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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Rumor: Microsoft Has 2-3 New IPs in development. One similar to HZD, and one by Capcom.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Well.... they tried to work on something similar to uncharted and failed. Let them work on something else. Sadly another project similar to Sony. Dudes need to get their own philosophy.

What philosophy would that be?. They tried their own thing and now we call them the frat boy console company that only sells brown and grey shooters. Whenever they try anything new they'll be shot down, just watch. it'll either be them "copying" someone or it'll be a huge letdown, there is virtually no winning with MS this gen and likely the next either. 

Also everyone has copied one another at some point, especially Sony, Nintendo and MS.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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God knows they need new hits. The shine is off of gears and halo.

gooch_destroyer said:
SegataSanshiro said:
Okami 2?

It's on the DS.

Yeah I have it. It's called Okamiden I even have a signed poster from one of the developers. It's not a true sequel.


So again. Okami 2?

Rafie said:
burninmylight said:

Capcom... Wolf game...

Hahahaha I was thinking this too! Okami for real?! They wouldn't make that exclusive to MS when Sony and Nintendo were the only ones to ever have it. Still I'm intrigued with this.

I said that about Shenmue if they ever made a 3. It would be on a MS platform. Till Sony trotted his ass out there to beg for money. 

method114 said:
Dr.Vita said:
The Horizon game will most likely be a release for the next Xbox console. Horizon was a huge project for Guerilla Games, IIRC they were working on it for many years.

The Capcom game could be very interesting. Maybe a Beat 'em up or something like Deep Down (nevermind, DD hasn't even released on the PS4 how could they work on something similar on Xbox One lol).

Didn't they also make kz shadowfall? I felt like this game was made quick since they made this and shadowfall. HZD I just played this weekend and I'm amazed by the quality. I would be shocked if BOTW got GOTY over this. I've played both there is no competition HZD is just on another level.

KZSF was a launch game. HZD came out 3.5 years after that. Now for some that might be quick.

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Phil wasn't lying.

SvennoJ said:
method114 said:

Didn't they also make kz shadowfall? I felt like this game was made quick since they made this and shadowfall. HZD I just played this weekend and I'm amazed by the quality. I would be shocked if BOTW got GOTY over this. I've played both there is no competition HZD is just on another level.

KZSF was a launch game. HZD came out 3.5 years after that. Now for some that might be quick.

guess it's not that quick but very good.

Chazore said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Well.... they tried to work on something similar to uncharted and failed. Let them work on something else. Sadly another project similar to Sony. Dudes need to get their own philosophy.

What philosophy would that be?. They tried their own thing and now we call them the frat boy console company that only sells brown and grey shooters. Whenever they try anything new they'll be shot down, just watch. it'll either be them "copying" someone or it'll be a huge letdown, there is virtually no winning with MS this gen and likely the next either. 

Also everyone has copied one another at some point, especially Sony, Nintendo and MS.

Nintendo and Sony have developmental philosophies which they implent into their games. By last gen Sony had a streamline blue print for what their games will be like as far as aesthetic, where they follow the Naughty Dog model. Nintendos is a follows a clear platforming and party game aesthetic inspired by the disney model of doing things. 

What thing did they try? Gears wasnt made by Microsoft and Halo was purchased by them mid concept. 

Microsoft needs to find what they want to bring to gaming and use that to make themselves special. Until then they will be known as the me too brand to sony with no conceptual ability outside of Forza, but they've been great at simulation games since the mid 90's.

SegataSanshiro said:
Okami 2?

That would be a hell of a grab. If so it better release simultaneously on PC. 

S.T.A.G.E. said:

Nintendo and Sony have developmental philosophies which they implent into their games. By last gen Sony had a streamline blue print for what their games will be like as far as aesthetic, where they follow the Naughty Dog model. Nintendos is a follows a clear platforming and party game aesthetic inspired by the disney model of doing things. 

What thing did they try? Gears wasnt made by Microsoft and Halo was purchased by them mid concept. 

Microsoft needs to find what they want to bring to gaming and use that to make themselves special. Until then they will be known as the me too brand to sony with no conceptual ability outside of Forza, but they've been great at simulation games since the mid 90's.

What specialty can they hope to even bring to the table that truly makes them one of a kind and worthy of high praise for their design philosophy? (that absolutely doesn't exist already and has been done by others in a field that has already been taken and works rather well for said company taking the spot).

Being known for flight Sim doesn't exactly scream exciting or anything short of amazing, same with how they are regarded as the "dudebro" console that gives out dudebro games, it doesn't exactly sound exciting or unique when they are labeled as such. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"