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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony Innovation and Power in one

Alkibiádēs said:
o_O.Q said:


that's like me saying that because gta 5 implemented various significant changes to the feature set of the franchise that its innovative (which is the case with regards to the franchise )


but somehow i'm sure games like gta don't really factor in with regards to your claims about what is innovative and what is not

How about you play a 3D Mario game first before you claim it hasn't changed in 20 years. 


the point i'm making is that mechanics change within all game franchises, but for some reason that fact is only acknowledged in nintendo games by some people

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MS havnt produced a successful new IP since Gears 10 years ago.. wasnt Ori released acouple years ago.
Sony have had the poorest innovations. They copy and paste from others and that shows though out there history. In fact Sonys strenght has always been about power from the start. They just failed to make the most powerful console until the PS4. Look at there innovations, they recycled the same controller for 3 generations. Not exactly being innovative.

o_O.Q said:
h2ohno said:

'Thrown the concept into the dustbin?'  So why were wiimotes still supported throughout the Wii U's life cycle and why are the joy cons evolved the Wii concept?  For that matter, the Switch is very much an evolution of the Wii U. It's what the Wii U should have been in the first place.

Innovation involves some level of change from what came before.  It can be good or bad.  Simply evolving a concept is not innovative, otherwise games good be called innovative just for having better graphics than before.  The lock-on targeting system in Ocarina of time was innovative because it was a new solution which solved a longstanding problem.  The Wii was iinovative because it introduced a new way to play, regardless of whether that way of playing is still being used , today, which it is.


"The Wii was iinovative because it introduced a new way to play, regardless of whether that way of playing is still being used"


no innovation refers to changes that remain in whatever context the word is being invoked in and no i  don't consider about 2% of games using it in a meaningful way as support


" Simply evolving a concept is not innovative"


well actually yes that is what innovation is by definition

Miriam Webster definition of innovation.

  1. 1:  the introduction of something new

  2. 2:  a new idea, method, or device

funny.  i don't see any mention of evolution.  only new.
The business definition of innovation is somewhat different, apparently.  Business dictionary's divides the concept into both evolutionary and revolutionary categories.
1. Evolutionary innovations (continuous or dynamic evolutionary innovation) that are brought about by many incremental advances in technology or processes and
2. revolutionary innovations (also called discontinuous innovations) which are often disruptive and new.
It also adds "Innovation is synonymous with risk-taking and organizations that create revolutionary products or technologies take on the greatest risk because they create new markets."
Under the business definition, innovation can be both evolutionary and revolutionary, but it still involved taking risks.  Under the overall definition, it only applies to that which is new.
you are applying different standards and even then twisting the facts to meet those different standards.  Motion controls are here to stay and will continue to be used by Nintendo for many games, and they will be used for the other consoles as well.  And even if they really were being done away with, the disruption they caused in 2006 still fits the definition of an innovation to a tee

There is a special reason why Playstation is called "The Best Place To Play".

Sony definitely isn't as innovating as Nintendo.

However, their innovation isn't what attracts millions of users. Their hardware isn't the main point either.

The playstation is simply a solid console. Barely anyone hates the UI, the system isn't weak, and there's little to criticize about it.

You rarely get support by focusing on one section only. Doing so turns you into a niche.

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Hiku said:
The_BlackHeart__ said:

Hardware wise:

In one hand we have Microsoft, the company that believes power can fix their problems. Scorpio will be indeed the must powerful console on the market.

In the other hand we have Nintedo, the company that believes power shouldn't even be considered as a selling point, and puts all their chips on features.

This sounds like the backstory of some gods struggle to shape the world in an RPG.


Hahaha, I may have gone a little bit dramatic in the OP, I get it XD

It almost feels like the thread title and the thread itself is two different topics o.O
At any rate... innovation? nah.
Power? maybe

What they do have is a strong third party support (unlike Nintendo), western and japanese (unlike Microsoft) alike
They also have some heavy hitting first party titles to back it up.

pokoko said:

I wouldn't have it any other way, to be honest.  I play games, not hardware.  I want the platform to actually be a platform, not the focus.  The "lets try this gimmick next" approach can screw off, especially when all it does is provide new ways to make the same old characters jump on things.

When I buy a PC, I buy a black box that does nothing but improve upon the previous black box, which in turn provides the software room to grow and improve.

Thank you for this

Sonys the best because they have third parties on lock, have a truly AAA first party portfolio and actually keeps exclusives specific to that platform (games that you HAVE to buy the console for because it's not available anywhere else). They dabble in experimental features (share play, PSNow) and typically offer excellent price/performance with each console and you can also feel safe knowing that their home consoles will be supported for at least 8+ years after launch.

Innovative? Idk about that. What I can tell you though is there hasn't really been any gaming fads that have come and gone that PlayStation gamers were left out of. The epitome of gaming can be had on PlayStation, and you know you won't get left behind.

Epic created and made gears of war successful not Microsoft. They simple bought the IP years later.