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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%

Here is a little game that intriges me since PSVR presentation : Megaton Rainfall.

To put it simply, it's a superman simulator with a total freedom of movement.

In 2015, game was like this (only one man was developing it since 2012) :


And now (it has greatly improved) :


Release date on September 26th !

Around the Network

Fortnite's Battle Royale will be a separate, f2p game

I'm loving the influx of mech-action games this gen.

Lauster said:

Here is a little game that intriges me since PSVR presentation : Megaton Rainfall.

To put it simply, it's a superman simulator with a total freedom of movement.

In 2015, game was like this (only one man was developing it since 2012) :


And now (it has greatly improved) :


Release date on September 26th !

Hmm That looks pretty cool and alot of fun. 

"End Space" (PS VR)

Around the Network

South Park: The Fractured But Whole has gone gold and there's a trailer to celebrate it, featuring a gay fish and his dead mom

shikamaru317 said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Yo PS doods! Anybody know if there's a way to turn off all the real name crap on PS4? I want to see my account name and my account name only!

As far as I know you can only turn it off for other people in the privacy settings, your real name still shows up for yourself. It really annoys me too. 

Same here. It makes me think that other people can see my name....

shikamaru317 said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Yo PS doods! Anybody know if there's a way to turn off all the real name crap on PS4? I want to see my account name and my account name only!

As far as I know you can only turn it off for other people in the privacy settings, your real name still shows up for yourself. It really annoys me too. 

Who the fuck made that shitty decision? All these years I just assumed I was too lazy to learn how to turn it off but ...


What happens if you stream?


Also, Knack 2 is still in the thread header! lmao!

Very good sales for PSVR :

I'll soon own Final Fantasy IX on four different platforms. lol