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Is fish a meat?

Yes 266 88.08%
No 30 9.93%
Huh, never thought about that 6 1.99%

I didn't know that some people don't consider fish as meat o:

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I wonder if Mermen think the same thing about Cows....

Ultrashroomz said:
Nutrition wise, it's good for your brain and less fattening compared to pork and beef, but it's still meat.

Actually, well-cut beef is a lot less fattening than salmon, for instance. If you want the meager fish meats, you should go for cod, halibut and similar fish (salmon has 120-130% more calories than cod and halibut and about 8 times as much fat, in addition salmon slightly less protein than cod and it often tastes a lot like fish oil if not cooked well/right.

The difference between cut beef here and salmon is about 5% fat for the beef and 13-15% fat for salmon, depending on season.

it's like with tomatoes biologically being fruits, but in cuisine they serve the role of a veggie.

Mushroom is alien meat

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Zoombael said:
Eat rocks. The only way to make sure you dont consume products of sth that is or was alive.

Algae though. You're eating them and their homes.




I have always seen it as meat. Flesh from a living animal that (generally) needs to be cooked and cleaned.

Meat is the the flesh of an animal. Fish are animals, so yes it's meat. It's not even debatable.

Luke888 said:
Of course Fish is meat, it's a far healthier one but it's still meat...

Not really. At least not here in the U.S. 60% of fish consumed here is farm raised. Which they pump full of antibiotics and other carcinogenic chemicals. They also also have less Omega-3 fatty acids than wild fish. So it actually increases your cancer risk.

It's meat, but it's different kind of meat. When people say meat, they usually mean either red meat or meat from a non-water animal.