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Is fish a meat?

Yes 266 88.08%
No 30 9.93%
Huh, never thought about that 6 1.99%
FIT_Gamer said:
Cloudman said:
Aren't there different levels of being a vegetarian? There's the type that allow fish, eggs and daily, the ones that take out fish, and the extreme ones that don't eat anything from an animal. I learned their names at some point, but now I don't remember them.

I do rememebr fish being called a 'white' meat, whatever that means. Either way, when it comes to lent, on Fridays people aren't allowed to eat red eat, so they eat white meat instead. I don't recall the story on why it is like this, but yeah, that how it goes.

Ovo/Lacto Vegetarian(most common) No meat, but eats eggs/milk

Lacto Vegetarian- No meat, only milk/dairy products

Vegan(me)- Doesn't consume any animal products, that includes wearing leather/fur or any other products made from animals or their by products. 

Pesco/Pollo- Only Chicken and fish

Pesco- Only fish

Ironically enough Ovo/Lacto Vegetarains are nearly as big of a contributor to animal suffering as Ominvors. Sometimes more because they generally consumer more dairy producs and eggs than Omnivors. Dairy cows and chickens are the worst treated animals in factory farms. They exploit them for their by products until they drop dead or eventually die from exhaustion. 

The worst treated animals. Ah you care about animals and screw then plants. Kill them Maine them chop off their limbs all you want. No matter how much you try to justify it this is all a feel good thing and nothing else. To me all life is equal but I understand that to live you have to eat and to eat you have to kill. Cows and chickens are just as much a natural prey for humans as plants. But plants don't have a weird movement attributed to them since people basically rip apart their leaves for fun in the park and they rip them out to get to the roots. They chop them up kill them in more brutal ways then animals. If you were a poor boy living in a region where the major food source was meat I'm sure you'd feel very differently about all this. Eat what you want but don't try to make yourself morally superior just because. Don't decode which life matters more just because. Don't be a self righteous jerk. Is animal cruelty bad and should stop sure but should we as omnivores stop eating animals for some moral reason? Hell no and cows and chickens are our prey. Humans have no real reasons to stop eating them unless they are on a diet or something. If you value life so much then the only thing you should ingest should be water and fruit or wait for you to die by starvation since to live is to kill. We have incisors and a stomach made for eating meat and there is no moral reason on any logical scale to not eat meat. If there exists one it is flawed unless you include plants as well. Plants are just as living as animals period

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

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Eagle367 said:
Its just hypocrisy in my opinion. If you are eating things for health reasons then good on you eat what you want. But if it's something stupid like killing living things then plants are just as living as animals. I feel vegetarians and vegans of that category think they are some superior being deciding which life matters more than others. IH plants aren't living like animals who cares whether they feel pain or not they don't have a nervous system or blood and blah blah blah. Now they are deeming fish to be less of a life as well. Again if its for the benefit of your own body good on you but otherwise vegans and vegetarians are in the same hypocrisy bracket as SJWs and feminazis. Screw their stupid short sighted ideology that is bases on pure hypocrisy

Sounds more like Vegans make you feel guilty, going off on a tangent without being provoked lol. 

FIT_Gamer said:
Luke888 said:
Of course Fish is meat, it's a far healthier one but it's still meat...

Not really. At least not here in the U.S. 60% of fish consumed here is farm raised. Which they pump full of antibiotics and other carcinogenic chemicals. They also also have less Omega-3 fatty acids than wild fish. So it actually increases your cancer risk.

Oh, I didn't even realize that could be a factor, I simply thought about my country (Italy) where food standards are extremely high...

still an animal flesh though.

Who says it isn't?

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Luke888 said:
FIT_Gamer said:

Not really. At least not here in the U.S. 60% of fish consumed here is farm raised. Which they pump full of antibiotics and other carcinogenic chemicals. They also also have less Omega-3 fatty acids than wild fish. So it actually increases your cancer risk.

Oh, I didn't even realize that could be a factor, I simply thought about my country (Italy) where food standards are extremely high...

Yeah here the U.S. they like to poison the people any and everyway they can. Bothe physically and mentally. Now that we are doing away with the EPA and FDA things will only imporove lol. Greatest country in the world...

FIT_Gamer said:
Eagle367 said:
Its just hypocrisy in my opinion. If you are eating things for health reasons then good on you eat what you want. But if it's something stupid like killing living things then plants are just as living as animals. I feel vegetarians and vegans of that category think they are some superior being deciding which life matters more than others. IH plants aren't living like animals who cares whether they feel pain or not they don't have a nervous system or blood and blah blah blah. Now they are deeming fish to be less of a life as well. Again if its for the benefit of your own body good on you but otherwise vegans and vegetarians are in the same hypocrisy bracket as SJWs and feminazis. Screw their stupid short sighted ideology that is bases on pure hypocrisy

Sounds more like Vegans make you feel guilty, going off on a tangent without being provoked lol. 

No lol. The hypocrisy makes me angry. I have not nor ever will feel guilty about eating food whether plant based or animal bases. The word itself is provocation enough for me.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Eagle367 said:
FIT_Gamer said:

Sounds more like Vegans make you feel guilty, going off on a tangent without being provoked lol. 

No lol. The hypocrisy makes me angry. I have not nor ever will feel guilty about eating food whether plant based or animal bases. The word itself is provocation enough for me.

What hypocrisy? 

FIT_Gamer said:
Eagle367 said:

No lol. The hypocrisy makes me angry. I have not nor ever will feel guilty about eating food whether plant based or animal bases. The word itself is provocation enough for me.

What hypocrisy? 

This hypocrisy:

Cows,goat>chickens>fish>plants in terms of which life matters most.

The self-righteous crusade of thinking you are superior to meat eaters for some reason.

The notion that eating meat and killing animals for food is morally wrong. 

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

I categorize food into the same as the food pyramid. Fish isn't dairy, a vegetable, a bread, or a fruit. Therefore, it is meat.