Spring sales are live. I believe over 1000 games on sale. Here are some highlights of games that are less obvious than your Rabbids and Civ 6s.
I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.
Spring sales are live. I believe over 1000 games on sale. Here are some highlights of games that are less obvious than your Rabbids and Civ 6s.
I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.
CaptainExplosion said:
That reminds me. I wanna try the remake of the first Panzer Dragoon. :) |
It's pretty good; obviously when remaking a game with such rudimentary graphics there's a risk it might not look the way you imagined, but I think they did a commendable job.
Thought this was pretty neat, weird to see a Nintendo without any traces of its current video game history.
Jumpin said: Spring sales are live. I believe over 1000 games on sale. Here are some highlights of games that are less obvious than your Rabbids and Civ 6s. |
Thanks, there are quite a few games here that have completely fallen under my radar, and some that I've been interested in but forgotten about.
Oh wow I totally missed that post, I'll have to take a look myself. Thanks for sharing!
Raven said: https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/04/restored_images_show_nintendos_headquarters_as_they_existed_in_1970 |
I love these kind of glimpses into the past, nice find. It's easy to forget how much the world has changed in such a relatively short space of time.
Just in case there's any Mother 3 fans out there:
I've never really given this series a serious shot, wish Nintendo would release Earthbound on the NSO SNES app.
The Great Ace Attorney coming to Switch on July 27th!
くらえ! #TheGreatAceAttorneyChronicles collects the novel courtroom antics of two previously Japan-only games! Join Phoenix Wright’s ancestor Ryunosuke in thrilling court cases at the turn of the 20th century. Coming to Switch, PS4, and Steam July 27th!
— Ace Attorney (@aceattorneygame) April 21, 2021
? https://t.co/D1HjMzrLRP pic.twitter.com/t5cDIh5K7O
Link_Nines.XBC said: The Great Ace Attorney coming to Switch on July 27th!
Curious, a friend recommended this franchise to me last week, and I said I was going to look forward it. He only played the DS games though, is the gameplay similar?
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