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(SamusHunter2 & Pyoro are two of the most reliable leakers of Nintendo information. (The latter having around an 100% accuracy rate.)) It is said that more Xenoblade info will likely be dropping this week, alongside a few other announcements scattered throughout the month (maybe!). Next system reveal is scheduled for late-January/early-February. Looks like Nintendo is pushing out as far as they can before their next investor meeting, so my guess would be the week of January 27th, 2025...tho not sure. Nintendo could also choose the option of fitting the main reveal into when they usually do their February Direct.

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I still would rather take Nintendo's word over that of a leaker. Leaker sounds gross anyway, like someone who can't stop peeing their pants.

Can someone explain to me why everyone in the comments of this video are talking about water buffalo? I Cannot seem to decipher it.

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Runa216 said:

Can someone explain to me why everyone in the comments of this video are talking about water buffalo? I Cannot seem to decipher it.

Found it.  Short answer is because Reddit is silly.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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theRepublic said:
Runa216 said:

Can someone explain to me why everyone in the comments of this video are talking about water buffalo? I Cannot seem to decipher it.

Found it.  Short answer is because Reddit is silly.

Thanks so much for this! I knew it had to be something like this or maybe it was just like...I dunno, some behind the scenes reveal I didn't know.

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We reap what we sow

160rmf said:

Yeah, that explains everything.

nintendo should recreate that ad with where the dad says "Bow!" as he taps the mom's leg, and the kids are describing reason why they need a Wii U. Just do it again but for Nintendo Switch 2. Then will Nintendo realize it actly wasn't a marketing issue for the Wii U, but a software issue, and that NSW2 would've been significantly more successful had they chosen the route of some crazy name like Nintendo Stay (for ppl wanting to purchase a Nintendo Switch 2 for home use) & Nintendo Go (for ppl wanting to purchase a Nintendo Switch 2 for home use). The systems would be the exact same, just a marketing strategy to showcase that Switch 2 is both a handheld and a home console.

firebush03 said:

nintendo should recreate that ad with where the dad says "Bow!" as he taps the mom's leg, and the kids are describing reason why they need a Wii U. Just do it again but for Nintendo Switch 2. Then will Nintendo realize it actly wasn't a marketing issue for the Wii U, but a software issue, and that NSW2 would've been significantly more successful had they chosen the route of some crazy name like Nintendo Stay (for ppl wanting to purchase a Nintendo Switch 2 for home use) & Nintendo Go (for ppl wanting to purchase a Nintendo Switch 2 for home use). The systems would be the exact same, just a marketing strategy to showcase that Switch 2 is both a handheld and a home console.

I think software played a larger issue than people think, but Wii U obviously had some marketing issues too.

Switch 2 is simple and it works. No reason to not do the obvious. Unless you're really changing the hardware just slap a 2 on it.

JWeinCom said:
firebush03 said:

nintendo should recreate that ad with where the dad says "Bow!" as he taps the mom's leg, and the kids are describing reason why they need a Wii U. Just do it again but for Nintendo Switch 2. Then will Nintendo realize it actly wasn't a marketing issue for the Wii U, but a software issue, and that NSW2 would've been significantly more successful had they chosen the route of some crazy name like Nintendo Stay (for ppl wanting to purchase a Nintendo Switch 2 for home use) & Nintendo Go (for ppl wanting to purchase a Nintendo Switch 2 for home use). The systems would be the exact same, just a marketing strategy to showcase that Switch 2 is both a handheld and a home console.

I think software played a larger issue than people think, but Wii U obviously had some marketing issues too.

Switch 2 is simple and it works. No reason to not do the obvious. Unless you're really changing the hardware just slap a 2 on it.

they should really consider reusing the linked ad.

...also, yeah, Wii U is by far Nintendo's weakest system from a software perspective. 2013 was completely empty besides Pikmin 3 (July) and SM3DW (November), 2014 was good but still a far cry from Nintendo's usual output, 2015 had Splatoon and Mario Maker, and 2016 was completely dry. The highs were not super high (Pikmin 3, SM3DW, Mario Maker, Splatoon, MK8 (which only released with like 16 tracks(?))), and the lows were catastrophically low.