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I like direct minis, I'm okay with this being a partner showcase

A big direct is probably coming in September

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I think this is the longest direct mini partner showcase so far with 25 minutes.

Persone 3-5 on Switch pls.

Also, it would be great if they announced the FF Pixel remasters for Switch or FF6 remake in 2DHD.


You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

It might be a good show.

The September 2020 Partner Direct had Monster Hunter Rise, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Sniper Elite 4, and Age of Calamity, and that one was 15 minutes compared to 25 for this one.

I'm cautiously optimistic.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 27 June 2022

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I hate to feed into the whole insider speculation cycle but supposedly there may be a separate 1st party Direct next month? If not then it seems like September is where they'll do all their NSO & First-Party stuff.

I'm excited for the partner showcase regardless though, curious about any surprise ports we might get and also hoping that Tactics Ogre will be coming to Switch in addition to the PS5.

Ah yeah true! And Pixel Remaster console ports! Honestly there's a lot from Square Enix I'd be excited to see.

If this Showcase has the Persona games, I'll consider it a fucking win!

BasilZero said:

@OT - Does Switch support more than 1 TB memory cards? My 1 TB is getting full...have like 20 GB left lol

The Switch uses the MicroSDXC format so it is capable of capacity up to 2 TB.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

I haven’t been keeping up. Is there no E3 Direct?