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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PSN Generates More Revenue than Nintendo

Slarvax said:

I don't think PS Now is included in this revenue, as its a different service.

The reason Nintendo doesn't make as much money from eshop is also because Nintendo consumers have less games to choose from hence software sales are lower, they don't have third party games with all those DLC's to add to their revenue and they have much lower digital attach ratio. Remember that these figures are for the whole of Nintendo, and that most of their revenue comes from physical software and hardware sales.

Maybe it isn't. But it's a digital PS service, so I think it could be. Not like it makes a big difference, it only offered PS3 games in FY16.

@Bolded: That's an issue Nintendo needs to address. If only their systems had more than 1 game's worth of storage.

PS3 games are still in a lot of demand. That's why remasters sell so well on PS4. But whether PS Now is doing well is debatable. It isn't available in most countries, a lot of people still have PS3 to play PS3 games, some of the games on PS Now are also available as remasters on PS4 and many of them are available in a better performing version on PC. Also it requires a good ineternet connection. I don't really think PS Now plays a major role in these numbers even if its included, but it has potential.

I think that's also because Sony has amazing sales on PSN like they had recently and that Nintendo consoles don't have third party games that have most of the paid dlc that probably added huge revenue here. With better third party support for more huge AAA games Nintendo can have mbetter eshop revenue but then again their hardware is too weak to support most of the huge western AAA games that have all of downlaodable content.

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Mummelmann said:

And yet, they can't be arsed to have servers that work like normal for downloads. Go figure...

Anyways, it's interesting to see how much digital is eating into the market now, having gone fully digital on PC years ago, I still never considered it an option on the PS since their servers and online services are less than impressive. If it takes me 20-30 minutes to download a patch of medium size, I can only imagine how long it would take me to download an entire game. Not to mention the storage issues from horrible compression policies among developers

Right? And yet the common opinion is that PSN and XBL are sooooo good services.

COKTOE said:
Shiken said:

I am sticking to the facts when I say that Sony for many years has been losing money as a company.  That said, all profitable divisions are overshadowed by loses durong that time. Gaming included

Sony HAD been losing money.

Which is exactly why I said I am glad BOTH Sony and Nintendo are doing well now several posts ago.  Do you always insert yourself in a conversation half way through and try to correct things that were never implied based on a single post?  😉

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

Animal Crossing NH Dream Address: DA-1078-9916-3261

Man... the Switch becomes a hit success and all of a sudden it's like people get scared and obvious.

AlfredoTurkey said:
Man... the Switch becomes a hit success and all of a sudden it's like people get scared and obvious.

After such amazing results Sony are not scared.  It's full steam ahead for psn now.  Big growth expected. 

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This is more than the subscription revenue itself, right? This has to be a total sum including all digital sales, i.e. games, music, movies, etc. across all devices that access PSN.

Still quite impressive, but I suspect that as Nintendo builds a better platform with Switch (inevitable) then their digital sales on the one console (Switch) will outdo the multiple consoles that this generic PSN revenue (PS3, PSV, PSTV, PS4) is counting.

This isn't a slight on Nintendo as some are taking it.

It's more to show how big PlayStation Network is for Sony's Game segment.

Digital is driving incremental growth this gen, not just through full game downloads , but through subscription services, DLC, Microtransactions and other post launch games content.

It also shows the huge opportunity available to Nintendo in growing its own digital business which didn't fare too well on 3DS and Wii U. If it can offer a good service worth paying for on Switch then we'll see plenty of growth from Nintendo's digital segment too.

AlfredoTurkey said:
Man... the Switch becomes a hit success and all of a sudden it's like people get scared and obvious.

yeah I'm sure Sony is so scared of the switch with just their PSN making more revenue than their entire company.

"There is only one race, the pathetic begging race"

Shiken said:
COKTOE said:

Sony HAD been losing money.

Which is exactly why I said I am glad BOTH Sony and Nintendo are doing well now several posts ago.  Do you always insert yourself in a conversation half way through and try to correct things that were never implied based on a single post?  😉

Oh my yes. I ALWAYS do exactly that. You either didn't know WTF you were talking about, or made a typo, and I pointed it out. Big fucking deal.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

This makes Nintendo's numbers more impressive actually. They're putting up their numbers without benefit of a paid subscription service, so their profits are likely held back and have greater opportunity to grow in the next few years. Nintendo would be a good investment if you can get in at a decent price.