TruckOSaurus said: So with 3D World + Bowser's Fury released, when do you guys think we'll get information on what's coming up for Nintendo? |
^^ I know my Nintendo.
Signature goes here!
TruckOSaurus said: So with 3D World + Bowser's Fury released, when do you guys think we'll get information on what's coming up for Nintendo? |
^^ I know my Nintendo.
Signature goes here!
PAOerfulone said: THE DIRECT IS ALIVE!!! |
I hope Nintendo knows how high people's expectations are for this. There hasn't been a regular direct in over a year, so I imagine they have at least one big reveal.
Mar1217 said: Do we get a new community poll after the Direct tomorrow ? |
Yup! I'll definitely be doing a Direct-themed poll for tomorrow. I was just thinking about it yesterday actually, I'm glad something pretty newsworthy showed up
I've been shitting on Nintendo's output over the last year for a while and questioning what the fuck they've been doing.
Either they'll shit the bed and I'll be validated in my criticism, or they'll prove me wrong and I'll get awesome games.
Out of curiosity who does everyone think the best character in 3D World is?
I generally use random cause I like variety, but I'd say the best is between Peach and #5 in single player. Misjudging a jump is 90% of my deaths so being able to course correct a little is huge, despite them being slower. I'd say Peach is a bit better since she can float all the time, whereas 5 loses her ability if powered up.
In multiplayer though Toad is the best, cause you get to snatch up everything before anyone else gets to it. I'd say 5 is the second best because while being slow, they have the easiest time killing enemies to get points, and you'll die less often.
Just order Mario 3d all-stars and ring fit adventure from amazon(haven't bought a switch game on amazon in a while but the prices for both were ten bucks cheaper than I remember their msrps being). Hoping it can help me and the kids be more active while in doors
Fucking finally, I was starting to think General Directs were a thing of the past.
They'd better deliver big given the insanely long time since the last one and the 50 minute runtime.
Ka-pi96 said: Yo, Nintendo doods, how often do e-shop sales happen? |
For 3rd parties and flop 1st parties, they happen on weekly basis with seasonal big discounts from some publishers every 2 or 3 months
For Nintendo non-evergreen first parties who stopped shipping many units each quarter and some 3rd parties like the world ends with you, they happen once or twice a year. I think Splatoon is the only evergreen to get discounted that often
For evergreen titles they don't get discounted unless it's a very special occasion and it's generally many years after the original release so no point waiting them
My advice is not buying anything unless you want to play them right now or it is discounted. Better buy one, beat it, then get another, so maybe you can grab at least one or two discounted somewhere in the future
Ka-pi96 said: How is Splatoon singleplayer wise? |
And short, about 10 hours of gameplay. Definitely not worth 60 USD, worth 15 USD maybe
Only get it if you intend to play multiplayer
Edit: MK8 is also pretty boring without multiplayer. Unless you have people to play local with you I think you will get tired fast
I think y'all might have to temper your expectations here. I know it's a 50-minute-long direct, but they specifically said it will be a combination of information regarding games that are already out (like Smash Bros) and games coming out in the first half of 2021. I don't think we'll see much for anything way out there or unannounced, like Breath of the Wild 2, Bayonetta 3, or Metroid Prime 4. I'd LOVE to be proven wrong, but I think like 1/3 of it will just be the new Smash character plus a bunch of stuff for Pokemon Snap and Monster Hunter Rise and such.
I'm excited nonetheless, but still. I don't think this is going to be a big mega thing.
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