Just started Splatoon 3, played through the intro and first couple level of Hero Mode.
My overall impression is that it feels just overall more premium than the first two games, as if it had a higher budget, though that is probably more down to it having a longer production cycle. Production value just feels higher.
Splatsville is a substantial step up over Inkopolis in Splatoon 1 and 2; along with being bigger and more detailed, it also feels more like a fleshed out living environment than just a hub.
The first post from another player I saw was great: "Sorry for having Australian internet." I feel ya bro, I feel ya.
Load times seem shorter than Splatoon 2, the more naturalistic lighting is visually very nice, and it still feels amazingly silky and snappy to play.
So far so good.
And then the postman knocked on my door...

And I haven't even finished Xenoblade 3 yet, and barely started Splatoon 3. And less than a month til Nier Automata and less than two months til Bayonetta 3. Switch is burying me rn lmao
Last edited by curl-6 - on 08 September 2022