I am saying is that for starters the alt right protesters arent fully at fault in those riots. Regardless of your belief or dissagreance with the message, they have the right to protest just like anyone else. Let them do it and you wont have an issue, if they then go to your protest and dont let you then they would be at fault.

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RJ_Sizzle said:
Superman4 said:

In the past they did have a harder time, I’m not debating that. The Democratic way to "solve" a problem is to create a law forcing conformity. The laws and programs may have good intentions but in practice it is just discrimination in disguise. You now are discriminating against non-minorities by not offering them access to the same programs. The only way a program can work and be fair is to not require a person to be a specific race or part of a specific ethnic background. Any program that dictates who can participate based on race or ethnicity is racist in its most basic sense.

The article above is a great representation of racism at its finest with true ignorance of racism. A college designed to be "All Black" is racist, just like a college designed to be "All White" is racist. Last I checked no college lists itself as a white college yet Howard represents itself as a black college. 

The more we go down this path of separating race and creating laws to support integration the longer we will have racism and the worse racism will become.


To the point though, programs such as the ones listed make it harder on non minorities while benefiting only minorities for all the wrong reasons. You cant have equality when you create laws dictating who can and cannot participate, equality is for all. 

You're confusing the term, "historically black college" with "blacks only college". Do you know why there are historically black colleges? Because blacks in the south weren't allowed to attend while schools. They had to come up with a solution to educate their own so they could farm and teach and spread knowledge to the community so they wouldn't be kept in the dark. Also, historically black colleges are not made so white people can't attend them. White people, as much as any race are very much allowed. They welcome it. These are high-tuition institutions. 

II’m not confusing them and I am fully aware of their origin. My point is that they are no longer needed and continuing to use them and advertise them as such is discrimination and racism. Continuing down that path only fuels racism, it doesn’t prevent it.


barneystinson69 said:
Soundwave said:

It election was millenials (18-29 yos) only, Clinton has 473 electoral votes to Trump's 32. 

This is going to be in the long term a problem for the Republican Party, they are whether they like it or not going to have to become more inclusive in the decades to come. Their most reliable voter blocks are older white people, and older people tend to die more often every 4 years. 

Who is to say those numbers remain consistant? This has been a trend for a long time, and would effect the GOP at this point. People who are older become more conservative. 

But on social matters, all of America has in general gotten more liberal. Including the GOP. If the GOP hadn't adapted to more liberal views they would've been totally screwed in every election in the last two decades. So the GOP has responded (though Trump is a step away from this, but the general trend is the same. The GOP will continue to shift to become more liberal on social matters.)

Flilix said:
ratuscafoarterea said:

A fact that happened, not a study and biased huffingtonpost lies

Specific events don't give a good global view of the situation. Statistics are more interesting.

Nope, anyone can write an article like that (especially on a left-wing site like the one you have linked) , and then present that article as facts. That site has as much credibility as a bag of potato.

This article IMO is the best explanation of what is and has been happening in America that I have read.

ratuscafoarterea said:
Flilix said:

Specific events don't give a good global view of the situation. Statistics are more interesting.

Nope, anyone can write an article like that (especially on a left-wing site like the one you have linked) , and then present that article as facts. That site has as much credibility as a bag of potato.


And you have as much credibility as a piece of shit.


Warned ~ CGI