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Oh no I will die if they remove the Xenoblade music

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Mar1217 said:
Keybladewielder said:

Oh no I will die if they remove the Xenoblade music

Too late ...

To be honest, there are other music uploaders but I felt having all those OST's under one Youtuber sooo convenient that now I don't know if I'll browse through my music the same way I did back then ....

Well, as long as they don't remove the music from the other channels...

No DF yet but Team Sonic Racing on Switch seems solid, definitely doesn't look like a butchered version.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 18 May 2019

I had a problem with the shipment, but yesterday it finally arrived. If you want to add me as a friend, below is my Switch Friend Code.

Switch Friend Code = 5965 - 4586 - 6484

PSN: alejollorente10

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Mar1217 said:
curl-6 said:

No DF yet but Team Sonic Racing on Switch seems solid, definitely doesn't look like a butchered version.

Good cuz this is probably where it'll sell the most.

Exactly, between being a Sonic game and a Kart racer the Switch will almost certainly be the best selling version. It's a shame we no longer get software numbers as it'd be cool to see what the split is like.

But yeah, glad they made the smart decision to properly invest in making the Switch version good, hopefully the Crash Team Racing guys are as sensible.

Speaking of Crash Team Racing on Switch, check out the covers on the website for the different versions.

The PS4 and Xbox One versions prominently display the Beenox logo. The Switch version does not. Seems it was handled by a different studio, though no clues yet as to who that might be.

Team Sonic Racing is... different than I was expecting.

It actually reminds me very much of Mario Kart Wii; that more chaotic brand of Kart action with powerful items being used constantly, as opposed to previous Sonic Racing games which focused more on the driving and toned down the item use a bit compared to MK.

With Nintendo working directly with certain third parties for exclusives I'd like to see them work with From Software at some point the same way Sony did with Bloodborne.