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archer9234 said:

Can you really be consistant with two different game systems? Perrhaps the reason why you wouldn't find the slow downs in Skyrim annoying. Is because your aren't taunted, like BOTW does. You have limited means of counteracting stuff, in Skyrim. But, does it stare you in the face. And cause you small pecks of annoyances? I remeber Skyrim's limitations. And I belive BOTW is more annoying. Because of the fact, it pecks at every little area. VS Skyrim. You have this limit. And you can't change nothing. Till you get a certain upgrade. But, aren't flooded with inventory screens. You have one. And everything shares it. VS BOTW. It's broken up. You are menu diging more, than in Skyrim. While in a fight. VS drop this, eqiip this to this hand, or that hand. You have to confirm bows, and swords, in two menus. What for?

You can be consistent about the justifications underlying the criticisms. I found neither system annoying. Elder Scrolls games always start with slow movement, it is part of the ambiance of the world. But I understand why some people were annoyed by movement in Skyrim (and yes they existed), especially because you couldn't change it too much. Morrowind did it much better by allowing you to (passively) upgrade movement speed as a skill so that you could actually feel the function of the upgrades. I think BOTW also does this. In the beginning you are slower and need to worry about weather constraints. By the end, you don't care because you've upgraded your stamina so that it is more expendable. The criticism I think Jim justified the best (surrounding this issue) in his review is that it is ugly being placed above the character, but in the grand scope of things that seems trivial. 

As for inventory screens, I have played the PC version of Skryim so I had the best UI possible in that game via mods. BOTW's inventory system is a flaw, and should have been better polished. It is my one moderate gripe with the game. But even that became less of an issue later on when I became comfortable with the quick menus. I don't see how any of this is relevant to the stamina complaints, however. They are two separate things.