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Forums - General Discussion - Man violently removed from United Airlines plane. ~Update~ United may have broken the law.

ArchangelMadzz said:
Imaginedvl said:

Yes of course. Let the plane wait hours while person is not complying, ignore the other passengers who are all waiting too. Fuck the other plane waiting for the crew (the 4 employees) at the other airport.

Maybe we can also bring 20 people who can remove him while he his resisting like an idiot and make sure to bring pillows too and maybe a drink to keep him hydrated in the whole process...

Alll of this because one person decided to do not comply to authorities... Makes sense :)

And actually, the most funny thing in all of this. The dude is going to win millions and officer is going to lose his job. That's how society works today.

Security officer assaults old man with no authority to do so and loses his job.

That's a society I'd want to live in to be honest. 

Well that's the society you are living on, so it is all good :)

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Imaginedvl said:
Ka-pi96 said:

All I can say is that I hope for your sake a cop never stops you in the street and demands you suck his cock... ya know, since you think he's allowed to beat the shit out of you if you reject his request, even if it's against the law, just because he's a cop...

1) Requesting someone to deplane in an airport is comparable to cop asking you to suck his cock and it is a valide request and perfectly reasonable in that situation. You have to learn to make the diffirence here.
2) Getting hurt by "accident" is the same as beating the shit out of you...

At first I thought you were really debating about this issue but now I can see the kind of believes and person you are with this last post. I bet cops are all evil and corrupted right?  

OK, so you're saying it's a request? That means that they're just asking him, and he doesn't have to do to it. And he didn't get hurt by accident, they purposefully made contact with him.

ArchangelMadzz said:
Imaginedvl said:

Yes of course. Let the plane wait hours while person is not complying, ignore the other passengers who are all waiting too. Fuck the other plane waiting for the crew (the 4 employees) at the other airport.

Maybe we can also bring 20 people who can remove him while he his resisting like an idiot and make sure to bring pillows too and maybe a drink to keep him hydrated in the whole process...

Alll of this because one person decided to do not comply to authorities... Makes sense :)

And actually, the most funny thing in all of this. The dude is going to win millions and officer is going to lose his job. That's how society works today.

Security officer assaults old man with no authority to do so and loses his job.

That's a society I'd want to live in to be honest. 

Really? Wouldn't you rather have a society where the old man doesn't get assaulted in the first place?

Imaginedvl said:


First of all it is on the contract for the ticket that he may get removed at this economy class (the ticket) if the plane is full; he knew it and took the risk by buying it... S

The contract does not entitle them to cause Physical or Mental distress.

The security guys overstepped their bounds.

They should loose their jobs, plain and simple. - And if they desire to work in the security field, they should be retrained.

Aeolus451 said:

He should have gotten off the plane when he was asked to. He didn't look like he was unconscious to me, He just this defeated look to him. What did he think was gonna happen? Some people think that saying no is gonna make them immune to the consequences of that choice. 

He was a paying customer. When asked... If he had said "no" they should have either offered an incentive or asked another customer to skip the flight.

Rather, they overstepped their grounds, caused Physical and Mental distress to a paying customer... And consequently the video has gone viral and they have probably potentially lost millions of dollars.

All because they couldn't ask someone else.

Aeolus451 said:
VGPolyglot said:

He paid for a service, and they have to fulfill their service. They did not.

They have the right to refuse service. If you don't believe me, how many times have airlines kicked people off of planes?

But they do not have the right to Physically and Mentally harm customers. He wasn't the only customer in distress in that scene.

What the airline should have done was cancelled the ticket before the plane boarding.

brendude13 said:
Being kicked off a flight you paid for is a thing in America?

Wouldn't "fly" in Australia. Consumer rights are pretty strong in the land down under.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Ka-pi96 said:
Imaginedvl said:

1) Requesting someone to deplane in an airport is comparable to cop asking you to suck his cock and it is a valide request and perfectly reasonable in that situation. You have to learn to make the diffirence here.
2) Getting hurt by "accident" is the same as beating the shit out of you...

At first I thought you were really debating about this issue but now I can see the kind of believes and person you are with this last post. I bet cops are all evil and corrupted right?  

Nope, every cop I've personally met has been a perfectly nice person and a good cop. I don't remember any ever asking me to do anything, but if the request was reasonable then obviously I'd comply. If they're making a request that I feel is unreasonable however (and I'd definitely place kicking me off a plane simply because the airline think someone else "deserves" the seat more than me, in that category) I don't think they should be allowed to resort to violence just because I refuse.

Whatever. Your last post was just out place and you are not here to debate. 
Be happy, the dude is going to win millions,that's most likely how things should be for you and this bad and evil cop who "brutaly" assaulted him will lose his job and his family will most likely pay for it. All good dude.

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Imaginedvl said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Nope, every cop I've personally met has been a perfectly nice person and a good cop. I don't remember any ever asking me to do anything, but if the request was reasonable then obviously I'd comply. If they're making a request that I feel is unreasonable however (and I'd definitely place kicking me off a plane simply because the airline think someone else "deserves" the seat more than me, in that category) I don't think they should be allowed to resort to violence just because I refuse.

Whatever. Your last post was just out place and you are not here to debate. 
Be happy, the dude is going to win millions,that's most likely how things should be for you and this bad and evil cop who "brutaly" assaulted him will lose his job and his family will most likely pay for it. All good dude.

No, that's not how it should be. The man shouldn't even be assaulted in the first place.

VGPolyglot said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

Security officer assaults old man with no authority to do so and loses his job.

That's a society I'd want to live in to be honest. 

Really? Wouldn't you rather have a society where the old man doesn't get assaulted in the first place?

Well yeah of course but a society where assault is punished is a lot easier to achieve than a society with no assault xD

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

So the bottom line is that united is a shitty company that prioritizes employees over paying customers and is willing to brute force old doctors out of the plane. If they wanted to brute force someone out couldn't it have been someone in his or her thirties? They specifically chose an old doctor out of all the passengers. What are they gonna do next, force a five year old to get off the plane

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

ArchangelMadzz said:
VGPolyglot said:

Really? Wouldn't you rather have a society where the old man doesn't get assaulted in the first place?

Well yeah of course but a society where assault is punished is a lot easier to achieve than a society with no assault xD

The problem with that though is that for each assault that gets mass attention like this, there are many more that just get swept under the rug and nobody even knows about.

Imaginedvl said:
SvennoJ said:

I didn't mean entitled people by my comment. I meant it takes a shitstorm in today's society to get people to re-evaluate shitty practices. Just doing your job is a terrible excuse no matter what profession you're in, airline stooge or security officer.

No you did not :) That's just my oppinion about a lot of people in today's society :)

Why not apply that to the airline feeling entitled to do whatever they please cause they can.
Or apply it the security officers feeling entitled to use force because they want to get back to whatever they were doing instead of mediating in a peaceful solution.
Is it just the guy that feels entitled to get the service he payed for?