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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jim Sterling’s site under attack after Zelda: BotW review

Alkibiádēs said:
naruball said:

You may disagree with what he said, but I sure don't.

First of all let me just say that I'm not a big Souls fan. BUT! The long loading times and the fact that I had to replay an entire level made me enjoy the game more because I was terrified of the enemies and the adrenaline was sky high when I was about to die (or in a dark alley). Not only would I have to play the same level, I'd have to wait for an entire minute to play again.

Then there are Tekken 6 loading times. I hated those. Absolutely hated them. They weren't punishment for losing, just having to wait to fight the next opponent.

As for Zelda and repetitiveness(?), it's one of the things that really bug me. They scream low budget to me which is almost ok when it comes to indie/Japanese games but inexcusable in AAA games. Doesn't matter if it's my favourite or least favourite game. Skippable or not. I just don't like them.

So, in my opinion he's absolutely right and not biased at all. I tend to disagree with him, just not in this case.

Zelda's loading times are nowhere near a minute. Entering a shrine maybe takes 10 seconds max. There are also frequent check points, so you never lose a lot of progress. The point special is trying to make is that he let Bloodborne off the hook for its loading times,  but gives Breath of the Wild harsh criticism despite it having much faster loading times. It's obvious to anyone that he wanted to give the game a lower score than most critics from the get go. Now he can play the victim and make another episode from it. The guy's just a big drama queen. 

The cutscenes are hidden loading times, you expect Nintendo to make 120 different cutscenes for each shrine? Jezus Christ... That doesn't scream low budget, but knowing where your priorities lie. I swear, people complain about everything these days. 

Hpw about you let people like what they like and not like what they don't? No one is forcing you to like things you don't no matter how much sense it makes to them and not to you.

People really think they're the centre of the universe. If something goes against their opinion, it's wrong and it goes against common sense. In reality, far from it. I already explained why for me it's not about how long the loading times are, but whether they make sense (for me) in the game.

Feel free to have your own opinion but don't act like it's anything more than it is, i.e. your opinion.

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sc94597 said:
archer9234 said:

Do you know if Jim found the stamina system in Skyrim hampering, in the equal way, that BOTW does it? Could it be, because of other factors, that  compounded onto the stamina system, he ended up hating it more. VS Skyrim, it didn't amplify the issue. You really can't expect people to have the same score, for another game.

Take this. BOTW requires you to use the slate, to see your world markers. Skyrim uses clarvoyance. Both games don't just have the markers visibale, all the time. Which game does it more annoyingly. BOTW.

The question is one of credibility and consistency. I expect both when I adhere to a reviewer's opinions. You can't for one game ignore a fault that is present in another. Skyrim's issues with movement are much more general than in BOTW's. You are slower with respect to the size of the world, and you have fewer means to alleviate this slowness. This never bothered Jim Sterling when he reviewed the game. Alternatively, Jim's gripes about limited stamina early on in BOTW are much more local to a specific point in progression and function. They are much less debalitating overall to the game's experience. He might disagree with my perspective of this, but he then needs to justify it in order to remain credible , otherwise his review is just one of kneejerk feelings, which is okay in so much as he advertises it as such, but when he frames it as if all other reviewers are missing what he sees, yet fails to give a compelling justification it comes off as terribly uncredible and inconsistent to his past values, and I don't respect that in the reviewers I subscribe to. Hence, unsubscribed. 

Can you really be consistant with two different game systems? Perhaps the reason why you wouldn't find the slowdown's in Skyrim annoying. Is because your aren't taunted, like BOTW does. You have limited means of counteracting stuff, in Skyrim. But, does it stare you in the face. And cause you small pecks of annoyances? I remeber Skyrim's limitations. And I belive BOTW is more annoying. Because of the fact, it pecks at every little area. VS Skyrim.

You have this limit. And you can't change nothing. Till you get a certain upgrade. But, aren't flooded with inventory screens. You have one. And everything shares it. VS BOTW. It's broken up. You are menu diging more, than in Skyrim. While in a fight. VS drop this, equip this to this hand, or that hand. You have to confirm bows, and swords, in two menus. What for?

I think the game would aliviate the complaints. If a weapon broke. It automatically select the next best weapon, you have. So that you don't interupt your fighting.

specialk said:
naruball said:

You may disagree with what he said, but I sure don't.

First of all let me just say that I'm not a big Souls fan. BUT! The long loading times and the fact that I had to replay an entire level made me enjoy the game more because I was terrified of the enemies and the adrenaline was sky high when I was about to die (or in a dark alley). Not only would I have to play the same level, I'd have to wait for an entire minute to play again.

Then there are Tekken 6 loading times. I hated those. Absolutely hated them. They weren't punishment for losing, just having to wait to fight the next opponent.

As for Zelda and repetitiveness(?), it's one of the things that really bug me. They scream low budget to me which is almost ok when it comes to indie/Japanese games but inexcusable in AAA games. Doesn't matter if it's my favourite or least favourite game. Skippable or not. I just don't like them.

So, in my opinion he's absolutely right and not biased at all. I tend to disagree with him, just not in this case.

Yeah I just think it is interesting how we overblow flaws in things that we didn't like but look past them in thinks that we do like. We all do it.

Personally I overlook having to mash X when entering a shrine in Breath of the Wild because discovering and solving shrines is some of the most fun I've had playing a video game in years.

I don't have the same love for Bloodborne, so the load times and general clunkiness bother me more than they might in a game like Zelda. 

I'm afraid that was the opposite of my point. I said I don't particularly like Souls games and I don't mind waiting for a minute because I see it as part of the punishment for dying. Tekken 6 was my first platinum, a game of a franchise that I've loved since I first played Tekken 3 when I was around 10. Yet the loading times of Tekken 6 bother me (despite loving the game). They bother me because they make no sense in the game.

In other words, my point was that it's not always about fanboyism or (in this case) how long the waiting time is, but why I'm waiting for something in the game. I don't like difficulty in simple, fun games like Megaman. I like it in Souls games because it bonds well with the atmosphere.

Stuff like this is one of the many reasons why I take professional reviews with a pinch of salt, especially when they're reviews of heavily hyped games with "enthusiastic" fanbases.

The way these fanboys reacted was totally predictable and should not have come as a surprise to anyone. But it makes me wonder how many other reviewers out there are too scared of the backlash to give honest scores to games like these. Sterling might have been honest with his review, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were a bunch of other people who wanted to give it the same score but erred on the side of caution and gave it an 8.

I won't defend the people attacking his site but not totally against it either. Sterling is a troll. He is proud to troll and pushes his trolling all the time. He trolled with the 5/10 for VanQuish. He just likes to troll. I like Warriors games but he awards them perfect 10's. So yeah. He just cries when he reaped what he sewed. The people attacking him are wrong and two wrongs don't make a right.

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Why do people care what this dumbass has to say? I took one look at this dude years ago and knew I would listen to him.

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

When people has to defend a review, you know how bad it is.

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Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

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Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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RolStoppable said:
Azuren said:
The Motion puzzles alone were enough to justify a knock down from 98.

Not to mention that the button configuration was different to PlayStation games.

Nintendo pioneered rolling the button from sprint to jump with Mario, so I don't know what you're going on about.

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archer9234 said:

Can you really be consistant with two different game systems? Perrhaps the reason why you wouldn't find the slow downs in Skyrim annoying. Is because your aren't taunted, like BOTW does. You have limited means of counteracting stuff, in Skyrim. But, does it stare you in the face. And cause you small pecks of annoyances? I remeber Skyrim's limitations. And I belive BOTW is more annoying. Because of the fact, it pecks at every little area. VS Skyrim. You have this limit. And you can't change nothing. Till you get a certain upgrade. But, aren't flooded with inventory screens. You have one. And everything shares it. VS BOTW. It's broken up. You are menu diging more, than in Skyrim. While in a fight. VS drop this, eqiip this to this hand, or that hand. You have to confirm bows, and swords, in two menus. What for?

You can be consistent about the justifications underlying the criticisms. I found neither system annoying. Elder Scrolls games always start with slow movement, it is part of the ambiance of the world. But I understand why some people were annoyed by movement in Skyrim (and yes they existed), especially because you couldn't change it too much. Morrowind did it much better by allowing you to (passively) upgrade movement speed as a skill so that you could actually feel the function of the upgrades. I think BOTW also does this. In the beginning you are slower and need to worry about weather constraints. By the end, you don't care because you've upgraded your stamina so that it is more expendable. The criticism I think Jim justified the best (surrounding this issue) in his review is that it is ugly being placed above the character, but in the grand scope of things that seems trivial. 

As for inventory screens, I have played the PC version of Skryim so I had the best UI possible in that game via mods. BOTW's inventory system is a flaw, and should have been better polished. It is my one moderate gripe with the game. But even that became less of an issue later on when I became comfortable with the quick menus. I don't see how any of this is relevant to the stamina complaints, however. They are two separate things. 

RolStoppable said:
Azuren said:

Nintendo pioneered rolling the button from sprint to jump with Mario, so I don't know what you're going on about.

You wanted B to confirm and X to cancel.

That was merely a suggestion to make it work.


At the end of the day, any combination that places the jump and sprint buttons next to each other would work out.

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