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Forums - General Discussion - Elderly woman assaulted at pool party while everyone is watching & laughing at her

think-man said:
I wouldn't call that assault but still uncalled for.



1.  Intentionally putting another person in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact.  No intent to cause physical injury needs to exist, and no physical injury needs to result.  So defined in tort law and the criminal statutes of some states.

2.  With the intent to cause physical injury, making another person reasonably apprehend an imminent harmful or offensive contact.  Essentially, an attempted battery.  So defined in the criminal statutes of some states.

3.  With the intent to cause physical injury, actually causing such injury to another person.  Essentially, the same as a battery.  So defined in the criminal statutes of some states, and so understood in popular usage.


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We are lost.

Teenagers do stupid shit, but the kid that picked up the lady should be charged. Period. I'm not saying throw him in jail, but a good stretch of community service throughout the summer. 

The poor dogs! These people man!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

zippy said:
Society is rapidly going downhill.

if you look at the biger picture it's rapidly going uphill. Negativity in modern day society is rife though and it makes people think we are far worse off then we really are.

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Ka-pi96 said:
What the fuck? Why?

The bystander effect.

Typical black people. No shame, no rules. And ofc it was her fault cause she was too racist asking to mute the radio.

~User was banned for this post - Ryuu96

zkp said:
Typical black people. No shame, no rules. And ofc it was her fault cause she was too racist asking to mute the radio.

Yomieeee said:
zkp said:
Typical black people. No shame, no rules. And ofc it was her fault cause she was too racist asking to mute the radio.

Wow, I hadn't even seen his post.

zkp said:
Typical black people. No shame, no rules. And ofc it was her fault cause she was too racist asking to mute the radio.

Can you be more racist please?