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Kirby looks awesome and some Animal Crossing content. Wasn't too much for me though. I'm not a fan of Splatoon, Bayonetta or Metroid so that kind of limits what I can get out of it compared to others.

Also the N64 stuff would have been nice if it was just added to the current subscription. Having to pay more per month for a tiny selection of n64 games that I imagine will be added to at a snails pace just like the snes were is really terrible.

Mario movie cast announcement was hilarious though.

6/10 for me, I'm just not the target for the particular games lineup they had here.

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How much more would everyone be willing to pay extra for the N64 and Genesis games for the NSO subscription.

If it is anymore than $30 for a year then I think I'll pass.

Fantastic Direct

Now I fucking need a new Switch, when will you release OLED in Brazil Nintendo smh

Poliwrathlord said:

How much more would everyone be willing to pay extra for the N64 and Genesis games for the NSO subscription.

If it is anymore than $30 for a year then I think I'll pass.

I have 12,000+ Roms on my phone spanning Atari, Sega Master system, Genesis, NES, SNES, N64, Game boy, and Game Boy Advance...

I do not need to pay Nintendo for 7 N64 games I don't care about. 

Still will, though. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

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Was getting a little concerned about Nintendo since after Animal Crossing there was a pretty big drought with just a couple of mid tier releases and remakes till around the first half of this year. Maybe that was due to Covid delays, but in any event, they've gotten back into gear. They're averaging about 1 title I want per month for the second half of the year, which isn't bad, plus third party support is getting better even if it's not great. 2022 looks fucking stacked already with Arceus, Kirby, Bayo 3, Splathreen, BOTW2, Sparks of Hope, and Triangle Strategy. Could be Switch's best year, and maybe even Nintendo's best overall.

Gotta say, that was a pretty fucking great Direct. Definitely preferred it to the E3 Direct, even if that one had a super special announcement.

Half of 2022 is looking pretty damn good!

Voice of Cards seems like the hidden gem of the direct. Tabletop RPG gameplay with real dice rolls, Yoko Taro, unique asthetic. I'm going to try the demo.

Finished No More Heroes III.

There's some stuff right near the end that dedicated Switch gamers will probably like a lot. Otherwise I stand by my previous assessment; it's a riotous good time wrapped up in some low production values. Look passed its exterior and it will reward you.