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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anyone wish Breath of the Wild would double down on survival elements?

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Survival elements in BotW?

Perfect as is 37 56.92%
More, please 4 6.15%
Remove them altogether 12 18.46%
See results 12 18.46%

Maybe with a different mode, but the core game is perfect as it. It has really evolved into something I hope to see continue with future games, perfect balance of old and new.

That said, I feel like adding more survival stuff without an extra option could give the game an identity crisis. It still feels like Zelda and has that Zelda charm...lets not get too worried about the what ifs and enjoy it for what it is.

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

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Bman54 said:
I hate survival elements in any game, and BotW is no different.

This. It's just an annoyance that distracts from the actual game. It seems moderate in Breath of the Wild though from what I heard in this thread.

Cloudman said:
Wyrdness said:


That's awesome!!! I can't wait to do that!

Hope you can redecorate the house and put furniture!

TruckOSaurus said:
I think BotW strikes the perfect balance right now, add more and you're constantly "babysitting" your character and it would get in the way of exploration.

Exactly. Make it more complex and it would most likely become tedious. 


It's perfect the way it is.

Barozi said:
Bman54 said:
I hate survival elements in any game, and BotW is no different.

This. It's just an annoyance that distracts from the actual game. It seems moderate in Breath of the Wild though from what I heard in this thread.

Yeah, there's not a whole lot in BotW, but I'd still be happier without it.

Around the Network
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Like many of you, I've been lost in the haze of Zelda for the last 72 hours. I find myself increasingly avoiding the main story just to explore, forage, mine, and cook. I really enjoy the survival elements in the game — wearing special clothing to survive the elements, eating flora and fauna to recover lost hearts, etc.

Yet I wonder what the game would be like if Aonuma et al. had focused even more intently on survival aspects, requiring, for example, Link to seek shelter or build fires in poor weather or Link to constantly stay hydrated or nourished. What if bee stings required aloe treatment or bleeding required gauze? Stuff like that.

What do you think? Too much? Doesn't belong? Might be cool?

Metal Gear Solid 3 did a lot of this, and frankly, it was too tedious. It lost its novelty pretty fast and slowed the game down too much for my liking. Many of those elements went away in Metal Gear Solid 4 , Peace Walker and 5 as a result.

vivster said:
No thanks. I already damn the game to hell when it starts raining. Want to climb that mountain right now? Fuck you! Want to finish this golem who you started to fight in sunny weather? Fuck You!

bomb arrows.. get güd... no but seriously.. bomb arrows

3DS FC# 4553-9947-9017 NNID: Bajablo

Torn-City - MMO text based RPG, join me! :)

The survival elements are fine, I just wish the resistance buffs would last a bit longer. I went through almost a page of prepared frost resistance food while scaling the mountain. And ofcourse you only find heat resistance ingredients up there and without a cooking pot you can't make anymore anyway. So eventually I had to jump off the mountain not to die when I ran out. 6 minute buffs are nothing, some fights can last half an hour...

Btw is it possible to carry a cooking pot around? Or will carrying a torch keep me warm on the move. (I didn't have room in the inventory to also take torches, yet can carry 2 tons of food!)

potato_hamster said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Like many of you, I've been lost in the haze of Zelda for the last 72 hours. I find myself increasingly avoiding the main story just to explore, forage, mine, and cook. I really enjoy the survival elements in the game — wearing special clothing to survive the elements, eating flora and fauna to recover lost hearts, etc.

Yet I wonder what the game would be like if Aonuma et al. had focused even more intently on survival aspects, requiring, for example, Link to seek shelter or build fires in poor weather or Link to constantly stay hydrated or nourished. What if bee stings required aloe treatment or bleeding required gauze? Stuff like that.

What do you think? Too much? Doesn't belong? Might be cool?

Metal Gear Solid 3 did a lot of this, and frankly, it was too tedious. It lost its novelty pretty fast and slowed the game down too much for my liking. Many of those elements went away in Metal Gear Solid 4 , Peace Walker and 5 as a result.

I actually really enjoyed that stuff in MGS3. I liked the trifecta of stealth, survival, and action.

Veknoid_Outcast said:
potato_hamster said:

Metal Gear Solid 3 did a lot of this, and frankly, it was too tedious. It lost its novelty pretty fast and slowed the game down too much for my liking. Many of those elements went away in Metal Gear Solid 4 , Peace Walker and 5 as a result.

I actually really enjoyed that stuff in MGS3. I liked the trifecta of stealth, survival, and action.

It was just so contrived though. Arrow stuck in your skull? Ohh just pull it out, pour some ointment on it, jam a bandage on it, and eat a calorie mate and you're good as new. It was more realistic than nothing, but it's so unrealistic that it's annoying and tedious because it didn't really do anything meangingful. It was just a zero sum system that didn't really enhance the experience and quickly felt like a chore.