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firebush03 said:
JWeinCom said:

I think software played a larger issue than people think, but Wii U obviously had some marketing issues too.

Switch 2 is simple and it works. No reason to not do the obvious. Unless you're really changing the hardware just slap a 2 on it.

they should really consider reusing the linked ad.

...also, yeah, Wii U is by far Nintendo's weakest system from a software perspective. 2013 was completely empty besides Pikmin 3 (July) and SM3DW (November), 2014 was good but still a far cry from Nintendo's usual output, 2015 had Splatoon and Mario Maker, and 2016 was completely dry. The highs were not super high (Pikmin 3, SM3DW, Mario Maker, Splatoon, MK8 (which only released with like 16 tracks(?))), and the lows were catastrophically low.

I wonder what would've happened if they launched with BOTW, Splatoon, and Mario Maker in year one. Alas, we will never know.

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JWeinCom said:
firebush03 said:

they should really consider reusing the linked ad.

...also, yeah, Wii U is by far Nintendo's weakest system from a software perspective. 2013 was completely empty besides Pikmin 3 (July) and SM3DW (November), 2014 was good but still a far cry from Nintendo's usual output, 2015 had Splatoon and Mario Maker, and 2016 was completely dry. The highs were not super high (Pikmin 3, SM3DW, Mario Maker, Splatoon, MK8 (which only released with like 16 tracks(?))), and the lows were catastrophically low.

I wonder what would've happened if they launched with BOTW, Splatoon, and Mario Maker in year one. Alas, we will never know.

It certainly would have given the Wii U a fighting chance. That, and giving it a better name than Wii U.

WiiU sounds like P.U. (slang for disgust)

Sounds fitting for a terrible console.

WiiU's issues were software related, software is how a gaming console reaches its audience. No one would have been confused about WiiU if it was launched with BoTW or Mario Kart 8 because those games can't be confused as Wii games. Even if people thought it was just a tablet, consumers would have still had to go to the store to purchase the new tablet and would have learned it's a new, high definition (HD) Wii console. Software would have solved all of it's issues because you are fullying yourself if you think marketing and slapping a screen on a controller are that unappealing. You can only market the games that are available and WiiU had none and slapping a screen on the controller is hardly the wackiest thing Nintendo has every done. Long story short, if WiiU had the support that Switch got, then yes WiiU sales far better than it did. Nintendo consumers have one choice to consume Nintendo software, so WiiU getting that same benefit would have greatly helped.

Last edited by Phenomajp13 - on 12 January 2025

BasilZero said:

WiiU sounds like P.U. (slang for disgust)

Sounds fitting for a terrible console.

That just proves my point about the name.

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CaptainExplosion said:

That just proves my point about the name.

The portable systems had better names imo.

I'm fine with them not changing the formula with the Switch. Better to invest on an idea and expanding upon it. A simple naming scheme like adding a "2" helps.

Better than "Xbox One" or "Wii U" or even a "Playstation Vita" - some of the worst names lol.

Playthrough Update as of January 12th 2025.

Shin Megami Tensei V (NS) - Reached Lv 99 and clocked in at 26 hours - reached Fairy Village and got one of my favorite Persona/Demons in the form of Titania. Story is pretty simple - been building up my characters.

Titania - my favorite Persona/Demon from the SMT/Persona series, glad they gave the SMTV version the Persona design instead of the SMT design.

Also screenshots between my playthrough of Persona 3 Portable (PSP) back in 2012 and Shin Megami Tensei V (NS) in 2025

BasilZero said:

Titania - my favorite Persona/Demon from the SMT/Persona series, glad they gave the SMTV version the Persona design instead of the SMT design.

Also screenshots between my playthrough of Persona 3 Portable (PSP) back in 2012 and Shin Megami Tensei V (NS) in 2025

Waiii ... How did you get to the Fairie Village at Level 99 despite being only 26 hours in. You're completely overleveled 😂

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Mar1217 said:

Waiii ... How did you get to the Fairie Village at Level 99 despite being only 26 hours in. You're completely overleveled 😂


Farmed Gospels and Grimoires

Edit: I got all the Exp/Money/Items DLC in the original game.

I should have played a higher difficulty - sucks you cant up the difficulty but can lower it.

I wont make the same mistake when I buy Vengeance lol