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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Does Switch really needs Pokemon this year!?

Does Switch really needs Pokemon this year!?

Let's look Switch lineup for rest of year if we talk about Nintendo games or their IP games:

-June: Arms
-July: Spaltoon 2
-August: Rabbids x Mario
-September: Pokken
-October: Fire Emblem Warriors
-November: Mario Odyssey
-December: Xenoblade 2

Rest of year looks pretty strong regardless Pokemon, Pokemon for Switch and rumoured Smash Bros at this point are almost certain 2018. games.

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Considering Switch's are hard enough to find as it is I'd say no. Plus a Pokémon game in 2018 would definitely keep the Switch's sales from slowing down.

Nope, not needed, specially POKKEN, ughhh...

It doesn't need it because the console will sell all the it can supply regardless. But it sucks for fans of pokemon who own a switch.

It's Pokemon that really needs the Switch. Cutting features n modes and crappy framerates aren't good.

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The question shouldn't be whether or not it needs it, it should be whether or not it'd enhance the lineup, which it would. It would really have helped the full transition onto the Switch.

Of course it doesn't, but that was never this issue.

Its not about needing. Its never about needing.


Pokemon will eventually come to the Switch, patience children.

With Mario in the holiday slot not really I still reckon a Switch game is about but planned for next year or 2019, Ultra are just SuMo remixed essentially.