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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Metroid fans, stop complaining!

I'm cool with it all. No complaints here.

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I think it's just a particularly vocal minority that's crying about things. Unfortunately, that exists with every fanbase. The vast majority of fans seemed to be extremely excited just from looking through Twitter and Metroid forums.

super_etecoon said:
Entitled gamers acting like these games just magically appear. Happy to see that Metroid Prime 4 is in development. Metroid 2 remake might get me to purchase a 3DS. Nintendo seems to be making a lot of great complaints here. What is Retro working on, though?

They have every right to act entitled. It's their money.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Wait, people are actually complaining? I'm fucking ecstatic that they even mentioned Prime 4. And while the Metroid 2 remake is kind of lazy and I would rather an all new 2D Metroid, it still looks really good and I'm excited for it.

Those Metroid "fans" that are complaining about the two new Metroid games announced today are probably the type of people you see complaining about everything. You could probably give them a one-hundred dollar note and they would probably complain that the note is crumpled, even though it is perfectly serviceable.

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princevenom said:
nintendo should remake super metroid

Why? Super Metroid is perfect as is. You can't make it better.

Cobretti2 said:
Alkibiádēs said:

That's different.

People were doubting that the Switch was the true successor to the 3DS and they were unsure if it would receive a main-line Pokémon game. They just reassured us. Main-line Pokémon games are never in doubt, they will keep churning those out because they sell incredibly well.

Metroid Prime 4 though, the uncertaintity is much higher with this one, we don't even know who's developing it. If it was Retro Studios I wouldn't have doubts, but now I do. If they can't show footage at least tell me who's behind it. Otherwise I'm not going to believe there's an actual game in development right now. Remember Star Fox Zero that was announced before Nintendo even found a developer for it? How did that turn out?

So yes, I'm worried, and I have every right to be. 

How many of the original Retro Studios is still employeed by Retro Studios who worked on Metroid Prime on GCN/Wii? If 2 or 3 people who were not pivital contributors to its success isn't it the same as giving it to a new team?

Does that matter? Retro has never made a bad game.

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

I'm not complaining. Nice to see some Metroid love in a sea of mediocre Kirby and Yoshi titles.

I'm a happy boy today. A new Prime and an excuse to buy one last 3DS game. No complaints here. I'm curious, though. Is Retro really not working on Prime 4? If so, what are they up to?

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AlfredoTurkey said:
princevenom said:
nintendo should remake super metroid

Why? Super Metroid is perfect as is. You can't make it better.

They could remaster it for modern displays.

Also the Bosses can leave much to be desired from a difficulty standpoint.

Other than that, it is a perfect game.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--