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Forums - General Discussion - Colin Moriarty is back

potato_hamster said:
VGPolyglot said:

Well, the alternative is global warming destroying human civilization as we know it, so I'd say that we don't really have much of a choice.

There's a false dichotomy if there ever was one.

Even Forbes, a pro-business website, has posted on the hazards of capitalism:

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VGPolyglot said:
Aura7541 said:

Meritocracy is sexist, though :^)

I remember you talking about the US being crony capitalist/corporatist, but it seems like you're defending it right here. Do you think it's a meritocracy, or do you not?

I make a playful sarcastic comment and you think I support a system that I am strongly against. I can't even...

Also, the whole context of that post was me stating that corporations should not influence politicians and the government should be more of a referee that punishes companies that cheat/break the law and break up monopolies in order to maintain a meritocracy so the corporations don't just sit on their laurels. This is why proofreading and context, both aspects where you are not well-versed at, are important.

potato_hamster said:
VGPolyglot said:

The vast majority of rich people get rich by feeding off the labour of the workers.

That is ridiculously simplistic.

Well, this is a video game forum, I'm hoping that you're not looking for a full-on essay from me, especially when I'm talking to people who are not going to change their minds no matter what I say. I'm just engaging with you and the others because it's hard for me to just read these posts and say nothing.

VGPolyglot said:
potato_hamster said:

... yes. Many times people work harder to ensure that their children are better off. Now those children should be punished for their parents hard work over some utopian sense of "fairness"? Life isn't fair. Some people will always be born with advantages over others, whether it's Michael Phelps (physicial advantages), Donald Trump (wealth advantages), or Neil DeGrasse Tyson (intellectual advantages(. That will never change.

You talk as if poor people don't work hard.

As the son of a man who grew up poor and malnourished, and used to regularly go 24 hours without eating so he could afford to attend university, all of which was funded by an inadequate student loan program that forced him to work part-time while taking one of the most intellectually demanding and time consuming degrees in the country, I find that insulting. My father worked as hard as he did to get ahead in life to ensure that his children would never ever have to endure what he did.

I know about how hard poor people work, I assure you.

VGPolyglot said:
potato_hamster said:

That is ridiculously simplistic.

Well, this is a video game forum, I'm hoping that you're not looking for a full-on essay from me, especially when I'm talking to people who are not going to change their minds no matter what I say. I'm just engaging with you and the others because it's hard for me to just read these posts and say nothing.

There's a difference between writing a full-on essay, and making post after post that indicates that you don't have the slightest idea of how the world actually functions, and spout nonsencal utopian ideas that have no merit even being mentioned to anyone outside of an introduction to philosophy classroom.

The ideas you continue to post have absolutely no merit. Expanding upon them isn't going to add any type of credibility to your arguments.

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VGPolyglot said:
Lawlight said:

Your housework article has no source for the actual study because I'd really like to see how they got that information and what they categorise as housework.

Here's one that used data from the Multinational Time Use Study:

Unfortunately you have to be a registered user to get the MTU data. I can see though that the data does not include items that are generally considered for men like mowing the lawn, weeding, sweeping the outdoors. I would really like to know the context of everything instead of taking it at face value. I'll try to register later if it's free to see for myself.

Aura7541 said:
VGPolyglot said:

I remember you talking about the US being crony capitalist/corporatist, but it seems like you're defending it right here. Do you think it's a meritocracy, or do you not?

I make a playful sarcastic comment and you think I support a system that I am strongly against. I can't even...

Also, the whole context of that post was me stating that corporations should not influence politicians and the government should be more of a referee that punishes companies that cheat/break the law and break up monopolies in order to maintain a meritocracy so the corporations don't just sit on their laurels. This is why proofreading and context, both aspects where you are not well-versed at, are important.

I know your context from what you've posted, because I've seem to become a favourite of yours and so I read of lot fo your responses to me. The first time we spoke to each other was over discrimination in the United States, and you made it clear that you don't think that certain groups are disciminated against by the United States government, so if you believe that systematice discrimination does not exist I'm not exactly sure what you're opposing. Also, I don't believe that you're strongly against the system: you don't want capitalism abolished, you don't want wealth to be redistributed, you don't (to my knowledge) want the liquidation of the United States, etc.

VGPolyglot said:
potato_hamster said:

There's a false dichotomy if there ever was one.

Even Forbes, a pro-business website, has posted on the hazards of capitalism:

Well it's a good thing we never have and never will live in a pure capitalist society, and thus fear mongering articles such as that one have no merit.

potato_hamster said:
VGPolyglot said:

Well, this is a video game forum, I'm hoping that you're not looking for a full-on essay from me, especially when I'm talking to people who are not going to change their minds no matter what I say. I'm just engaging with you and the others because it's hard for me to just read these posts and say nothing.

There's a difference between writing a full-on essay, and making post after post that indicates that you don't have the slightest idea of how the world actually functions, and spout nonsencal utopian ideas that have no merit even being mentioned to anyone outside of an introduction to philosophy classroom.

The ideas you continue to post have absolutely no merit. Expanding upon them isn't going to add any type of credibility to your arguments.

I'm not looking for a utopia. Of course there'll always be problems. I'm just looking for a world where there isn't massive amounts of food wasted while millions of people are starving, and where people are hoarding billions that they'll never spend while others can't afford to pay their rent.

potato_hamster said:
VGPolyglot said:

Even Forbes, a pro-business website, has posted on the hazards of capitalism:

Well it's a good thing we never have and never will live in a pure capitalist society, and thus fear mongering articles such as that one have no merit.

What do you define as a pure capitalist society?