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179 days till the last general direct a new record!

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If you want some fun stuff:

GameStop appoints Reggie Fils-Aimé to board of directors

An indie direct before a general direct? Now Nintendo is just being cruel!

Pink Switch Lite hits EU and AU/NZ on the 24th of April

Marth said:
So according to Venture Beat there will be two more Nintendo presentations this month

An indie showcase around March 18th
And a general Direct on March 26th.

Link? Do they have a shred of proof or evidence? We just had a dumb rumor about 2 directs last month, the audacity to do the same shtick again!

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Marth said:
Lonely_Dolphin said:

Link? Do they have a shred of proof or evidence? We just had a dumb rumor about 2 directs last month, the audacity to do the same shtick again!

So no, great now I just gave them an undeserved click.

If the rumor is true, I would say that a Nintendo Direct after Animal Crossing is the correct move. But an Indies Direct before General Direct does not seem correct to me. People have been waiting for a Nintendo Direct for more than 6 months and if after that, the first thing you give them is an indies direct, people are not going to take it well and it doesn't seem fair to me that indies direct is surrounded by an atmosphere negative.

Switch Friend Code = 5965 - 4586 - 6484

PSN: alejollorente10

Ring Fit Adventure shortages reach America:

Asphalt 9 passes 4 million installs on Switch:

According to this an NoA employee unfortunately has got the virus. It's only NoA and not Nintendo in Japan, but I wonder if this could still have an effect on things, namely a direct delay. Sucks how this is affecting everything, I'm not completely unscathed even hiding in my room all the time.

CaptainExplosion said:
Lonely_Dolphin said:

According to this an NoA employee unfortunately has got the virus. It's only NoA and not Nintendo in Japan, but I wonder if this could still have an effect on things, namely a direct delay. Sucks how this is affecting everything, I'm not completely unscathed even hiding in my room all the time.

I fucking hate 2020 so much. -_-

Same actually. This year has been shit so far. Bernie Sanders being an utter failure, Economy getting worse, and most importantly for the human race, no Nintendo Direct Coronavirus.